Chapter 17: Poisonous Feeling

My eyes followed the demon lord, who tapped his finger on the book I held.

"You found a nice marker to use while you read." He smirked.

I nodded. "I like it, and it isn't like you're using it anymore."

A soft chuckle left his lips. "They shed from time to time."

Oh, you look happier than I thought… you'd…

His reaction made my cheeks burn hot.

"Hm…" I gazed away, unable to hold the emotion within me.

What is this?

Walking behind me, he glanced at the book I was reading. There were ingredients all around, scattered on the wooden table, too.

"Studying potions today?" he mumbled.

I gave a soft shrug, "Yes, they're simple to do. At least one thing I understand from Rizak." I sighed.

The books were all written in a unique language; however, I could understand everything even though I didn't know how to write it, another thing Rizak was trying to teach me.

It's another blessing Serena gave me. That goddess keeps on giving.

"Heh, you'll get it. Sorry to rush, but can I kiss you?" Finn asked, triggering me to gaze at him.

Oi! Don't ask me like that! You're way too chill about this!

I was bothered by it all the while, which was odd because it felt good to kiss him.

But perhaps that's the problem.

"It's a chore for you, isn't it?" I mumbled, watching those same cold blue eyes.

My concern caused him to chuckle again. I didn't notice when his tail caused the chair to tilt to him, triggering a soft squeal to leave me before I was suddenly facing his sapphire gaze. His smile got even more defined after my sudden burst.

"Did you think I'd let you fall?" he questioned, with a smirk on his lips.

"N-No! I wasn't expecting it!" I grumbled, feeling embarrassed.

Leaning into me, I felt his lips brush against mine before stopping.

"You're the best chore I currently have," Finn breathed, triggering me to grab onto his cheeks.

This king was hard to read, yet I couldn't let his words sway me. The one with the most to lose from this was me, or at least I believed I did.

"Don't lie. It won't work on me." I simpered, tugging myself up to press my lips onto his.

I lied.

Those words were working, but I wouldn't let him know. A second later, I felt his tongue on mine, triggering an unrelenting warmth to invade. Unable to help myself, I searched for more by sticking my tongue into his mouth, where he allowed me to caress all his features.

A soft moan left him, prompting me to realize how much he enjoyed having me in the commanding seat. However, it wasn't long before he won dominance, leaving me a panting mess when he tugged away from me, licking his lips.

Leaning into my ear, I felt his lips curl upward.

"I never lie." He whispered before letting go of the chair, back where it was.

A second later, he was gone, but not before he shook my heart in ways I never knew it could. Solas once again nested himself on my lap while I felt vulnerable.

Never lie? No… It's a trick. Don't fall for another man's con. Make your own, Sylvia! But… how?

Rizak wasn't back yet, and with my heart thundering like a tropical storm, I couldn't help but reach for the nightshade, angel trumpet, and foxglove flowers.

Do I want to be used and thrown away again? No… I need a way out. I'm tired of letting everyone get the best of me.

After pouring the flowers into the pot, I poured water over them before mashing them together. Placing the poison into a vial, I gazed at it for a while before shaking my head.

Ah… Just what am I doing? It's just like that night. I won't be able to take it even if I feel I'm cornered.

A soft sigh left me before shifting my gaze toward the pup on my lap.

This little one isn't at fault for anything, and I can't take you with me like that.

Solas was blissfully unaware of what I had done.

No… I…

Hearing the door open, in a panic, I quickly hid the potion on a shelf filled with them. Shoving Solas into my bag, I pretended to be deep into a book. Luckily, Rizak was none the wiser when he reached me before bombarding me with another lesson.

After his lecture, I learned how to make different potions for ailments. The tricky part was being in the correct mind space to cast the spell and turn the liquid into something useful.

There's a potion even to cure minor wounds and even blindness!

When the lesson ended, I left Rizak to explore the castle again, with Nyla following me around until dinner. During a conversation between the goblin and the Gael, I stopped feeling like I had forgotten something, but it quickly slipped my mind before I finished the tasty meal.

Once done, I headed for the bedroom, where Finn was waiting again. This became my routine for an entire month. I spent time in the castle these demons called home, and no injury came my way.

For beasts, they have incredible self-control. Well, better than my stepdad ever did. This marks the first time I haven't had a bruise on my skin. There is not a single ache. How odd does it feel?

Rizak consumed my mornings, while Finn used his free time for me at night. Learning from the demon king felt more accessible than with the owl; all the while, Solas grew from the tiny bean he once was.

You're the size of a full-grown golden retriever, yet no words out of you.

His personality was showing, and I couldn't imagine my life without him in it anymore.

My partner in crime is glued to me by the hip. I never thought I'd feel this much love for something in such a short time.

In many ways, this pup spoiled me rotten.

I probably won't be able to sleep if you aren't around anymore.

