battle of the five poisons

Of course, even if this place hides many mysteries, but it is not something that the current Sun Bing can touch, in such an environment, the slightest carelessness will have the danger of falling, Sun Bing even saw that a tall tree just because of staining the venom of the vermilion red blood clam, from the moment to become withered.

This is the first time Sun Bing saw such a fierce poison, even seeped into the ground, all brought up a burst of smoke, and the original place is only left a barren, just like the empty land just now.

It was only now that Sun Bing realized how such a clearing was formed, his heart was shocked, and he immediately turned around to leave, if he still stayed here, a ground of venom splashed, then Sun Bing's life would basically be gone.

Looking back at the tragic battlefield, Sun Bing heart for these poisonous scruples to a higher level, the original because they can slaughter them at will to bring the ease of instantly disappeared without a trace.

However, now if you return to the original road, it is very likely to run into Qian Xing and his party, to the left and to the right are not able to choose, after some thought, Sun Bing can only avoid the battlefield in front of him, continue to move forward.

For others, this is something that can not be done at all, but Sun Bing's "Floating Light" has been cultivated to quite skillful, even if the meridians in the body are not opened, but also be able to do instantaneous ten feet, in the forest shuttle completely no problem.

What's more, although this battlefield was dangerous and tragic, the distance wasn't too big, just need to be careful and pass through the trees next to it, basically there wasn't any danger.

Seeing that the battle between the group of Black Flare Scorpions and the Vermillion Red Blood Clams was getting more and more intense, Sun Bing knew that there was no time to continue delaying, only to see a point of his toes, the whole person as if he had no weight seemed to have no weight, airborne to the tops of the trees, accompanied by the swaying of the tree branches, but also couldn't help but swaying.

Sun Bing knew that his physical strength was limited, so he ran towards the left front with maximum speed, his eyes swept, and he could see that the battlefield below the trees was intense, and the densely packed Black Flare Scorpion was engaged in a great battle with the Vermilion Blood Clam, which could be described as quite tragic.

This kind of demonic beasts were all poisonous creatures with fierce toxicity, the fight between each other was more of a competition of toxicity, as soon as the Black Flare Scorpion went down with a needle, a Vermillion Red Blood Clam would directly turn into dust.

Similarly, along with the venom spray of the Vermilion Blood Clam, the hard shell of the Black Flare Scorpion was also melted away like tofu, only to be able to see that the greenery on the ground was getting less and less, and the yellowish wasteland was getting more and more.

Looking at this scene, Sun Bing did not have any fluctuations in his heart, but only sighed slightly: the strong survive, if there is not enough strength, then in the end can only perish.

Because the speed of running was quite fast, not long after Sun Bing had crossed the entire battlefield, but looking at everything in front of him, Sun Bing's brows could not help but tightly wrinkle together, the reality of the situation was not only not optimistic, but instead, he was caught in a dilemma.

"I didn't think that this is actually another battlefield, what exactly happened inside this valley." The frowning Sun Bing couldn't help but mutter to himself, his eyes filled with doubts, everything in front of him was completely inconsistent with what he had imagined.

Although it was detached from the battle between the Black Flare Scorpion and the Vermillion Red Blood Clam that had just taken place, before him was unexpectedly another battlefield, although it was still densely covered with trees, even if the ground wasn't the slightest bit barren, but a clear-eyed person would be able to tell at a glance.

That a tall tree above, even knotted with a sheet after sheet of colorful spider webs, obviously is the colorful spider knot, this spider silk is quite tough, if it is collected back, it is also worth a lot of money.

But in front of that one after another on top of the spider web, unexpectedly appeared one after another struggling centipede, and even there is also a spotted snake is also trapped in the raw surface, obviously here is a spotted snake, colorful spider and centipede battlefield.

Although the forest in front of him looks quite calm, but Sun Bing can feel the hidden crisis, basically can not be found with the naked eye, even if he walks into it, there is no guarantee that he can come out in one piece, a little bit of carelessness, hidden in the canopy of the Glistening Snake, colorful spiders and centipedes and do not mind biting him as a crowd of outsiders a bite.

