The Discovery

Startled by the contempt in Ethan's eyes—as if he had seen through her falsehoods—Natalie stumbled, "Really."

Natalie held onto Ethan, matched his rhythm with fresh energy, deciding not to say anything more.

Ethan laughed coldly and enabled her to around him like a snake while he took off his sunglasses gradually.

It was a very beautiful face in the brilliant sunshine. High nose bridge, slender but seductive lips, piercing blue eyes. His precisely tousled dark blonde hair. Particularly when he grinned with just one corner of his mouth twisted up, radiating a diabolical charisma that would quickly kill any lady.

Even after seeing this face a lot, Natalie was still awestruck and her steps slowed.

Her slow pace seemed to annoy Ethan, who wrinkled his brow. He turned them over quickly, pressing her forcefully beneath him...

Lily could only now photograph Ethan's biceps!

That annoying supporting character, taking over the show!

Instead of him, she decided to film the reserved Natalie! Stealing the scene like that, who did this guy think he was?

She was lucky to have a backup plan. Turning on a voice recorder, Lily skillfully captured the heart-stopping sounds Natalie was uttering.

Natalie's groans were unbelievably seductive in the middle of a fresh wave of activity, shocking birds from the bamboo groves to take off in all directions.

Such wanton noises would undoubtedly cause Natalie's fans to scream out of horror, wouldn't they?

Taking these covert pictures, incidentally, violated Natalie's privacy. Should she be discovered, might she be put behind bars?

Her hands started to shake with increasing anxiety. When she let go, the camera gear dropped to the floor with a gentle thud.

Heart hammering violently in her chest, Lily almost leaped out of her skin.

Thank heavens the noise was rather low. I mean, they were obviously too engrossed in their intense tryst to have noticed.

Looking over at the Ferrari, Ethan was still torturing Natalie, her seductive whimpers filling the air. There was no way the two knew Lily was there.

Phew. Relief sank into Lily. Still, with the damning pictures, it was probably best to disappear!

Lily had finished loading the heavy camera equipment a few minutes later. Stow the memory card with the pictures, and she got ready to quietly disappear into the bamboo forest.

Abruptly behind her came a chilly voice—

"Leaving already, after enjoying the entire show without even adding your thoughts?"