The Doll Went Grocery Shopping

Cillian and Casper drove back from the wedding, the car filled with the low hum of their conversation. The wedding had been a pleasant distraction, but now their minds turned back to business and family matters.

"I think Terence is looking for an investor," Casper remarked, glancing over at Cillian. "He mentioned something about a new project his wife is spearheading. Might be worth looking into."

Cillian nodded thoughtfully. "Terrence is a good man. If his wife is anything like him, their project could be promising. We need to diversify our investments anyway."

Casper chuckled. "Just make sure you don't invest in another enmity with the Sterling family. We've had enough of that."

Cillian's jaw tightened at the mention of the Sterlings. "Our issues with the Sterlings are... complicated. But maybe it's time to reconsider some of those old grudges. For the sake of progress."

Casper raised an eyebrow. "Really? You'd be willing to put that behind us?"

Cillian sighed. "It's something to think about especially for the sake of Terry. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. One step at a time."

Their conversation was interrupted by the ringing of Cillian's phone. He glanced at the screen, his secretary's name flashing up, and answered quickly. "Hello?"

"It's not your secretary," a gruff voice responded. "This is one of your bodyguards. Sir, we have a situation."

Cillian's expression darkened. "What is it?"

"The lady you left in the house – she's gone. The house was left open, and it looks like she escaped."

Cillian's grip tightened on the steering wheel. "Are you telling me you lost her?"

"Yes, sir. We searched the area, but there's no sign of her. She must have taken off right after you left."

"Shit!" Cillian cursed under his breath.

Casper looked at him with concern. "What's going on?"

Cillian ended the call and took a deep breath, trying to rein in his frustration. "The... doll. She's gone. Escaped from the house."

Casper's eyes widened. "How did that happen? I thought you have to turn it on before the doll…"

"So did I," Cillian muttered. "But it seems she's more resourceful than I anticipated."

Casper shook his head in disbelief. "What now?"

"We head back and figure out where she went. And then we find her." Cillian's voice was cold and determined. "I need to understand what exactly she is and what she's after."

The rest of the drive was tense, filled with unspoken questions and the weight of the unexpected turn of events.

Just as Cillian was about to shift the car into park, he caught a glimpse of a familiar black-clad figure in front of a market store.

His heart skipped a beat.

"It's her," he muttered to himself, eyes narrowing.

The car was quickly parked and then he jumped out, his brother Casper following closely behind, confusion etched on his face.

"What's going on?" Casper asked, but Cillian didn't respond. He was already striding purposefully towards the woman.

Eileen, still dressed in her black outfit, was perusing the market stalls, trying to blend in. She was oblivious to the approaching danger until it was too late.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp tug on her hair, and before she could react, she was spun around to face a furious Cillian.

"Got you," he hissed, his grip on her hair tightening.

Eileen's eyes widened in shock and fear. She was momentarily speechless, her mind racing to come up with an explanation.

Casper reached them, his eyes flicking between Cillian and Eileen. "Cillian, what are you doing?" he asked, alarmed by the aggressive confrontation.

"This is the 'doll' that escaped from our house," Cillian replied through gritted teeth, still holding Eileen's hair. "Except she's not a doll at all, is she?"

Eileen swallowed hard, trying to maintain her composure despite the pain and fear. "I-I can explain," she stammered, her voice shaky.

"You'd better," Cillian growled, his face inches from hers. "Because right now, I'm struggling to understand what kind of game you're playing. Who sent you?!"

Casper put a hand on Cillian's shoulder, trying to defuse the situation. "Let's not do this here," he said quietly. "People are watching."

Cillian glanced around and saw curious eyes turning their way. He loosened his grip slightly but didn't let go.

"Fine," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "But you're coming with us. Now."

Eileen nodded quickly, seeing no other option. She felt the weight of her predicament settling heavily on her shoulders.

As they walked back to the car, surrounded by the murmurs of market-goers, she knew she had to find a way to turn this around – and fast.

Once they were back in the car, Cillian told Casper to take the wheel while he sat in the back seat, next to Eileen. His anger was palpable, a storm barely contained.

Eileen felt the tension radiating from him and knew she needed to tread carefully.

As the car started moving, Cillian turned to Eileen, his eyes blazing. "When I got home and saw that the box was empty, I was furious. Now, I need answers. Who are you, and why were you inside that box?"

Eileen's mind raced. She needed to come up with a plausible story, something that would buy her time and keep her safe.

She decided to stick to the doll lie, but with a twist. "I was... programmed," she began, her voice hesitant at first but gaining confidence as she continued. "Programmed to take care of my master, Mr. Frosty."

Cillian raised an eyebrow. "Programmed? To take care of me?"

"Yes," Eileen nodded, trying to appear sincere. "I came to the market to see if I could find something to prepare for you. It's part of my programming."

Casper, who was driving, glanced at her through the rearview mirror, a mix of amusement and disbelief on his face. "Seriously? You're a doll?"

Eileen forced a smile. "Yes, I am. A very advanced one."

Cillian, still skeptical but intrigued, leaned back in his seat. "You cook?"

"To a certain extent," Eileen replied carefully. "My cooking skills are basic, but I am programmed to care for you in other ways. That's why I decided to buy some ingredients."

Cillian's expression softened slightly, though his eyes remained wary. "Interesting. So you're telling me you have no other purpose but to serve me?"

Eileen nodded, hoping her lie would hold. "That's right. I was designed to make your life easier, to take care of your needs."

Casper chuckled softly from the front seat. "Well, that's a new one. A doll that goes grocery shopping."

Cillian's gaze didn't waver from Eileen. "Alright. We'll see how well you perform your... duties. But if I find out you're lying, there will be consequences."

Eileen swallowed hard, knowing she had to keep up the act. "Understood, Mr. Frosty."

As the car continued towards Cillian's house, Eileen sighed "hmm". She had a long way to go, but for now, playing the part of the dutiful doll seemed to be her best option.