Chapter Twenty six

Sophia 's impromptu plan was good. Escalate the matter so much that the Harts would discard her to minimize the repercussions.

There were few things she had not considered though.

You are born a Hart. You die as Hart ghost. Harts never let anyone go away without milking them to max, evn of it meant death of such pawn.

Another factor was Heinz family. They fought very civilly, using finance and society connections and they never liked their preys to play dead. Tanya was well loved by her grandparents because she followed their principles to the T. The opponent has to be broken, not simply discarded.

Tanya had once said, " I played a tyrant when my family power didn't mean much. Yet here, I am a big fish already. Will my tyranny just stop? I just use different ways to make people submit. I have to learn them all to find out which way is the best for me. So, you all, are merely experiments." Needless to say, that opponent had taken the beating so thoroughly that the whole family decided to shift to countryside, far away from Heinz family.

The rebirth was pulling Sophia's life in an entirely different direction. In last life, she had not participated in concert, thus never had to face Tanya. Tanya and her family were even worse than Harts. They always aimed to subdue their opponents in anyway possible. And that's why Harts were worried.

The slap on Sophia's face was not enough to subdue their fear and anger.

"Jinx! If you want to die, die by yourself. Why are you pulling us too?"

"Mom, the old butler from Heinz family called. He said the couple are still waiting for our reply. What to do now?"

What to do? That was the question. They could not just bow their head directly. Wouldn't that be loss of their face? How could they move in high society after that happens? But not bowing down meant they would face a protected war against Heinz and they had bigger capital. They would have to declare bankruptcy sooner or later. Or just give up and settle in another city.

"The way I am feeling, killing this girl into pieces will not appease us, let alone them. What to do now?"

Sophia had enough. "Am I a dead person? You are talking of dealing with me infront of me. You think I will follow whatever you say?"

"Shut your mouth! I'll turn you mute if you talk aloud." Old Mr Hart snapped. " No need to air the dirty linen. Find out where the Heinz family will be. We'll punishment this girl infront of them. Whatever the punishment is, it will be dealt by us. That should allow them to feel happy and we can forget this farce. But first...."

Did you know that ancestral halls are generally very cold and harsh? Sophia was pushed into ancestral hall and locked. There was no food, no water. When she was pushed, she even scraped her knees and they started bleeding. The servants didn't provide for any treatment. These servants had been working in this place for years. They knew their masters ' habits. This little blood would not even get a response from them. This chit should be at death's door for the couple to lift their hands and let her live.

Empty cold room with cold walls and floor. No proper place to sit. Thankfully, the lights still worked well. Sophia didn't even consider her injured knees. No, she was thinking, planning.

A scrap of paper telling that she was an adult would not stop Harts or Heinz family. They might even become more rampannt on a silly old girl with no back up. So how to escape from this fiasco? Think, Sophia, think! Was there any details in the previous life that could be used?

Tanya would not have changed her behaviour. But she had no inkling of Tanya later on. Even in the society events she had participated, Tanya was not there. At that time, she was a perfect prey for her to bully. Yet, it had not happened. What had changed? Maybe she should use that.

In the old fashioned library filled with antiques, the Hart family was having a discussion. Nolan still portrayed himself as responsible first son, so he was point of contact with Heinz family. He didn't let his happiness show up in the face. After this incident, Nathan would not longer be in consideration for being a heir. But first all had to just escape this calamity.

"Albert, this is too much. We have been friends for long time. You cannot forget it just because our kids had fought." Old Hart had to call the old man in the Heinz family himself after the matter was dragged too long. Though it was not true that they were friends, atleast they had mingled for long time. They were better acquaintance atleast.

"Ha ha ha. You said it was matter between kids and it becomes so. Are you a prophet? My kid is crying in her room, not able to eat. As a grandparent, shouldn't I do something about it?"

"The matter started with the kids. We, Harts are always clear on what is right and what is wrong. Our kid is a culprit, so she will be punished. Don't worry about that."

"Oh! You will decide the punishment. I didn't know you had become a judge too. Old man Stewart, I might just bring all the cases of our family to your court then."

Old Mr Hart had to breathe in deeply to control his temper. When was the last time he had to do so? This girl, Sophia is really a jinx. Not at all like what that divination master had said. As expected, even the famous divination masters are crooks.

Rubbing between his eyes, Old Mr Hart said, " Albert, I know you are angry. It's valid too. As the family head, I have already punished our girl. But still...Fine. We will bring her to stand in front of your granddaughter. However she punished our kid, we will not stop her. Is that alright with you?"

Author note - Butterfly effect need not be positive always.