Chapter Twenty one

It was not that Ms Evans didn't want to share the details. She would like nothing more than finding ways to get more students involved in music, make music part of their lives. This was the common belief that she and Madam Lexia Windsor shared. This was one of the reasons why they were close.

"I'll give you proof. Come with me to the office. You can watch their practice sessions from yesterday and you will understand."

So, they both went to the academy. If there was a way to better the education, it was to be checked rigorously.

Lexia Windsor was shocked. Other than one girl, who was expressing emotions, other two were...just normal. So, how did they change so much in one day? What happened that they learnt how to showcase emotions?

Lexia Windsor did not want to go empty handed. "Find from these kids and let me know." After ordering her dear friend, she left. She desperately needed a bed and a long nap.

The drama at Hart house was just starting though. It was just Sophia's luck was good that when Mr Hunt was praising her, only Nathan Hart 's family minus Nathan Hart was there. Shirley had been wide eyed at the revelation. Steve...he managed to not open his mouth wide open. Chloe was experienced. She never let others know that what she heard was shocking and was entirely new information. After Mr Hunt left, Chloe just grabbed Sophia's hand and did not let her go anywhere. The twins became background characters, not making a single squeak. Chloe was like a volcano about to erupt. Any mistake and the magma would rain on them.

The journey home was silent, chilly. Harts are sophisticated people, learned people. They won't brawl with others present in the scene.

Sophia was called to drawing room and the twins were excused. They ran away as if their tails had caught fire.

"What was all that? Chloe asked. She asked nicely too, instead of screaming.

Sophia had to play dumb. "What was what? What are you asking, Mom?"

"You performed today?" She asked again.

"Was it wrong? Shouldn't I have performed today?"

"You know that's not the point. The point is you didn't let us know. Why did you do that? Why didn't you tell us?"

"You came to academy to give my spot to someone else. So what was I supposed to do when Ms Evans said I could still perform but only a small piece?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe, just tell us?"

" It was a small performance. Not even worth mentioning. I was more like a stop gap than a actual performer. Why would I tell such a thing?" Okay, let's take it up a notch. You think I was unreasonable that I didn't let you people know, thus preventing you from capitalising my name and deed. Let's turn the focus elsewhere then. A teenager behaving like one, considering only her point of view. Focus only on a teeny tiny performance and not the part that she was performing. Let's see what you make of that.

" So that we could support you, Sophia. We are family. We'll be always together, support each other in every endeavour." Chloe raised her hands when she saw Sophia was still angry at a small performance, not getting it. This was such a good chance for mingling with so many rich people. Even few from elsewhere had attended. The self awareness of their position in high society had stopped them from talking to them. But if they had gone as parents of a performer, they would have talked, chatted, given each other a good first impression. Now the chance was lost.

This girl was still not understanding the main point. How did matters come to this? Before today, Sophia had been a model child- loving, responsible, sharing. Now... Maybe Shirley was right. Sophia did change much after her accident. After thinking many things, she finally said, "Go to your room. I'll let your father know about this. We'll sit and discuss what to do later."

Sophia said goodnight and left. Only after changing her clothes into nightwear and getting to bed did she smirk. You can teach even a stupid person. You can't reach a person who is pretending to be stupid. He would not learn a single thing. Harts might try their best to explain, she just have to remain oblivious. She has a ready made reason of accident too. She went to sleep with a smile on her lips.

But she woke up soon. She never had a proper sleep after accident. She would get nightmares, flashbacks. She could not sleep for long. None of the rebirth books she had read for reference had such side effects.

If life is determined to shower her with sour lemons, she would made sweetest lemonade from them and sell them to earn money.

She went to her table and started reading. She was learning other subjects. She had tried hacking but got caught too soon, so she gave up the idea of white hat ethical hacker. Grow slowly. Good news was that there were lots of penny ante jobs for newbies online. She was using those jobs to hone her skills. She would not become rich overnight with these jobs but she could learn from her mistakes. She had time, patience and a long term goal.

While completing some routine work, she started thinking about her fictious studio. She needed a lot of staff and even more artists. Where to find them? Should she use the well known trope of snatching would-be famous artists before they were recognised? Would they jump into her shop? Even this trick worked only for artists and not for other staff including managers. Where to get them? Where to place them?

From the way, Chloe had behaved, the Harts would curtail her activity even more. She'll have to work remotely. But she needed good managers, people she could trust. She knew of few trusty people. But they were loyal to Harts, not to her. They would be of use to her currently. Brian was good. But the shop had just reopened and needed lots of hands on management. Looks like I have to ask Mrs Higgins, she thought.

Mrs Higgins became full time caretaker because her daughter had left for college and she was lonely at home. Maybe, she could be pulled over if passing time was only important hurdle. Well, can't know till we talk.

P.S - Read author thoughts and let me know.