The Price of Proximity

Ethan had specially prepared this breakfast for her?

Lily was stunned as she looked at the man sitting across from her. She found it hard to believe—could he be considerate of others? Was the sun rising in the west?

What was that suspicious look in her eyes?

"Close your ugly eyes," Ethan muttered, throwing a napkin at her face. A brief flash of embarrassment crossed his stern expression.

That napkin-throwing—how childish can you get?

Then she remembered. He had said he would conquer her within a month and make her completely obedient. This breakfast was the first step.

He genuinely believed he could win her over with a meal that his servants had prepared. He was seriously underestimating her.

But still, the breakfast was lavish, and there was no need to make her hungry stomach suffer.

After a moment's thought, Lily picked up the golden-brown fried egg and started eating.

Watching her take small, delicate bites, Ethan scoffed. His deep eyes, filled with possessiveness, roamed from her face down to her collarbone, finally resting on her chest. "Eat more. I don't want people saying that Ethan Blackwood can't even feed a woman properly."

Can't feed her properly...

A double entendre.

His tone was suggestive and unapologetic.

Lily immediately choked on her egg, her face red as a tomato.

How can this man turn everything into something dirty?

Ethan smirked as he threw another napkin at her in disgust over her response. "Lily, keep your thoughts clean."

Who's the one with the dirty mind here?

Lily wanted to throw her egg at his smug, hypocritical face.

"Mr. Blackwood, here's today's newspaper," Nanny said, handing him a stack of papers. Ethan took them and flipped through them casually.

Lily sipped her soy milk and glanced up, noticing he was reading a pile of financial newspapers. Of course, she thought. A businessman like him can't even have breakfast without reading about the markets.

A large headline caught her eye.

Lily's mood darkened. She didn't want to think about it, but why was Alex Carter's name everywhere?

Carter Group was growing bigger and bigger, becoming a prime target for media interviews.

"At two in the afternoon, I'll have the driver take you to the film studio," Ethan suddenly said. "Emily Prescott has a full-nude scene today."

Lily, lost in thought, didn't immediately understand. She blinked, confused. "What?"

Ethan lowered the newspaper just enough to give her a cold stare. "You're going to take pictures. Consider it payment for your time in my bed."

This man never says anything pleasant, does he?

Emily Prescott? Wasn't she an international film star even more famous than Natalie Walker? She had just won the Best Actress award at the Korean Red Plum Awards but always maintained the image of a pure, innocent star…

"Why do all your 'pure' actresses love getting naked so much?" Lily said sarcastically, downing the rest of her soy milk.

"That's why you're lucky. You only need to strip for me," Ethan replied, his face expressionless.

"Pfft…" Lily spat out her soy milk, and Ethan quickly used the newspaper to shield himself, his expression filled with disgust.

Nanny was once again holding back her laughter.

Lily's face turned bright red with anger.

When Lily arrived at the magazine office, her best friend and coworker, Sophia Bennett, was already making faces at her from the front desk. "Your uncle's been waiting for you all morning. He wants to see you in his office immediately, and he doesn't look happy!"

Lily's heart skipped a beat. Ever since her family had fallen apart when she was in middle school, her uncle had taken on the role of her father. Although he loved her, he didn't spoil her. She hadn't been home for several nights—he was bound to be worried.

Her purse still held the keys to Ethan's villa that he had thrown at her.

She needed to come up with a foolproof excuse.

After thinking it over, Lily finally pushed open the office door.

Her uncle, Robert, sat in his chair, looking tired and concerned. When he saw her, his voice was both worried and stern. "Where have you been these past few days? How can you always be out chasing stories and never come home? Are you hiding something from me?"

Lily's heart sank. Did she really seem that suspicious?

"I've been chasing a big story." Lily smiled, trying to appease him as she sat down. "I've been following Emily Prescott's new film. She's supposed to have a full-nude scene today, and I'm trying to sneak in and get some pictures."

At the mention of a big story, her uncle's eyes lit up, but his expression grew serious again. "Then let someone else follow up on it. You haven't rested in days. Go home and get some sleep."

I'd love to get some sleep...

However, if someone else had followed this story, her identity as Ethan's mistress would have been exposed.

"Actually, Uncle, I've rented an apartment nearby to make my work easier. I didn't want to tell you because I was worried you would disapprove. But it's close to the city, and it's better than the little courtyard house we have at home," Lily said, putting on her most sincere expression, hoping to convince him.

