Chapter 76: A Small Light In All The Darkness

Pain and anger were something I was so used to, so I knew why they didn't care about the end of everything.

My stepdad used to let his anger rule him to the point where he beat me senselessly. Then there is you, whose anger blinds you to the point you can't see past your revenge. Ah, damn it, I can't believe Soren's right about that.

All the people you hate are gone now. Do they deserve your rage? Probably, but the sins of who their parents were don't justify death. If it did, then I… I would be… Would you agree if I died because of that?

That was a question I couldn't ask as I witnessed these demons' thirst for blood. The generals were eager to join the mayhem as the humans prepared to attack us.

"Hey, are you okay?" Astred asked as I remained quietly by Finn's throne as he made his countermeasures.

"This is stupid," I mumbled, shifting my eyes towards her.

"Men usually are." She hummed, turning to them.

Levaira was the only one missing from the table as she was scouting the human's movements.

"Aren't you as bloodthirsty?" I sighed, picking Solas up from the floor.

"I've grown fond of humans as I require an intimate touch to feed. If they are all gone, I won't have that as readily available." Astred shrugged, "Anyways, how's the bump coming along?"

Sebastian's farms are one of the objectives to protect. I don't understand what they say, but I know it must be important.

"It's growing." I shook my head, patty in the slight belly I had developed.

Solas quickly rubbed his head on it as I bit my lip.

"That's good." She hummed, eyes shimmering, turning to the others in the room.

When everything was said and done, the orc was to stay on his farms along with Levaira while the rest of the generals joined Finn in protecting the crystal.

"I doubt the humans will make it that far. The hoards have become restless." Vorex scoffed, only to be slapped in the head by Vabaru.

"I swear, do you ever think before you speak?" The chimera growled.

When someone has nothing to lose and everything to gain, they're dangerous, while we have everything to lose. Since we are on home ground, you may feel comfortable enough to lower your guard, which would be a mistake.

During the meeting, I wished I could do more than appear like a trophy on the side, yet there was nothing I could do or say to change their minds. Having had enough of the blood lust, I stood up only to catch my demon's attention.

Of course, that meant everyone else had their eyes on me, too.

"You okay, love?" Finn asked, closing the gap between us and grabbing my hand.

Why are you so gentle with me while planning the death of everything we know? This is so confusing.

"Yes, I just want to eat something," I mumbled.

No, I feel like I'm falling, Finn, and I don't know how to stop it!

Thos were words I couldn't say without dumping more on him. The gods were silent, and I couldn't do anything to the crystal without destroying everything I loved. If I did anything wrong, I would accomplish the same thing the humans desired.

"Oh, okay." He gazed over to Brielle, who quickly responded with a nod. "Go with Brie, and I'll be with you soon, I promise." He added, touching my cheek.

"It's okay, I'll be okay. Not that powerless anymore." I assured him.

"Still, for my sanity, will you keep her with you?" He breathed.

"Fine," I mumbled, putting Solas in my bag before heading for the door.

All I needed was a moment to breathe without the mention of impending doom at every turn. It also didn't help that my tummy growled more frequently lately. Like always, Nyla was outside waiting for me before making our way to the dining hall.

There, Gael met me with a scowl, which was his usual look lately. When his gaze met mine, he stood up from his chair.

"Hungry?" he asked.

"Kind of," I sighed.

Sebastian's delusional plans for world domination were already getting on my nerves.

All of them look at the short term rather than the long term.

Rizak was the only one wanting to save something in the world. He knew the miasma and the curse would end them all—Finn was also aware of this—yet his blood lust outweighed anything else.

Fathal and Traedan were going to murder each other, and there wasn't a single thing I could do to stop them. Gael prepared a meal for me in the kitchen while I sat there rubbing my belly. It had become a habit I did.

If it's to soothe myself or the baby, I don't know.

I could hear Solas whine inside my bag when I felt a shiver rise from my core.

You can feel my anxiety growing, can't you, Solas?

It wasn't long until I found myself with a small cake in front of me. It was half blue and pink with berries on top. My eyes shifted to Gael, who had placed the beautifully decorated dessert before me.

"Why did you…" I trailed off.

This is…

"Well, it's a little spell my mom used when one of her friends was pregnant. I thought it'd be nice to know if we will have a future king or queen." Gael tried to create chatter.

