Chapter 2: First mission

After hearing what the system said, Bai Liu's eyes unconsciously twitch in frustration. 'why do you sound so happy!!!!' he shout at his mind.

The system then answered his thoughts with a childish tone after hearing him.

[ Because this is your first mission. Also you are the first stepping stone for the awakening of the protagonist. Don't you like protagonist? On this world you will have a big impact to him so that he can awaken. Aren't you happy?]


'happy my ass! Who would be happy to be a stepping stone for someone?!' he said in frustration.

[Well, we can't do anything about it even if you're unhappy since this is the first mission the main system gave you.]

[Do you want to receive your first task?]

[YES] [NO]

"No! I'm not doing this shit! Send me back now! Find other people who want to accept this bullshit." He said to the screen angrily.

[I'm sorry dear host, but you cannot go back to your original world until you finished your missions since you're already have been chosen.]

[Do you want to receive your first task?]

[YES] [NO]

Bai Liu look at the blue screen floating in front of him, "what?! Are fucking kidding me?! You can't just forcefully make me do shits! This is kidnapping?!" He said and angrily point at the blue screen.

[Actually this can't be called 'kidnapping' since the definition of that word means that the kidnapped person will be exchanged for a valuable things like money and will not get anything. But, after you complete all the missions you will be rewarded so this can't be called 'kidnapping'.]

[Do you want to receive your first task?]

[YES] [NO]

Bai Liu was baffled by the system's response, he take a deep breath and calmly asked the system, "What reward am I even getting?" Bai Liu asked giving up the idea of arguing with the mechanical thing.

[You can get three whishes and the system will grant it.]


Bai Liu let out a snort, " So your like a genie then?" He said sarcastically to the system.

[Well, based on the definition of that word, you can say that.]

[So, do you want to receive your first task?]

[YES] [NO]

Bai Liu look at the system and with hesitation he asked, "Can...can you turn the time back?" He asked.

If he can have one wish, that will be to got to see his mother again and to be with her.

[Well, after completing all the missions, the system will send you back at any timeframe the host want.]

[Do you want to receive your first task?]

[YES] [NO]

After some hesitation, Bai Liu decided to accept the mission. "Yes." He said with a resolute tone.

[First task: Find something to eat for the next 7 days.

Reward: 5 taels of silver, a small dagger, receiving the beginner's package.

Punishment: Failure.

Task status: Uncomplete.]

[Side task: Find the hidden treasure inside the south courtyard.

Reward: The hidden treasure.

Punishment: None.

Task status: Uncomplete.]

After seeing the task that he was given, Bai Liu suddenly have the urge to cry. Where would he get something to eat for the next seven days?! 

[Ah! I almost forgot to tell you. The protagonist of this world was named Bai Weichen. He was 12 yrs old this year. The title of this world is ''The journey of the immortal']

Bai Liu turned to looked at the almost broken cabin and decided to look inside if there's anything useful there.

After walking inside, he felt even more miserable. The floor screech at every steps he takes and there are only three rooms, the living room with only a old wooden table with some scratches on it, two chairs with one of them mising a foot, a small old cabinet that looked like it will collapse and a ugly looking plant who looked like dying on the corner of the room. He looked at every corner of the living room and didn't find the treasure but he found two wooden spoons and a cup with a crack on the mouth of it.

The bedroom has a old and dirty traditional kang bed on the center of the room, a small wooden study table, a chair, a big eeril looking cabinet, a bookshelf with only spider web on it and a dirty tattered curtains on the broken window. There's not even a single clothes on the cabinet or even a clean blanket. He looked around and still didn't find the treasure, he only found a 5 meter long rope and 4 old handkerchief under the kang.

Bai Liu went to the third room and found out that it was a kitchen. He felt a little happy but decided not to expect anything. The floor doesn't have a cover there's only bare ground. There's a old stone stove that look like it was made long ago, some leftovers woods, a big deep pan and a flat pan, 3 ceramic plates, and a rusty kitchen knife. He was right, there's no food in here. He looked around but still didn't find the treasure.