"Renting an apartment? No way. It's not safe for a young woman to live alone. You should cancel it right away!" Robert stood up, visibly upset.

"Uncle, I'm an adult now. I know how to take care of myself. I've got news to chase, so I'll be off now. Bye!" Lily quickly stood up and dashed out of the office before he could argue.

Her uncle was a kind man. He might have been upset about her renting an apartment, but he wouldn't stay mad for long.

At 2 PM, Ethan's driver dropped Lily off at the film studio.

Blackwood Enterprise owned this studio, which was the biggest in the province. Everywhere she looked, actors in period costumes were walking around…

In one of the large, high-budget sets—

On an enormous antique bed, Emily Prescott, wearing only a sheer white veil, sat at the head of the bed. Her waist-length black hair cascaded like a waterfall, her brows furrowed, and her tear-filled eyes glistened. Slowly, her delicate hands pulled the veil from her shoulders, inch by inch, revealing her beautiful curves to the camera.

The nude scene didn't bother Emily because she was a seasoned actress. She didn't mind the onlookers, calmly performing her role.

Oddly enough, there wasn't a single media outlet present—just Lily, quietly taking pictures with her DSLR. No one seemed to object...

"OK! That's a wrap! Emily, take a break before the next scene," the bearded director shouted.

Standing in the corner, Lily flipped through the photos on her camera, wondering which one would make the best magazine cover—the one with the sheer veil or the fully nude shot?

A sultry, mature voice suddenly spoke next to her, "How many nights have you spent with Ethan?"

Startled, Lily looked up to see Emily Prescott standing before her. She was wrapped in a thin robe over her sheer veil, her eyes filled with mockery and challenge.

Up close, Lily realized that Emily's "pure" image was a complete illusion. Her makeup was thick, almost like a mask of powder, and her eye makeup was ridiculously overdone.

What had she just asked?

How many nights with Ethan?

"What do you mean?" Lily frowned.

She wasn't stupid—she could hear the contempt and challenge in Emily's question. It was clear she wasn't here to exchange pleasantries.

Emily lit a long, slender cigarette from her assistant, letting out a cold laugh. "You're from EYL Magazine, right? If it weren't for Ethan personally giving the order, a third-rate magazine like yours wouldn't have been allowed to cover my news."

Any respect Lily had for Emily's on-screen image as a "pure" actress instantly disappeared.

No wonder people say actors have two faces—one for the screen and one for real life. Emily Prescott and Natalie Walker were perfect examples.

Pure? More like a temptress.

When Lily didn't respond, Emily wasn't bothered. She blew a cloud of smoke into Lily's face and sneered, "Take all the pictures you want now. Because once Ethan's done with you, you'll be stuck taking photos of street cats and dogs."

The smoke was suffocating.

Lily turned her head away, taking a moment before responding coldly, "So, Ms. Prescott, you're saying you're on the same level as street cats and dogs?"

Emily's mature face twitched in anger. She reached out and pinched Lily's cheek, her long, sharp nails digging into her skin. "With my year of experience dating Ethan, I know he won't be interested in a woman like you for long."

Emily Prescott dated Ethan for a year?!

Emily's nails were long and sharp, and the pinch made Lily wince in pain.

Lily swatted her hand away and stepped back, glaring at her in disgust. "Ms. Prescott, I'd appreciate your showing a little more respect."

"Mr. Blackwood is here…"

"Mr. Blackwood is inspecting the set! Everyone, be on your best behavior!"

A commotion suddenly broke out as the director and staff rushed to the entrance. A short while later, a crowd of people appeared around Ethan's tall, commanding figure. He wasn't wearing his usual formal suit; instead, he wore a long silver-gray coat that made him look even more striking.

"Mr. Blackwood, we weren't expecting you today. If we'd known, we would've prepared a better welcome."

"Mr. Blackwood, please, have a seat!"

"Mr. Blackwood, do you have dinner plans tonight? We'd be honored if you joined us."

Ethan stood there, his handsome face aloof and arrogant. Despite the flurry of compliments, he didn't even bother to give them a smile. He stood tall, like a king surveying his subjects.

Suddenly, his gaze shifted toward where Lily was standing.

Lily sighed inwardly. She was just here to take some pictures—did this man really have to come and keep an eye on her?

Forcing a small smile, Lily prepared to walk over to him. But before she could move, Emily stubbed out her cigarette and said sweetly, "Ethan."

In front of everyone, Emily threw herself into Ethan's arms, casually slipping off her outer robe. All that remained was the barely-there sheer veil that clung to her perfect curves…