Solas wasn't the only one who saw my demeanor; even this grumpy incubus was considerate towards me. His words were like knives to my heart, as my negative emotions were starting to surge through my mind, turning everything foggy.

"What's the point? We'll all die tomorrow or the next day, probably. It'll probably die before it even breathes." My voice broke, making him shake his head.

"Oh, little shrimp, we won't die any day soon, and Finn won't let anyone hurt you or us." He assured me.

It made me snap, "That's putting so much on him, which isn't fair! Why does he have to be the one to hold everything? I… I…"

Noticing how it sounded, he sighed, "Fuck, I worded that wrong. It isn't just him. We won't let anything happen to you, Sylvia. You're part of our family now."

"No! That's not what I want, Gael! Who will protect all of you?! You aren't invincible, either! If anything happens to that crystal, I lose all of you!" I growled, clasping onto my chest.

Nyla stood by the door quietly, watching. Everyone knew how dire everything was. If the humans knew what they were doing, they would ensure mutual devastation, destroying the farms and themselves.

That way, all that would be left was the rabid demons roaming this dead world. Even if I was going to be one of the last to die, I didn't want my child to end up in that world.

I… don't know you yet, as you haven't even drawn your first breath, but you deserve a world where there is light! One where you can find love and be loved!

"Shirmp, we'll make it through somehow. We always have and always will." Gael announced, cupping my cheek in his hand.

He was used to being gentle with humans, but something about his touch broke me. Perhaps the hormones were starting to consume me again, but I couldn't keep the tears within me. These people had been through hell and beyond—something I usually forgot because these monsters were more human to me than my kin.

I know you're used to the world burning around you, but what if this time's the one?

To humans, this was the only way to save the majority. As the haze covered the villages of Traedan, more demons emerged with every minute that passed. I understood where their desperation was coming from, but at the same time, they were trying to destroy everything I had.

My home…

Before I knew it, I found myself in the incubus's arms. Usually, he would make a joke about how Finn would kill him for making me cry; however, instead of saying anything snarky this time, he held me.

"It's okay. I have faith it'll be okay." He breathed as Nyla grabbed my hand from the side.

"We'll all be with you." She assured me.

This demon used to be suspicious of me, but I released the darkness under the castle ever since. His eyes, as well as everyone else's eyes, were lighter. The only one who ever gazed at me the same was Brielle, but that was because she sometimes didn't like how I treated her king.

Even so, I knew she would die for me if needed since I carried her king's child. It was why she refused to train me after the pregnancy announcement. Even if Astred weren't against it, she wouldn't have placed that strain on me.

"Sweetheart, I can't promise everything will be fine, but I can swear we will try everything to ensure it will be." Gael comforted me, leaving me weeping in his arms.

I gripped his shirt tightly, unable to hold myself.

"Don't underestimate us. We're more durable than you think." Brielle huffed from the side as I shook my head.

"Not enough!" I cried. "I don't want to see you in pain! You've all had enough of it!"

"It's okay, sweetie. Thank you for caring about us." Gael cooed, holding me tightly against his chest.

Luckily, the tears stopped soon. However, the feeling of a void in my chest remained.

Have I always felt this powerless? No, back in my old world, I was also powerless. The only difference then was I had nothing to lose, while here I… I'm not alone anymore.

After a soft, tender moment with Gael, Nyla, and Brielle, the incubus sat me down as I sniffled, trying to wipe out any rogue tears.

"Come on, try it. Knowing might change your perspective on everything." Gael simpered, pushing the cake at me.

Nyla quickly nodded, handing me a spoon. "Yes, yes, try it. Gael here tried really hard to—"

"Hush, she doesn't need to know that." The incubus growled at the goblin, who giggled. "You're as cute as when you were a kid."

"What?" Gael huffed.

"Cute? Nyla, that brat has nothing cute about him." Brielle cackled from the side.

"Oh, and here I thought you liked him when younger." The little maid shot back, prompting the wolf's cheeks to burn bright.

"Oi! I'm into women. Little men like him aren't of interest to me." Brie snapped like a twig.

"Little man? How about you come here, and I'll show you how little I am?" Gael growled.

Even though a fight was about to break out, I couldn't help but feel relief upon seeing their interaction. Their bickering reminded me of how close these beings used to be before the gloom set in.