Originally, even if he encounters any more powerful enemies, Sun Bing has the courage to stop, even if it is the eighth layer of the Body Tempering realm, there is enough self-confidence to be able to kill the other side, but in the face of such a huge venomous creature, there is a feeling of helplessness, although he is strong, but it is impossible to kill such a huge group of venomous creatures, but at the moment Sun Bing's eyes can not help but flicker for a while.

If the previous fight between the Black Flare Scorpion and the Vermillion Red Blood Clam could only be considered as a fight for turf between each other, then the scene at this moment was clearly telling others that there was something else going on, only that no one was aware of it for the time being.

Now Sun Bing can be said to be in front of the rich wolves behind the tigers and leopards, stuck in the middle, forward to avoid the ubiquitous colorful spider webs as well as hidden in the foliage under the mottled snakes, centipedes, towards the back of the words, there is a poisonous intense black scorpion and vermilion red blood clams.

Even if one wanted to leap back from the tree again, after such a long period of time, the original vibrant tree had already withered because of the venom, and would dissipate at the slightest touch, making it impossible to withstand the weight of a person.

Since there is no way back, then Sun Bing can not help but rapid rotation of the mind, there must be hidden secrets that's for sure, but along with it there is also a huge danger, this point Sun Bing is well aware of.

But in an instant, his eyes flickered: support the bold and starve the timid.

Cultivation of a road, is a word "fight", know that there may be a huge opportunity and not go to fight for it, it is too bad.

To know that Sun Bing was born to start a difference between people a chip, by virtue of now is still far more than ordinary people's perseverance, the Sun family's resources, although huge, but it is not possible to supply him with an outsider, and even this period of time to cultivate the necessary, are their own fight.

Sometimes a good chance, can save people a few years of hard work, right now there is such a possibility in front of Sun Bing, immediately gritted his teeth, just go in, life in the world, grass and trees in the fall, just want to indulge in dashing.

At that moment, Sun Bing's heart has already made up its mind, although determined to go in to explore the mysteries, but everything is still to save the main life, now Sun Bing is still too weak, at that moment, the wooden sword across the sky, directly in front of the multicolored spider web cut off.

Not to mention, this spider web is quite tough, that is, Sun Bing's sword skill is superb, ordinary people even if they hold a sharp sword, but also on it completely no way, it is no wonder that the colorful spider silk price is high.

In this way through the crisis in the woods, Sun Bing can be said to be tense, afraid of running into hidden glistening snakes and centipedes, if not accidentally bitten, Sun Bing does not have any way to detoxify.

Shuttle in the forest for half an hour, everything is safe, but Sun Bing's forehead has been covered in sweat, the heart of a string taut, suddenly, he looked not far away from a large tree is particularly tall, and is still close to the cliff growth.

To know with the Sun ice deep, has reached a valley, both sides of the mountain wall is particularly tall, enough dozens of meters to the high, if you can in the above words, naturally do not need to worry about all the dangers, but the Sun ice after all, the true qi can't run, so even for the "Floating Shadow" has been comprehended to a certain extent, but there is no way to go up.

In front of this big tree is just a perfect opportunity, immediately face a happy, but did not let down the guard, because the crisis is often in the moment you see hope will come, look at the four sides with a serious expression.

After determining that there was not the slightest danger, Sun Bing then worked up that quite skillful footwork, and directly came to the top of the tree, a ten feet away was the bare cliff, there was no danger at all on it.

This distance for Sun Bing, there is no difficulty at all, toe point, the whole person has come from the canopy to the cliff, at this moment hanging a heart finally put down.

Looking down, only to see the whole valley in the scenery as far as the eye can see, with superior eyesight, clearly see what is happening below, the heart can not help but a burst of happiness, because the huge valley, but all were fighting each other five poison covered.

Battlefield after battlefield slowly unfolded, it could be said that at this moment, there was simply no safe place in the valley, if one stayed down there, even if there was no danger for the time being, it was not a long term solution after all.