He discovered that the restroom was just a small room that was connected to the kitchen and there's only a hole on the ground. Luckily, there's a wooden bucket or he would really cry. While looking disdainfully at the hole on the ground something caught his eyes.

He squats and look intensely inside the hole and sure enough there's something there. Out of desperation he took the rusty knife from the kitchen and make the hole a little bigger. He found a wooden box hidden under the shitting hole. 

[*Ding* Congratulations! You found the hidden treasure!]

[Side task: Find the hidden treasure inside the south courtyard.

Reward: The hidden treasure.

Punishment: None.

Task status: Complete.]

Bai Liu hesitate to touch it and get two handkerchief to take it out the hole. He opened it and heard the system.

[Congratulation you successfully found the hidden treasure. You obtained:

20 taels of silver

2 martial arts textbooks

A hidden note

A green Jade hairpiece

A small knife 

4 small meat buns

A set of clothes.]

Bai Liu looked at all the items he received and signed, " Well, at least I finally have some food to eat." He said and picked up up the hidden note.

[For the person who find this box,

 If you find this box it probably means that you're also got locked up to this broken courtyard. My name is Bai wuyan, I am the third daughter of this damned family. I got locked up here because I am pregnant with a child with an unknown father. I been here for almost 4 months now, they only sends me a piece of bread and a watery soup everyday. I know that they want me and my unborn child dead but don't want to stains their reputation as someone who killed a pregnant woman. If I die here and my child survive please take care of my child and protect him from the Bai family. The father of my child was the second.....] 

The rest of the letter was covered with some unknown stains and can no longer be read, Bai Liu don't want to know what that dark brown stain was. Then he heard the system.

[*Ding* new character unlock.]

[Name: Bai Wuyan

 Age: unknown 

 Gender: female

 Role: the third daughter of the Bai family, the mother of the protagonist.]

Bai Liu was shocked after reading the system panel in front of him. " The mother of the protagonist was killed here? Then where is the protagonist?" He said.

[He's currently living as a servant here in Bai family. He will be sent here as your servant since the original Bai Liuzhen was a violent person they want you to kill him out of anger so that they can dispose both of you.]

Bai Liu was shocked and asked the system, " what was the original scene on that part?"

[After the Bai family sends the protagonist here, Bai Liuzhen lash all his anger to him and after only a day, he beat the protagonist half-dead. Bai Liuzhen thought that he killed him so he decided to call someone to dispose him. Then after they took the body of the half-dead Bai Weichen, they exposed his identity as the son of the third sister of the current family head. They use the death of Bai Weichen to kicked Bai Liuzhen out of the house and cut him off from the family tree. After that he lives as a beggar on the street for a year. Then a drunkard walked pass him one night and raped him then killed him after.]

" System can I ask you a question?" Bai Liu said looking at the system panel.

[Yes, of course my dear host.] The system answer very enthusiastic to him.

"Why don't you just kill me instead?"

[Host, please don't be disheartened. We will help you to change your fate while helping the protagonist.]

[(⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)]

Hearing the system cry, Bai Liu can't help to let out a sigh again and look at the items he got. 

'how am I gonna survive through seven days with only this?' he thought to himself.

[*Ding* you receive a new side task.]

[Side task: cut all the grass surrounding the courtyard.

Reward: 10 pisces of potatoes, 1 waterbag, 1 broom.

Punishment: None.]

[Good luck, host!!!] The system enthusiastic cheered him.

Bai Liu looked at the new task and his scalp went numb, " I only have a small knife!! How the hell am I going to cut all of thosd grass with a small knife?!" He asked with frustration.

The system answer with the most annoying answer it can give to the frustrated Bai Liu.

[You can cut the grass with it.]


"Fuck!!!" Bai Liu explodes out of anger.