Ah… How I wish…

Instead of focusing on them, my eyes returned to the miniature cake before me. Using the spoon, I cut it only to see the yellowish part quickly turn pure baby blue. The room went quiet momentarily as I gazed at Gael, who appeared surprised.

"Oh, fuck, I didn't think it would work." The incubus was lost for words.

His hand was over his mouth, yet his eyes had a glimmer of brightness within them.

"Oh! Oh my gosh! The king's firstborn will be a boy!" Nyla squealed, jumping around the room.

"Ah, he'll be a handful, it seems." Brielle smiled.

"Wha—" the full wowholeouldn't leave me. How—"

I shook my head, unable to fully grasp what they were saying.

"Gael used an old spell some human cooks would use to surprise expecting mothers with their baby's gender. Since we found out you were pregnant, he has been trying hard to perfect it. Of course, he wouldn't tell you that." Nyla informed, leaving me gazing towards the incubus once again.

In this world, there were no sonograms, only magic.

You did this for me? Why? Are you all so kind to me?

"So, I'm having a baby boy?" I whispered, touching my belly.

I didn't know how to react as this had happened too fast to digest. Gael was trying to cheer me up, but I still didn't know if this child had a future.

"Yes, yes! It appears the life within you is a boy! Oh! How exciting! I can't wait to do all the baby clothes!" Nyla clapped, shimmering with joy.

Solas wagged his tail next to me; I hadn't seen him come out of the bag.

"I can't wait to meet them." The pup beamed.

However, their happiness was contagious to me, filling the void within my chest.

You… you're future will be brighter than mine if I…

"I can't wait, too." I simpered, rubbing my abdomen.

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind us, one I had come to know too well. Turning towards Finn, he was walking towards us.

"Came to check on you, love." He smiled, sitting next to me.

"Finn, I…" I trailed off, feeling his fingertips trace my cheek.

A soft hum came from him, "Were you crying?" he asked, gazing at Gael, who flinched.

"I didn't do anything." The incubus sighed, getting up from the table.

I grabbed onto his shirt before he could pull away.

"Thank you." I smiled.

His eyes widened before shaking his head slightly. "Shrimp, I'm glad I could help in something. There has to be some hope in all this gloom."

Hope… Yes… we need hope.

"What?" Finn huffed, yet his eyes would soon meet with…

"Wait… is that?" he questioned, prompting me to glance at him.

"Yes, my lord, you're—" Nyla began.

However, her voice faded into the back when his lips curled upward, revealing the brightest smile I had ever seen this demon have.

"We're having a baby boy?" Finn beamed, gazing at me with the same shimmer of brightness Nyla had.

When he was with the generals, he was a different person. Based on how he spoke with them, he cared little about the world, but it was different for me. I nodded in response to his question, triggering him to cup my cheeks.

The next moment, we weren't in the dining room anymore. Before I knew it, I was surrounded by fluffy covers I had grown to know too well as we were in Finn's room. It was where we usually spent our nights—something I didn't mind.

My demon's scent surrounded me as he towered over me, pressing his forehead on mine.

"You never cease to surprise me, my love. Giving me a boy for the first offspring, what can't you do?" he breathed.

He had been tense in the war room yet was over the moon with the news of an heir. Even so, I felt unsure of everything.

"I didn't do much," I mumbled.

Women always give the X gene. So, you did all the work, and your sperm did well.

However, I was mystified by his cuddliness toward me. He treated me like a plush as Solas rolled beside us.

"You're doing all the work." He chuckled, leaning into my lips and lightly kissing them.

Enjoying the affection he was offering, I relied on it only to tug away soon after.

"You're the one getting all the symptoms, and it was your sperm that made the baby a boy. To me, it sounds like you're doing all the work." I huffed, raising my eyebrows at him.

"I'd rather bare them all than leave it to you alone." He smiled, trailing his fingers on my cheek.

"And you're supposed to be a scary demon? How did you ever get that reputation?" I giggled, pressing my forehead against his again.

Instead of answering me, his lips clashed with mine again, triggering me to wrap my arms around him. Everything was so eerily calm that part of me wanted to escape.

But if I do... No one will want to save my home, an unforgivable sin I can't live with. So… For the first time, I must fight for everything I want without backing down! Even if everything is bleak, I have to carry on for you, my son, and for you, my future husband.