
Eileen's heart pounded as she made her way down the opulent hotel corridor, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. Her plan had been perfect: crash the wedding, steal the bride, and take her place. But now, everything was falling apart.

Someone, a family member of one of the couple perhaps, had raised everyone's guards up saying someone might try to ruin the wedding. Seeing as they were indeed rich families so definitely business rivals would target this wedding. Now, security was so tight, even more than normal.

She could hear the muffled words and hurried footsteps of hotel security and stewardesses and stewards everywhere around her. Each step echoed loudly in her ears, a reminder of her dwindling time.

The ornate chandelier lights reflected off the polished marble floors, casting a glittering glow that belied the chaos brewing just beneath the surface.

"Keep moving, Eileen, don't look back," she muttered to herself, her eyes darting around for a hiding place. "You can do this."

As she ran, Eileen couldn't help but notice the luxurious decor of the hotel.

The walls were adorned with intricate gold-leaf patterns and opulent tapestries. Paintings of serene landscapes hung at intervals, each framed in ornate gold. The air was perfumed with a blend of fresh flowers and expensive cologne, an aroma that clung to her senses.

She needed to find the bride's room.

Her plan hinged on it.

Eileen slowed as she neared the elevators, a large banner catching her eye. It showcased the bride and groom: a stunning couple seemingly in their mid-twenties.

The bride had flowing auburn hair, her brown eyes sparkling with joy. The groom was handsome, with chiseled features and dark hair slicked back, his blue eyes filled with adoration.

"He's perfect," Eileen whispered, a pang of envy and determination mixing in her chest. "Just stick to the plan."

Before the wedding, she had dressed like a spy, covering herself in all black: a sleek jumpsuit, gloves, and a hooded jacket which she borrowed from Joshua.

It had made her nearly invisible in the dimly lit service corridors she had navigated earlier. But now, in the bright hallways of the main hotel, she stood out starkly.

A security guard rounded the corner, his eyes narrowing as he spotted her. "Hey, you! Stop right there!"

Eileen's heart skipped a beat. She turned and bolted down another corridor, ignoring his shouts. "Just keep running," she told herself, her breaths coming faster. "You can't get caught now."

"Hey, come down to the PY5 area, just found someone fishy," She could hear the guard speaking urgently into his radio, calling for backup. Within moments, she could hear more footsteps—two more guards joining the chase.

"Three of them now," she thought, panic rising. "Think, Eileen. Find a way out."

The hallway twisted and turned, the opulence of the hotel becoming a blur. She passed closed doors, hoping one might offer a sanctuary, but none did. She was a ghost in a grand palace, hunted and desperate.

Ahead, she saw a sign for the hotel's main ballroom. The wedding ceremony was likely taking place there, the majority of the guests and staff gathered in celebration. The hallway she was in, however, was eerily quiet, the sounds of her pursuers the only indication of life.

"There has to be a way out," she murmured, her eyes scanning for any possible escape. "Think. Think!"

She spotted a door marked "Staff Only" but then her eyes landed on a room number that caught her off guard: 911. Despite the gravity of her situation, she found it comical. "Really? 911?" she muttered under her breath.

Still, she had no other choice. After quickly glancing around to ensure no one was watching, she slipped into the room, her heart still racing.

Inside, the room was a stark contrast to the chaos outside. It was luxuriously furnished, with a large king-sized bed, elegant drapes, and a private balcony overlooking the hotel's manicured gardens.

Eileen leaned against the door, taking a moment to catch her breath.

"Okay, Eileen, think," she whispered to herself, trying to formulate her next move. "You need a new plan."

She crossed to the window and peeked through the curtains. The garden below was empty, a serene oasis that seemed worlds away from the turmoil she had created. She wished she could escape there, but she knew it was only a matter of time before the guards found her.

The sound of footsteps in the hallway brought her back to reality. They were getting closer. Eileen glanced around the room frantically, looking for another way out. The bathroom, the closet—none of them offered a viable escape.

Her eyes landed on a tall box in the corner of the room, partially hidden by the shadows. It was a large, ornate wooden chest, its intricate carvings suggesting it was more decorative than functional. But it was her only option.

Just then, she heard heavier footsteps approaching the door. "Check every room. She can't have gone far," a voice commanded, sounding closer than before.

Panic surged through her. She had to act fast.

Eileen darted to the chest and lifted the lid, the hinges creaking slightly. It was just big enough to hide her. She climbed in, curling herself into a tight ball, and pulled the lid down, leaving a small gap to breathe and listen.

The footsteps stopped outside the door. She could hear the doorknob turning, her heart hammering in her chest.

The door creaked open, and Eileen held her breath. "Please don't look here, please don't look here," she thought desperately, her body trembling with fear.

As the guards searched the room, Eileen prayed they wouldn't find her. She had to stay calm, and had to remain hidden. It was her only chance.

Minutes passed like hours as she listened to the guards moving around the room, their voices muffled but urgent.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she heard them leave, the door closing behind them.

Eileen waited several more minutes, ensuring they were really gone, before slowly lifting the lid of the chest. Just as she was about to climb out, she felt the chest being lifted.

Panic surged anew as she realized what was happening. She couldn't move, couldn't make a sound. The chest was being carried, and she could hear voices outside the room.

"Alright, let's get this delivered to LakeBale Villa," one of the men said, his voice gruff and close.

Eileen's blood ran cold. Busted! She was being taken away, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.