Whenever I reached for something, the pup handed it to me whenever he could. Rizak's lessons became more complicated when he dove into enchantments, symbols that increased human strength and abilities when painted onto the skin.

They were much like the ones I saw in the circles that summoned us here.

Most humans tattooed these sigils onto their skin. It was the only way they would keep up with demons that feasted on their power to make it their own, which was why the owl was determined, and I learned how to do them.

"You never know when you'll need to fend off a demon or a human." Rizak huffed, ruling my studies with an iron fist before letting me free.

Thankfully, Finn's seamstress, a spider lady, better known as Arachne, was available to make me clothes that fit my style.

The dresses were beautiful, but I preferred comfier clothes to wear. Nothing beats shorts and a T-shirt.

Sadly, the winter breeze made it impossible to use, so I wore sweatpants more than anything else. The creeper crawler, Phoebe, was nice enough to allow me to adjust to her appearance. I didn't mean to be rude, but I hid the entire time behind Nyla.

She had a humanoid torso, but her eyes were purple, like her hair and crawler parts.

All eight of them felt like they were staring into my soul.

However, unlike the rest of her, her human skin was grey. Yet, I was left in awe when I saw her magic. Colorful shimmers surrounded us while she tailored my wishes into a reality, making clothes out of silk or any material provided in the blink of an eye.

With that, she made me a beautiful sweater, baggy pants, and a fur-hooded cloak to wear when it got too cold. We ended up with so many different variants that many didn't fit into the closet I had, something that was quickly remedied with a little bit of enchantment, thanks to Rizak.

Before I knew it, I was surrounded by things I never had. I was used to hand-me-downs from Evelyn, which usually had holes. This entire month stunned me since I never knew I could smile as much or even feel this way.

Yet, in the moments of silence, the fear of losing it all grew even more. The only thing I could do to keep myself in place was to remind men that this was temporary. Even though Finn kissed me every morning and night, it didn't change the look in his eyes.

My heart felt like a storm was festering inside me, even though everyone was friendly.

I'm still in pieces and don't know how to assemble it.

In all this time, I had gotten no closer to figuring out what happened in this castle. Everyone kept their lips tight; even Rizak's slip-ups weren't helpful. Feeling extra yucky from writing enchanting sigils on me, I took an early shower.

Nyla wasn't around, so I went in with Solas instead of informing her. Taking off my clothes, I placed them in a basket nearby, making it easier on the little goblin.

I can wash my clothes, you know.

That was an argument she didn't let me win, though I still wasn't used to people doing things for me. Even Gael argued whenever I told him he didn't need to cook for me. However, there were days when he wasn't around; I'd make food with any ingredients I found.

Finn caught me yesterday and told me to cook for him, too. He curiously watched me while I made a stew for us. I found the entire thing silly, as my food wouldn't help him like Gael's. Yet, the cheeky demon said he liked mine better.

Such a liar...

However, that was the first time anyone had complimented my food so bluntly, making me happier than I'd ever admit. I had never had such a good meal as the one I ate with him, leaving me wondering if that was how families were supposed to be.

These monsters were slowly filling all I missed.

More than any human…

These emotions that were developing within me were dangerous. I had to stay strong until I knew the truth about what happened there, yet I couldn't help but care for all of them. Finn, especially, was becoming an irreplaceable presence.

No matter how hard I tried, my thoughts traveled toward him more than I wished. The demon couldn't know he was winning my heart.

I don't know if it's love or something else, and I don't want to know. But... I know it's a matter of time until I give in. Arg! You have me in the palm of your hand! I must do something about it!

Releasing a sigh, I placed my bag and the book about the sigils I could use on my body next to the bin. Solas always went with me into the stalls where I washed the pup, who loved to dive into the inks with me.

It's always a priority to keep his fur snow-white!

After showering, I turned off the water, only to hear the door open and close. Not knowing who was there, I hid in my stall, hoping they would leave. Yet when they spoke, my heart wanted to come out of my throat.

"So, M'lord, when will we see the saint? My birdies say she's a beauty." A voice I had never heard echoed down the room, freezing me where I was.

Crap! Crap!

"In time." Finn sighed.

Oh… I'm fucked! I should've told Nyla!

It never hit me why she always wanted me to tell her whenever I used it.

This is the king's bathroom! Of course, you'll use it too! I'm such an idiot!

I had never used the giant pool in the middle, but it did seem like a nice place to spend time.

Why didn't I think of it before?! A demon's perfect spa!

Nyla once briefly mentioned that, on occasion, others would join him in the bath. Even though I had the guts to walk out and confront them, I didn't while I was naked. Solas was my only cover, as I had left the towel by my bag.

Luckily, the stalls were separated from the pool in front. Sadly, there was no other way out, and where I was would be the first place they'd go before the pool.

Fuck... I'm fucked!