Solomon. King's Landing.
Hidden by magic from ears and eyes, I walked through the evening sunlit corridors of the Red Castle, heading for one particular room that contained all three of the people I wanted to talk to.
My visit to Braavos didn't last long, but it wasn't short either. Admittedly, more than half of the time was spent thinking about Semiramis' words and an unfairly small amount of time checking on Kirana and her well-being.
I did give some thought to stopping being cautious, not too much, but enough to fully regulate the course of events. And something I'd forgotten about worked in favor of that decision, namely that this was a different world and thus different rules.
And also, most notably, I had come here, and that meant that it was necessary. That is, I had already received permission to act as I saw fit, as long as the world continued to move and exist.
I stopped in front of the right door and smiled.
And, conveniently enough, there was one particular person in that room that could actually be... useful.
The door slowly opened, attracting the attention of those inside, and, a couple seconds later, the head of a girl I knew well crashed into my stomach.
- Lord Solomon! - Arya exclaimed happily, rubbing her face in my tunic and holding me tightly around the waist with both hands. - You've finally decided to meet us!
- Arya! - Sansa angrily called out to her and came over to us, trying to tear her sister away from me. - You're inconveniencing Lord Solomon! Let him go!
- I don't want to! - Arya said, and then glanced at Sansa with a sly smirk. - You want to hug him too, don't you? Why don't you go around Lord Solomon and lean on your lover's back?
- Arya! - Sansa exclaimed in great embarrassment, but throwing a hesitant glance at me and clutching the edge of her dress, clearly pondering Arya's suggestion. - I-I apologize for my sister's behavior, l-lord Solomon. Y-you're still just as...
- Well, well, it's all right, Sansa," I said with a soft smile, to which she blushed deeply. - If you want a hug, please do. I don't mind.
- You see! - Arya said cheerfully. - Just go over there and do it!
- You're obviously spending too much time with them," Sansa snapped at me, and then, taking a deep breath, she came over to me and hugged me gently, as if afraid of getting burned, hiding her face against my shoulder. - ...I've missed you, Lord Solomon....
- I know, and that's why I came to visit you," I let out a chuckle and stroked both girls' heads. And while we stood like that for a while, my eyes ran over the decoration of the room.
The room was relatively spacious and clearly meant for private meetings. There was the standard ornate furniture, a pair of wide columns, a high ceiling, and an open balcony overlooking King's Landing. In the center of the room was a table set with light snacks, fruit, and a couple of glasses obviously intended for Sansa and Arya.
- Well, let's sit down and talk," I said softly, causing them to lift their heads reluctantly. - I'm sure you have stories to tell.
- Aye!" Arya nodded and took my hand in hers and led me to the table before Sansa could move away from me too quickly. - A lot has happened while you've been away! We have something to surprise you with!
- What if someone comes and sees you? Surely you don't want to reveal yourself, do you? - Sansa asked worriedly. - Would it be all right?
- No, they won't, we can talk in peace and no one will interrupt us," I shook my head and set up a closed field that subconsciously kept visitors away. - Well, all my attention is on you, my lady.
A short while later.
- So that's how..." I mumbled thoughtfully, listening to Sansa and letting Arya use my lap as a chair.
- Yeah," she nodded. - Things are going pretty smoothly, what with the queen, the prince, and the other important personalities interacting with me, but there's something bothering me.
- And what is that? - I inquired.
- Petyr Baelish," Sansa said, to which I raised an eyebrow. - I find that man a little too... convenient.
- Oh, that Master of Coin who's always smiling like he's hiding something? - Arya chimed in. - Nim and Teena said something about him... I'll remember now... Oh, right! He's slippery like a snake, and something else...
- I wouldn't trust their words," Sansa shook her head. - But I have to admit, it makes sense. He's been there for me or my father when we need support, and in ways that fit our personalities, as if by fate itself.
She paused, as if remembering something.
