Chapter eight

The crimsons and ebonies in the painting looked at bit garish but Sophia just painted whatever she had felt. After painting a heavily morbid painting, she felt better. Better enough to search for various ways to earn money.

Of course fastest way to earn or burn was by gambling. Most legit of gambling was stock market trading, stone gambling.

Stone gambling was out as she had no idea of where to start. But she would read and learn. As for stock markets, she had no big memory of stocks which went big way but she might be able to remember a few later on. The problem right now to have business accounts and link them to trading. If she did that now, her father has to sign the documents. Till her emancipation, better to keep it on hold. D*mn, the whole world is against her to earn money fast and easy.

Sophia didn't let these matters hold her bag. If not now, then in next few days or weeks. She would try her best to move out too. The revisions were done. She would pick few exam related books next day. She was not feeling sleepy but there was nothing to do other than writing few childish ideas.

Sophia had still not realised that she was now a bit different. Her senses were sharper than before, her memory a lot better.

Sophia decided to learn about computers, software and hardware, coding and AI. Just for fun. Just to get sleep.

So a week went by. The emancipation was done. She signed the contract with Brian and bought his shop and turned around to hire him as supervisor -cum- manager. Then she gave a budget and gave him few ideas. She didn't have enough time. She was starting to go back to school from Monday.

Sky Lark High was not just a posh high school. It made name as cradle of league colleges. More than half of its students got admitted in major league colleges. The teaching was top notch.

However, the secret for such high admission rate was that they sponsored a lot of brilliant kids, who were essentially too poor to attend the poshest school in the block.

Compared to other private schools, they were more humane in dealing with these poor kids. They had their own academic block, canteen etc. They did not allow for much of mingling between rich and the poor. And to satisfy the ego of rich brats and to not harass the poor yet gifted kids, the results of only rich kids were posted all the time. And Sophia Hart of class C was somewhere in the middle of the herd.

Sophia was a peculiar case in the school. She was brilliant enough to skip few classes. But now, she was just average. But her extra curricular activities were very good. Monthly once some activity - piano or painting or calligraphy. Something or the other. For those activities, she had to practice a lot. Which ate the time meant for reading, writing, revision and more. The form teacher Mr Clark was just happy that she passed, let alone, getting average marks. Sophia was not a diva inspite of having some many extra curricular activities and being somewhat famous. He was even more happy when he recieved the call from her requesting to send all the classwork and homework for the time she was taking leave. Such a good dedicated student. So what if she is average? She would still end up in a good college.

The teachers in Sky Lark High never had getting teacher of the year as their goal. Their primary aim, save oneself from pushy but rich parents. Then comes other goals, be it be as simple as having complete pass out of the class or to ambitious ones like to have topper of the school from their class.

Contrary to popular potrayal of posh private schools, the bullying doesn't happen in Sky Lark High. Simple reason - all are rich brats. Each one had worthy connection. Useless in day to day life but very useful shield to escape from bullying. Groupism, cliches did happen but when everyone is pretty and special, no one is special anymore.

Sophia started high school in class A as she well in the entrance exam. Yes, even if you are transitioning from Sky Lark middle school to high school, you still have to write entrance exam. Slowly her grades dropped. Dropped enough for her to shift to class B, then to class C. A girl has only this much energy. You want her to practice piano, give recitals, learn painting, have exhibitions and yet learn and get good grades in exams. Something has to give. The Harts advised Sophia to focus on piano and painting. Those things brought benefits. If you can't pass this year, you can always try next year. No worries.

No wonder Sophia in her previous life suffered so much. The brainwashing was very thorough.

The class C was full of average students. Average in studies. So there was no class D. Contrary to popular belief, even a moron from rich family would be equivalent to average in middle class one. All twenty four kids, fifteen boys and nine girls were were trying their best to not slack off and fail. It could not be helped. More than half of the class time was dedicated to all the courses that rich deemed necessary - be it etiquette, dancing class, music ( singing or instruments), etc. You fail in these, family would faint in anger. Compared to that, what was worth of failing in regular studies?

In this sort of situation, Sophia came back to the school. Nothing out of order should happen, right?