7. First Battle

For a couple of minutes, Universe tried to wave his sword, but no matter how much he tried, he couldn't use the skill. Flustered, he asked Alfa about it.

"What's going on, Alfa? Am I doing something incorrect?"

Alfa was really speechless and asked back.

"The last time I told you, but you didn't listen, I think. What I said is, you can use only one weapon. And that's the mobile phone."

"What do you mean, use mobile as a weapon? And how am I supposed to do that? There are thousands of novels, but I had never seen someone use a mobile as a weapon."

"Have you seen a mobile phone used instead of a system in any novels?" Alfa asked back.

Universe became speechless; seriously, what kind of answer is that?

"Oh... at least tell me how to use it."

"It's actually quite simple; just say out loud 'my favorite weapon,' and it will appear in your hand. But remember, every minute 1 MP will be deducted from your MP balance. So when the fight is finished, send it to your spiritual sea or consciousness."

Hearing this, Universe really wanted to try this new type of mobile weapon.

So without any hesitation, he brought his hand forward and shouted loudly.

"My favorite weapon!" And just as he finished saying it, an old mobile phone appeared in his palm.

As for Alfa, he was laughing loudly inside. If he had a physical body, then he would be rolling on the ground by now.

Looking at the old mobile phone, Universe really couldn't understand how it's going to help him in battles.

Suddenly Alfa sent a message again.

"Don't just stand there and use your newly learned technique. Just wave the mobile phone like a sword."

As Universe concentrated, his energy began to move through the required meridians in his body. Eventually, it came to his mobile phone through his hand.

And just as Universe waved his hand, the mobile phone in his hand suddenly transformed into a sword for a fraction of a second and turned back into a mobile phone.

But the power it displayed made Universe's mouth gape open.

In front of him, almost tens of trees became half in less than a second. He didn't even know that his mobile phone could transform.

"Did I do that? But it's impossible to release energy from your body in the body tempering stage. How did I do that?"

"Trust me, you will get used to it. Don't think of it just as a normal phone; it's more than that now, and you can't even imagine what it will become later when your power will be stronger."

Universe was really surprised by the power his mobile phone had shown.

In his clan, only energy gathering experts of the initial stage could bring out this much power.

Thinking of all kinds of ways he could use this mobile phone, Universe felt marvelous, but there is a catch here.

He can't just show it to everyone; otherwise, he would be hunted down for his weapon wherever he goes.

"Alfa, I can't show this kind of thing in front of too many people; otherwise, my life will be like cat and mouse."

"Don't worry, just pick up a normal stick from the ground."

Universe didn't understand what he was trying to do but still followed his instruction.

Picking up a stick less than a meter long, he asked for the follow-up.

"Now, again, summon your mobile phone."

This time he felt Alfa was on to something and loudly called out 'my favorite weapon.'

Once again, the mobile phone appeared in his hand, but this time it directly melted and covered the stick in his hand.

The simple stick from before now looked beautiful. Its whole body was purple, and the edges were silver in color.

Just looking at it, Universe felt like he was holding some kind of artifact. It was just a normal stick, and it became like this, but nobody would believe it if they couldn't see it with their own eyes.

Suddenly Universe waved it again, and just like the last time, a white energy with a half-moon shape shot out from the stick.

The attack was the same; there wasn't any change. Looking at the stick in his hand, Universe suddenly thought, "If only it would look like a normal stick."

Just as he finished thinking, the purple silver stick in his hand turned into a dried wooden stick, the same as when it was normal.

Seeing this, Universe began to laugh loudly.


"Why are you laughing like a madman?" Universe ignored him for a while; his eyes were moist; he let out all his bottled-up emotion with this laughter.

A little while later, his emotions became calm.

"Sorry, we wasted quite a lot of time here; we should get going. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to hunt any monsters."

And Alfa just sent him only a single message.

"Best of luck."

Universe started walking ahead with a smile on his face, but a few meters ahead of him was a beast with two long fangs, and all over its body, only bones were sticking out. And fortunately, he knew this beast.

It was a bone shabar tooth; their agility is their greatest weapon and their defense. But they have one weakness.

Their stomach, which is not protected by the bones. And if you want to defeat it, then that's the only way. Or you have to be more powerful than the beast itself.

Looking at the beast, who seemed ready to pounce anytime.

"It's a good thing I didn't throw away the stick," Universe thought, but his legs were shaking.

Even though Universe tried to act all calm and composed, the beast saw through him and let out a smirk.

Seeing this smirk, Universe became angry.

"Laugh all you want; when I eat you for dinner, then you wouldn't be laughing anymore," Universe thought viciously.

Letting out a loud sound, Universe used his well-practiced technique, sword slash.

In just a fraction of a second, sword energy went toward the beast. But it was impossible to hurt it because of its speed.