- I've spoken to Father about it, but he believes Lord Baelish's actions are due to the friendship between him and his mother," Sansa continued. - Not that I dispute Father's words or Mother's actions, but... it seems too suspicious. And given this man's position and line of work... It can't be that simple.
- "Line of work?" - Arya didn't understand. - What are you talking about?
- It's too early for you to know," Sansa said rather arrogantly.
- "Too young?!" - Arya said indignantly. - I'm an adult and I know a lot of things! Nim, Obara and Teena have told me a lot of things, even about se-
- Arya! - Sansa exclaimed, interrupting her sister. - Just as I thought, they have too much influence over you.
- What's wrong with that? - Arya crossed her arms across her chest. - 'Anyway, what did you mean by 'line of work'?
- Brothels, Arya. 'Petyr Baelish is a well-known owner of the brothels of King's Landing,' I said, to which I got a pouty and slightly judgmental look from Sansa, and a slow realization from Arya. - As it is, your judgment makes sense. One would expect a more cautious approach or something akin to knowing from such a man, though from what I hear he is not one by birth.
- Have you met him, Lord Solomon? - Sansa asked.
- Not quite. My wards did, and they didn't like him either," I said. - I think you should contact your mother and ask about him directly. Whatever answer you get will give you some basis for further action.
- I've thought about it too, but I've been hesitant to act. But now I suppose I have a reason to," Sansa nodded.
- Boo... These conversations are so boring..." Arya pouted, and then jumped up, stepping back a little and pulling out the dagger I'd given her. Its appearance didn't stand out, but its functionality overrode any flaw.
It wasn't a Noble Phantasm, although I had a similar idea, but just an ordinary enchanted metal. I could, of course, use protective spells, as I had done with Ned's or Sansa's gift, but in this case I decided to do something different. I could only hope that Arya would not regret using it once she understood its function.
- Now I can defeat Jon, even if he won't budge! - Arya declared, showing a few moves with the dagger. - When I meet him, I will definitely win!
- He will still give in to you. That's just the way Jon is," Sansa shook her head. - By the way, Lord Solomon, how is he? Have you seen him?
- No, but I know he's well," I smiled and cast a brief glance at one of the columns in the room. - Would you like to hear a story about a hero? A hero who was unknown to life as well as death?
- Yay, stories! - Arya exclaimed and returned to my lap.
- How poetic... - Sansa was interested. - 'Of course.
- Good," I smiled. - It all started in the fire...
When Sansa and Arya reluctantly left me and returned to their chambers, it was late afternoon, the room was silent. For a few more minutes I enjoyed the hovering aloofness from the world while King's Harbor lived its nightlife with many torches lighting its streets, and then I shifted my gaze to one of the columns, wide enough to hide a man behind it.
- You may come out, Septa Malloyna... or Nefis, as you prefer," I said, and the next moment a young woman, dressed in a septa outfit that concealed all but her face, appeared from behind the column and bowed respectfully to me in a gesture of greeting.
Outwardly, she was no different from any other septa, except for her rather young age for the position and, most importantly, her bright blue eyes. They were cold, startlingly cold and calculating, as if they belonged to a cold-blooded assassin or mercenary.
- Nefis, Lord Solomon," she answered.
- Good," I nodded. "Sit down, you've been waiting your turn long enough.
- As you wish," she said and sat down, and I took a closer look at her.
She wasn't a High Priestess like Kinvara, Lina, or Erin, but she was the one R'Glor had deemed worthy to wear my earring, and for good reason.
She wasn't exalting the Red God like the rest of the Red Men, oh no. R'Glor was a way of accomplishing a goal that Nefis had set for herself, which is to say, she was doing roughly the same thing Stannis was doing. And that wasn't the only thing they had in common.
- Before I make the request I've called you here for, why don't we talk? - I asked and produced two wine glasses, receiving a brief nod. - You are different from other wearers of my earring that I have encountered before, and I wonder what your purpose is?
The answer to my question was silence.
