Ruthless Pursuit

Lily Anderson struggled fiercely, breaking free from Ethan Blackwood's restraint. As soon as her hands were liberated, she started hitting him wildly, her emotions running high as she yelled, "Bastard! Let me go! I'll report you for rape! You bast... Ah!"

A heart-wrenching scream tore from her throat as a searing pain spread through her entire body. Time seemed to freeze in that moment, and Lily stared at the man before her in disbelief. He had already pierced through her.

"A virgin, huh?" Ethan couldn't ignore the barrier he had just broken. His eyes darkened slightly. Today, he had encountered a virgin, and the feeling was... not bad.

His hand cupped her soft, stunned face as he continued to possess her, relishing the sensation.

"I'll report you, I'll report you, I'll report you..." Lily no longer resisted, her entire being going limp like a rag doll, allowing him to manipulate her as he pleased. This was the only thought left in her mind.

Her purity, untouched by a man for twenty-two years, was gone. Completely gone.

She would report him for rape.

She would make sure he went to prison.

Report him?

"Go ahead. I have evidence here," Ethan calmly withdrew from her body, his actions almost tender as he stroked her shoulder-length black hair. He turned his head to look elsewhere and spoke in a cold voice, "Come here."

The moment Ethan released her, Lily nearly collapsed, her body leaning against the wire fence for support, barely able to stand.

She couldn't fall... she absolutely couldn't.

She couldn't fall in front of this man.

She still needed to save her strength to report him. She couldn't just collapse like this.

"Coming," Natalie, who had been standing not far away, immediately ran over and handed her phone to Ethan. His black suit jacket was covering her naked body.

When her gaze fell on Lily, Natalie's beautiful face was filled with intense jealousy and resentment.

She had gone through so much trouble to have the opportunity to offer herself to Ethan, just about to ask him to arrange a role for her in his next film. However, this plain-looking woman has now ruined everything.

Natalie glared at Lily, her eyes filled with anger. However, when she turned to Ethan, her voice was as sweet as honey, trying to please him. "Mr. Blackwood, I've recorded everything."

Lily remained in a daze, unresponsive, until Ethan held the phone in front of her face.

Lily's eyes suddenly widened. In the video on the phone, the man had his back to the camera, his face not captured, but who else could that girl be, with her two legs exposed, being pressed against the wire fence and violated...

He had forcibly taken her and even had Natalie record it?!

How could there be such a shameless person? He had already violated her, yet what more did he want to do?

Lily felt as if the world was spinning around her, the enormity of what had just happened crashing down upon her fragile psyche. Not only had Ethan Blackwood brutally taken her innocence, but he had ensured that there was video evidence of her degradation.

She could barely breathe as the full implications sank in. If that video ever got out, her life would be ruined. Her reputation, her career, and everything she had worked so hard for would be destroyed in an instant.

And the worst part was, she had played right into his hands. Her reckless pursuit of a story had led her straight to this nightmare, and now she was completely at his mercy.

Ethan's cold, triumphant smile made it clear that he knew exactly the power he held over her now. He had her trapped, caught between the threat of exposure and the sickening knowledge of what he had done to her.

Lily wanted to scream, to rage against the injustice of it all. But she couldn't find her voice. She could only stand there, shaking and broken, as the true price of her voyeurism crashed down upon her.

She had thought herself so clever, so daring, in her quest to uncover the truth about Ethan Blackwood. But in the end, it was she who had been exposed, her deepest vulnerabilities laid bare for his cruel amusement.

As she stared at the phone in his hand, the damning evidence of her undoing, Lily felt something break inside of her. The once fearless reporter, so certain of her own righteousness, had been reduced to a shattered husk of her former self.

And it was all because of him. Ethan Blackwood. The man who had taken everything from her, and now held the power to destroy her utterly.

At that moment, standing there on trembling legs, her body aching with the pain of his violation, Lily knew that her life would never be the same. She had dared to cross a man who played by no rules, and now she would pay the price for her hubris.

The true cost of her voyeurism was a debt that could never be repaid, a stain upon her soul that would never wash clean. And as she looked into Ethan's pitiless eyes, Lily knew that this was only the beginning.

He had her now, body and soul. And he would never let her go.