Chapter Twenty eight

Sophia had no work to do and she was bored in ancestral hall. Sitting on cold floor is not good way to pass time. After trying for few hours, during which time, no one had even peeped at her, she gave up solving the questions posed in the hacker website.

"What to do if my parents are planning to dump me in middle of nowhere? How do I stay connected online?" Her question recieved huge number of replies.

Would the Harts really banish her to middle of nowhere? Well that depends on Tanya and she would likely not allow it. But this was another extreme of punishment and has to be considered. Sophia was losing value to Harts. No idea what they might plan later on.

Sophia just read the replies. Few were sarcastic, few hilarious, few physically impossible. Even the ninety nine ro ketd to moon had replied. His idea was to steal data or phone or both from the neighbours or her captors. He even extrapolated few theories and calculated their success rate. Evidently, he was too free.

"Come on, come on, why the h*ll haven't you answered yet, you son of gun?" Sophia muttered under her breath. She was waiting for reply from Warriors are not noobs. He might be pain in the *ss but he was extremely useful.

The said pain in the *ss was working on one of the mathematical models and hadn't checked the website yet. Thankfully, Sophia had a guardian angel who worked as assistant to the said person who asked the master to relax a bit. The primary model proposed by one of the PhD Kingston was wrong and the master was hell bent on proving it. Mathematically. It had taken two days and end was not in sight.

"Master, why don't you see other things and then get back to this problem? You might get new inspiration somewhere."

The master, Lucas Sinclair just smirked. New inspiration? From somewhere? True, he had capital to be arrogant. He was the youngest to pass out of Kingston University with multiple degrees. He was technical advisor to so many programs. He did all that just to exercise his brain. That was the hateful part. But many waves it off as charming behaviour. He was descendant of a hidden family, with billions of assets. If that didn't tempt the ladies, his face and body surely would.

But Luke was loyal to those who had sworn loyalty to him. Even as he disliked the suggestion, he obediently gave up working on the model and started to search for this 'inspiration'.

Well, what do you know, he had found a perfect diversion. This noob warrior was truly gritty. He had tried to trace his handwork back, even touching the national security networks. The noob was good though. From the initial clueless questions to the current good relavant questions, the noob had grown quickly. Have to give an helping hand to such people.

He would not be the Devil Sinclair if he helped this noob directly though. Had to torture first. So he sent the pic of his mathematical model to this special warrior and messaged " Solve this and I'll help you."

The reply was instantaneous. This noob had great sense of humor. He had replied to himself, knowing that this master was still online, monitoring her

"Help?" Now, what was that supposed to mean? Should he help her? Not help her? Is help not needed at all?

So the next message from Luke was "?", the reply which came had more words but the time spent typing it was less. "Help? Not advice?"

The devil who frowned upon wasting alphabets just replied with a "S".

The pause was long. Oh, okay. This noob was seriously reading the model. A PhD student had built a whole casrie in the air with this faulty foundation, not realising the problem and this self profesed noob was ready to take the challenge. Let's enjoy sips of cold tea. Lucas frowned upon use of caffeine to rejuvenate his brain. No need for extra powers, just use the normal brain. And the contrast with hot room and cold beverage would increase the experience. He was just like that. Trying to cram in the experiences together, as much as possible, whenever possible because he would turn into monk hell bent on his research projects whenever possible.

Before he had drunk half a cup, the reply came. It was voice message. A normal person would listen to the message first. This specimen took a new board to write whatever that was mentioned in the message. The tea was left forgotten. He didn't even look surprised to hear a female voice. Such concentration. He had started writing just to find the mistakes made by the noob. However, as the voice continued, he no longer felt that way. This was truly an inspiration.

Sophia did not want other to realise she was a girl. Her chat history, search history, her messaging manner everything showed an androgynous personality, a asexual person. But the problem shared by the super efficient advisor was intriguing to say the least. As she didn't have a sheet of paper or board to write and calculate, she had to do mental maths and move onto next steps. So she sent voice messages in bits and pieces.

It was an intriguing and marvellous sight. A person solving it mentally and sharing it via voice message and another person following the route unmentioned in the talk, in perfect tandem. More often than not by the time he finished solving the step, the voice message would come to tell about the same.

Sophia didn't know what was wrong in the model, only her instinct telling her so. So she tried to chose a path which her instinct told her was least wrong or not wrong and moved on and on.

She was half way done when the message popped up. "Stop." Oh, the genius now knew the path and could reach home without holding hands. And this baby even erased every bit of the problem and the solution from her chat. No more backtracking too. The anger left just like it appeared- suddenly. The chat was now filled with answers. The real answers. No suggestions. The contract was fulfilled successfully. Only thing remaining was Sophia to execute it. It was not easy but with this, she could literally hold internet in her arm, even when she was buried in middle of nowhere. This nutcase was a serious genius. Wonder when she'll reach that level