- You have Baratheon blood in you, I can tell by your bright blue eyes and the black hair you hide, but I sense no hatred or malice, only longing. A longing for something... wise, I'd say," I mumbled thoughtfully, staring at Nefis in her cold eyes. - And I do wonder what it is you desire.
- Not to be impertinent, but why do you want it, Lord Solomon? Why don't you just give me a mission to fulfill, just like the other priestesses?
- Personal interest, I suppose," I smiled. - But your answer will determine what you can get after we meet. Sounds good, doesn't it?
Nefis remained silent for a moment, then looked at me.
- That story of yours... You chose it for a reason, didn't you?
- Yes," I nodded, "and it seems to me that your desire might bear some resemblance to its hero.
- No, it doesn't. There is no resemblance between us," Nefis said sharply, and then fell silent, as if realizing a momentary loss of control.
- Oh? Why do you think that? - I asked.
There was another pause. Nefis didn't break eye contact with me for a long time, clearly hoping I'd back off, but after some time and some thought, she closed her eyes. And then, when she opened them, there was some humility and weariness in them.
- So, I'm listening to you carefully.
Jon Snow. The Enchanted Forest.
- When do we arrive? Given the map, your stories, and our pace, we're almost twice as far behind schedule," I said, frowning.
We've already passed the Frost Fangs and entered the Enchanted Forest. Although I took into account that Cid had led us in wide circles, sometimes almost passing the same place, our journey was still too long.
The food had long since run out, and my long cloak from Winterfell had been replaced by the skins of animals killed and eaten along the way. And I was really curious as to the reason for Cid's actions.
- Did you really think we were going to go exclusively straight? Given your antics back then, you idiot? - Mara rolled her eyes.
- I already apologized, okay? - I sighed and stroked Ghost's head. - I just want to know why we're taking so long.
- Or are you going to draw your sword and come at us? Just like that, huh? - Mara continued, to which I sighed again and fell silent, resigned to the fact that I was probably not going to get an answer.
- Even if you're not wearing worshipers' clothes, anyone from the Free People will know you're not one of us," Cid said suddenly. - That's why we avoid other settlements and their hunters, as well as places that are too quiet for a reason we all know.
- I understand," I replied, and remembered that I had noticed a few snow-covered tracks, apparently left by other tribes of the Free People. - Thank you for your answer, Cid. I feel better now.
- Hmph," Mara hummed. - As if we cared.
I couldn't hold back a smile at the scene.
Apparently, that prank of mine had really hurt them, and that's why they'd grown cold to me. But now Mara and Cid, I realized, had cooled down, and a rather friendly atmosphere had returned to our group.
I looked up into the sky, hidden by the dense forest of conifers and their snow-covered crowns.
Still, when are we going to arrive at the place already?
Suddenly, my Origin, which could work without the use of Magical Chains, which couldn't be helped, activated, and I abruptly froze in place, gripping the hilt of the Durandal.
The snow was too perfect, and the bark of the trees was absolutely pristine, as were their branches. So, no one had been here for a long time, and there was no way that could be the case, because the hunting conditions here were pretty good for both animals and humans.
Mara was surprised to see this, but she took out her bow and drew the bowstring, and Cid just crossed his arms over his chest, which left me puzzled.
- These are ours," he said calmly. - Put your weapons down.
- Phew," Mara sighed in relief and put the bow away. - Finally.
I, too, calmed down and put my hands palm forward, as if to show my intentions. A few moments later, several people came out from behind the trees, led by an elderly man. And on his right arm he also wore a cuff similar to the one Cid wore.
Each of them was watching me with a frown, but no one dared to act first, and, as I realized, everything depended on the group's Arrow.
- Not everyone is back," he said, looking us over, especially me. - Who is he?
- Grandma should see him," Mara interjected. - He knows about the man she saw in her visions.
The old man looked up in surprise, as did the others, and then his expression quickly returned to a calm state.
- 'Then let's see what she has to say.
A/N: How's the chapter? Give us your opinion. You may well be able to influence future chapters.
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