05 Should I call a shaman?

The chilly breeze sliced through the narrow gap, cutting the tension like a blade. Bai Fengyu and Bai Yifan stood face-to-face, their icy, taunting glares locked in a silent standoff, each daring the other to blink and yield.


"What, did I hit a nerve and press on your sore spot?" Bai Fengyu's voice was sharp, dripping with disdain. His words hung in the cold air as though a challenge wrapped in contempt.


Bai Yifan's fists trembled at his sides, but Bai Fengyu's eyebrow barely twitched.


Fengyu, too, had dreamed of becoming a premier scholar and landing a post that would restore their family's lost glory. But the harsh reality left no room for extra burdens on their struggling parents.


Back then, before they were ousted from their ancestral home, the world seemed full of promise, and he and his siblings had equal chances. Now, the path to knowledge felt like a distant horizon, taunting him with unreachable dreams.


Hearing Bai Yifan's scornful taunt, dismissing his sacrifices, felt like a slap in the face. The older brother's anger flared, fueled by the sheer injustice of it all.


"Bastard!" Bai Fengyu's voice cracked, raw with fury. "Don't you see how Mother and Father are suffering? And you whine about petty details? You should be grateful for what you have!"


His rage surged, and he couldn't hold back.


'At least you have them. At least you find some comfort in having them within reach! I can only dream of a chance, and yet you mock and take it for granted!' His teeth ground together, his fists clenched with all his unspoken feelings.


If it was him, he'd cherish the opportunity to his grave!

But it can never be him…


Bai Yifan's eyes narrowed, visibly unsettled by his brother's cold fury, but Bai Fengyu pressed on.


"Those scrolls you mock—Father wrote them by hand, with his trembling fingers from working dawn to dusk. He might not have given you shiny, bound books, but those scrolls are filled with his love and sacrifice. And you dare—"


The furious boy held his breath, shaking with anger.


At this, Bai Yifan turned away, unable to handle his brother's piercing gaze filled with accusations.


He knew the weight of their father's effort, the ink-stained nights, those weary hands that toil against their grim circumstance. But feeling grateful was like swallowing a bitter pill when their dreams remained out of reach.


Was he supposed to be thankful for the silver lining while the storm raged on?


No way.


Bai Yifan's frustration only boiled over, fueled by days of keeping his temper in check. Consequently, their sister's antics had been the final straw. It was all too overwhelming—what could he even do?


Becoming a scholar was no easy feat—more like a blind shot for a poor youth lacking resources, despite having the talent to soak up knowledge.


"As if it were that easy," Bai Yifan muttered through clenched teeth, pushing past his brother and leaving him fuming. "Talk for yourself. You and I aren't the same."


The wind carried his bitterness away, scattering it like fallen leaves outside the window.


The cramped room felt stifling as the three brothers huddled together, the tension hanging heavy over their faces, their patience was fraying like worn threads.


And then there were Bai Feiyin's relentless screams echoing off the walls, gnawing at their sanity. Now they were even at each other's throats.


What a mess.


Unable to take any more bickering, Bai Yehan, who had been silent until now, finally snapped. His voice cut through the chaos like a knife.


"Can't you guys quit yapping?" He covered his ears, shooting a withering glare at his older brothers. "If you two don't want to sleep, let the rest of us get some peace!"


Stunned, the eldest and second brothers exchanged surprised glances. Oh right, they'd almost forgotten Bai Yehan was in the room.


But wait—did their little brother just shout at them?


Their faces twitched, and they glared back.


"Third Brother, just mind your own business and stay away from this. How do you expect us to sleep when Yinyin is making such a racket in the middle of the night?"


"As if we're a dead fish like you, who can sleep anywhere, anytime."


Bai Yehan scoffed, unimpressed with their rants.

"You both seemed so free and full of energy that you'd rather bicker than catch a wink. If the noise bothers you so much, go kick Yinyin's door down and make her shut up. Otherwise, keep your complaints to yourselves. It's already loud enough in here and you are just mixing in!"


He leaned in, eyes flashing with defiance. "Now, if you can't control yourselves and want to keep arguing, just get out and continue your stupid fight outside. I want to rest! Let those of us who need sleep get some peace!"


Bai Yifan and Bai Fengyu exchanged exasperated glances. Their anger did not fade but a blend of reluctant understanding and embarrassment painted their grim faces.


Despite his lack of tact, their younger brother had a point. Besides, dealing with their unruly sibling would take more energy than they were willing to expend.


"Humph," Bai Yifan muttered and rolled his eyes. "No wonder Yinyin and he are two peas in a pod. So annoying."


Meanwhile, Bai Fengyu scratched the back of his neck and averted his eyes in silence. With that, they pulled their blankets over their heads, trying to drown out the cacophony of Bai Feiyin's colorful swearing.


Though the storm inside them raged on, the least they could do now is to pretend to find solace in sleep. None of them wanted to keep arguing and end up waking up with dark circles the next day.


Oblivious to their ruckus, in the dimly lit room across their quarters, the oil lamp flickered, casting long shadows on the old stone walls.




The rhythmic cadence of a child's sobs filled the air, mingling with the flickering flame and occasional wisps of black smoke from its tip.


Bai Wuchen clung to his mother, his small frame was rigid with fear, recalling the previous night when Bai Feiyin had clamped onto him with a strength that threatened to crush his ribs.


Siblings might act close, but not like that—his bones had protested vehemently. Little Chenchen was extremely terrified he'd be squished to death by his sister.


Even now, he could still feel the lingering pain in his bones!


"Waah! Mother, Father! Chenchen is telling the truth, Sister Yinyin is possessed by a ghost! It's Granny Yu's ghost, hic!"


She talks like Rongrong's late Granny and acts like a rogue! If it wasn't his friend's grandma, then who would?


"Mother, Father, Chenchen is so scared! Hug… wu~"


The youngest Bai whimpered from his corner, sharing a room with their parents. His shaky voice recounts his fears about his sister's strange behavior.


Father Bai exchanged a worried glance with his wife. Their once bright daughter had transformed into a profanity-spewing enigma overnight, and her behavior was only getting worse.


How had this happened?


"Honey," Father Bai hesitated, weighing his youngest's words. "Should I… call a shaman tomorrow?"