
 To be honest, although Sun Bing's strength is strong, but in front of these two people's cultivation are high, and the cultivation gap between the qi cultivation realm is huge, a little bit of bad, Sun Bing know, he will still die.

 At that moment, without the slightest retention, the dantian of the true essence of all towards the sword of the surge, and even let this originally quite ordinary fine iron sword emitted a faint light, a sword qi from the sword shot out, toward the other side of the attack and go.

 At the same time, the sword changed, towards the other person attacked, because the other party is two people, if Sun Bing only one move, the other person's attack will not have the slightest obstacle to his body, if he is seriously injured, then he will lose.

 In the face of this sudden attack, the other two people obviously did not think that Sun Bing was so decisive, and combat experience is quite rich, immediately also stopped the hand of the moving attack, will be Sun Bing's moves blocked.


 A bursting sound echoed in the forest, Sun Bing's toes slightly pointing, the whole person as if no weight generally retreated backward, when the smoke and dust subsided, the two sides were separated by a few feet to look at each other.

 "You do have a few skills, I believe that the final harvest will not disappoint me." The leader of the group couldn't help but lick his somewhat dry lips, his heart surprisingly rising with a trace of excitement.

 It was because he understood that with the natural talent that Sun Bing was displaying at this moment, he would definitely be able to become a cultivator of the Degenerate Realm in the future, and at that time, he wouldn't even have the qualifications to look up to him, and could only be considered a mole cricket.

 But now, in his opinion, he was dominating the life of such a genius, especially since he was going to fall into his hands very soon, how could this not make one's heart stir?

 At this moment, the cultivator on the ground had also slowly gotten up, his left arm had been completely ruined by Sun Bing's move, and at this moment, the wound was so deep that it could be seen through the bones, and the blood had even dyed his clothes red.

 Sort of at this moment, the eyes of the can not help but flashed a trace of fear, because just now, he even felt his life received a threat, which is also fortunate that his reaction speed is fast, or has been lying on the ground without a sound.

 At that moment, he looked towards Sun Bing not far away, his eyes revealed a hateful gaze, he did not expect in any case, he would one day be defeated by someone across the border, which has to be said to be a kind of insult, and even without the slightest hesitation, his right hand gripped the hand's spear tightly, the whole person towards Sun Bing attacked, he wanted to retaliate for the revenge of the sword he had just had.

 The other two naturally will not give up such an excellent opportunity, three people like this towards Sun Bing came, vaguely surrounded an encirclement, so that Sun Bing simply can not escape.

 Sun Bing's eyes scanned around, obviously found the other party's moves, but could not help but slightly narrowed his eyes, especially when he saw the spear that flashed with a cold light, it was so that Sun Bing's hand holding the hilt of the sword could not help but tighten.

 "Sword Drawing Technique."

 Sun Bing's eyes snapped open, and then the fine iron rapier attacked towards the other party at a speed that ordinary people could not even react to, aiming at no one else but the first person who had just been injured.

 "What? What kind of sword is this, how is it so fast?" This person's mind could only think of such a doubt, but after the flash of silver light, his mind was only left with an infinite darkness, and there were no more thoughts at all.

 Obviously, counting that he had dodged the sword just now, he had not dodged this current sword.

 Although he had already killed one person, Sun Bing did not take it lightly, he did not forget that there were still two people in his depth, and at this moment, they were already quite close to Sun Bing.

 Seeing the corners of Sun Bing's mouth revealed a hint of a smile, the "Floating Light Swept Shadow" that had been hidden all this time was used for the first time, a flash of his eyes had already disappeared from his original position, while that one remnant of a shadow had gone up in smoke under the attacks of the other two people.

 "What?" At this moment, Yang Tao, who had been observing the battle, was quite shocked, he really did not expect that Sun Bing's strength was so amazing, knowing that he had already carefully observed it yesterday, but did not find the slightest clue.

 Recalling what Sun Bing had just said, Yang Tao could not help but be dismayed for a while, it seemed that when he traveled to Tianwu City with Sun Bing, all the demonic beasts he encountered were killed with a single sword, and there was no other action at all, which made him a little bit lax.

 Could it be that Sun Bing was really strong? Yang Tao's mind immediately rose such a hungry question, but in a flash he couldn't help but shake his head, because counting Sun Bing killed one person, but there are still two people left, one of them is still practicing qi third layer, which is the bottom card.

 "One Blade Takes Life."

 At this moment, Sun Bing didn't give the other party a chance to attack, instead, he turned passive into active, and directly stabbed his sword towards the remaining Qi Practicing Level 2, his purpose was quite simple, he wanted to break each one of them, as long as he killed this one person, then the next situation was all in Sun Bing's hands.

 Unfortunately, just after that move, has let them discover the true strength of Sun Bing, facing the second level of Qi Practicing realm cultivators enough to be seriously injured in a move, simply do not dare to have the slightest slack, two people together towards the sword Qi attack.

 But after all, they were casual cultivators, even after becoming Qi Practicing Realm cultivators, the degree of condensation of their true qi was far less than that of Sun Bing's true essence, and even though the realm Sun Bing was higher, this was ultimately a breakthrough.

 Even if they have done their best to resist, but Sun Bing this sword Qi condensed with true essence is exceptionally sharp, although it was ablated quite a lot, but still hard to carry down, still toward the other side of the attack, but there is simply no more killing power.

 But this is just a false move of Sun Bing, while the other party is fully resisting this move, Sun Bing has already run up the body's true essence, with the fastest speed toward the other party attack.

 "One Blade Takes Life."

 This time is the real masterstroke, has reached the qi cultivation realm Sun Bing use up the "vertical sword skill" power is simply strong terrible, and then in the other party's stunned eyes, stabbed into the other party's heart, Sun Bing can even see the face of this person flashed out of the panic, the second person, killed.

 Consecutively killed two people, the remaining third level of the Qi Practicing Realm also could not help but be a little subdued, because he also did not think that Sun Bing was able to be so strong, and even his heart was a little frightened, will he also die?

 At that moment, his eyes stared deathly at Sun Bing in front of him, and said softly, "Your Excellency, if you have to forgive others, one more friend is one more way."

 But has been fighting to now, how can Sun Bing because of the other side of a few words of rhetoric this give up, to know that this is the other side first hit the door to, if not Sun Bing's strength is strong, now lying on the ground is him, touching the weak kill, strong concede, how can there be such a good thing.

 Immediately without too much nonsense, immediately will hand the fine iron sword towards the other side to throw, see this person's face flashes with surprise, seems to be the feeling that Sun Bing agreed with his words, and even threw away the weapon.

 In an instant, his face flashed with intense ruthlessness, wanting to kill Sun Bing.

 But in an instant, his face could not help but change for a while, because along with Sun Bing's advancement, a pressure that could not be resisted at all pressed from underneath his body, counting on him being at the third level of the Qi Practicing Realm, he also did not have the ability to resist at all, and was only able to look on as Sun Bing ran towards him.

 At one time, when Sun Bing was still at the ninth level of the Body Tempering Realm, he was able to resist the Qi Practicing Realm with this sword technique, let alone at this moment when he had also become a Qi Practicing Realm, and the other party was not a match for him at all.

 Only be able to see the silver light flashes, the other party's chest has been pierced, sort of at this moment, his eyes are with a thick shock, mouth came hissing voice: "Hateful ah, if it's a few days late, to be my refining the true essence fruit, you will certainly ..."

 Only a pity that the words have not finished, the ground has another corpse, Sun Bing slowly took the sharp sword back to the sword box, mouth said softly: "Can die in a hundred steps under the flying sword, it is also considered your honor."