Gliding across monstrous mountains and an ocean of heaven-defying trees, a modest but flourishing civilization of humans, Elyptis, lay. Surrounded by nature's children and countless animals both domesticated and wild.
Nestled within the heart of the forest which bordered this kingdom laid an ancient ruin, it looked normal and harmless but underneath it was the stronghold of one of the most heinous organisations in the world.
Deep within this hidden camp, a beautiful woman with jet-black eyes and blue clothing paced around the small chamber.
It had been a few days since she was able to find this place and she couldn't help but say she was amazed always.
Scoffing in self-mockery, she couldn't believe that it was always right under their nose but they couldn't catch them.
They were also not to be blamed that much because the survival rate in this forest is less than thirty and only people with no will to live would live here.
...As well as people with evil intentions.
Sighing, she slumped on the bed to hear chains rattling on the ground. She stared at the chains attached to her hands and slowly shook her head.
The time for rest was over and since she had a single day more, she had to finish it.
"...four, three, two, one."
The door opened and a skinny guy walked in with a plate of mashed rice and milk, pretending to be asleep, she had rolled herself into a ball.
She shivered and sobbed silently when the guy got near her and even though his sight was obscured, she could tell that the guy was hesitating to come close to her, nevertheless, being a member of such an organisation taught him something.
He pulled hard on the chains, struggling but eventually pulling her to the ground.
"Eat." He said, glancing at her body for the umpteenth time since he entered the room. He gulped and his eyes reflected the lust burning deep in his soul.
Lewdly, drinking her lithe body, his eyes fell on a reddish bruise which stood out proudly on her skin.
He stared at her milky whimpering body and the reddish ugly bruise, he couldn't help but scowl.
Turning back, he headed to the door and pulled out a bundle of keys from the drawer, getting back to her, he yelled.
"Get up and face me bitch."
The girl shook and rose to meet his height, the guy didn't bother staring at her and unlocked the chains on her hands.
"You owe me one." Glaringly at her at her condescendingly, he walked away and locked the doors, leaving the room dark and full of shadows.
The room was as silent as a grave for a few minutes before muffled sounds popped out once in a while, then not being able to hold it in, peals of laughter erupted in the room.
The shadows danced gleefully in a rhythmic structure as with the laughter making the room seem even more somber.
Her silhouette danced along with the moving shadows like a figure without bones.
"Time to get on with it."
With that, the room grew silent and after a few more seconds, the ceiling window opened and closed gently.
Meanwhile at the heart of the camp which was surrounded by the convoluted cries, whimpers and whips of people, a large room stood.
The room was large enough to fit a hundred people and at the farthest side, stood a cross bar which separated the small office from the rest of the room and in the centre of it stood beds and other necessities.
Seated on a chair in the small office was the man referred to as P, his hair was messy and his clothes looked shabby and on the floor was a teenage girl who whimpered unconsciously.
He stared at the thin piece of paper and his brows creased, pursing his lips to a thin line, he pulled harshly on the bell pull and in came a handsome young man.
He stood by his side gently as he waited for instructions.
"D sent a message. I do not trust that guy but it seems important. Tell me, what is this Princess like?"
His black eyes stared into the brown ones of the handsome young man as he awaited an answer.
"Princess? You mean Princess Elynuella. She's more like a man than a woman. Rumours have it that she's never been courted."
"Mhmm." P scratched his nose and stared at it." Then I guess she is useful. According to D, the Lord wants... Who is there?"
His head jerked sharply to the Eastern side of the room, staring in a particular direction.
Making a gesture to him, the handsome man went to the side noiselessly and checked but there was no one.
P stared at the place for a bit before continuing.
"Just prepare for our departure. And check on the newest fish and report back to me."
He then gestured for the man to leave but he still had the suspicious scowl on his countenance.
The handsome man walked through the camp, wending his way to the chamber where the woman was kept, upon reaching the place, he realized that the guard in charge was missing, raising a brow, he pulled the drawer and pulled out a bunch of keys, trying them all till he eventually opened the metal door which creaked loudly.
When he stepped into the room, he was instantly drawn in by the shadows and the horrid smell of a mixture of human waste and expired food, nevertheless, he didn't budge.
He moved towards the bed and saw no one in sight with the chains lying on the floor.
His scowl got even deeper and when he turned round to investigate, he heard the sound of breathing behind the open gates.
Tilting his head to the side, an amusing smile formed on his lips and when he got to her side, he knelt to match her.
"You would look beautiful when brave." He chuckled and left her there.
Left in the darkness, the woman breathed a sigh of relief. She gulped and stared at the space in front of her as if replaying the events again.
"I am sure he saw me..."