15. Finale 1

In 3rd round, universe got paired with su Mai a girl of 15 years of age. In her clan she could be said to be a rare genius. She has a beautiful purple hair, with purple eyes, white skin. Even though she wore a robe on her body, nothing could hide her beautiful figure.

Universe was momentary stunned seeing her. But came back to his senses right after. Standing on the arena , looking at this beauty, universe was kind of nervous. He never felt this kind of nervousness in front of his sisters.even thought they are world class beauty themselves.

Suddenly referee gave the signel to start the fight.

In the arena filled with roaring crowds, Universe and Su Mai faced off under the watchful eyes of the patriarchs of the four clans: Su Clan, Xiao Clan, Yu Clan, and Yun Clan.

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the two warriors prepared for their showdown, each representing not just their own skills but the honor of their clans.

Su Mai, elegant and poised, stood with her sword raised in salute to the clans watching from their elevated seats.

Universe, exuding confidence and focus, acknowledged the presence of his father with a respectful nod before assuming his stance, ready to unleash his burst speed and sword skills.

The patriarchs observed silently, their expressions stoic yet filled with intrigue as the battle commenced.

Su Mai initiated with a series of precise strikes, her techniques blending seamlessly as she sought to impress her father and secure victory for the Su Clan. Her movements were a testament to years of training and dedication under the watchful guidance of her clan.

Universe responded with agile dodges and swift counterattacks, his bursts of speed keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. His sword flashed in the sunlight, deflecting Su Mai's onslaught with deft precision.

The clans watched intently, each rooting for their respective representative, the atmosphere alive with the energy of competition.

As the battle progressed, Su Mai and Universe traded blows with increasing intensity. The arena thundered with the clash of their swords, echoing the pulse of the crowd's excitement. Su Mai showcased her knowledge of various techniques, attempting to outmaneuver Universe with strategic moves that displayed the Su Clan's renowned swordsmanship.

However, Universe's adaptability and speed proved formidable. With a burst of acceleration that left the crowd gasping, he seized an opportunity amidst Su Mai's flurry of attacks. His sword sliced through the air in a decisive arc, catching Su Mai off guard and earning a resounding cheer from the spectators.

Su Mai staggered back, her sword slipping from her grasp as she looked up at Universe, a mix of surprise and doudt in her eyes. His father nodded in acknowledgment of Universe's victory, recognizing his skill and determination in overcoming a formidable representative.

Amidst the thunderous applause of the crowd, Universe and Su Mai exchanged a respectful nod, a silent understanding passing between them. The arena bore witness to not just a duel of swords, but a testament to the strength and spirit of warriors representing their clans in the ultimate display of martial prowess.

After the fight, universe went back to his father and sat beside him. As he gazed at the arena for the next fight. But silently asked Alfa in his mind.

" Alfa, I don't think. For my next match sword slash and burst speed would be enough. Can you choose a useful tacnique for my next battle."

" Wait a minute..." After searching the mobile mall for while. Alfa choose two tacniques which belongs to fast-paced battle aswell.

Which is basic sword tacnique and intermediate sword tacnique. Both belongs to same category but one belongs to lower tier and second belongs to upper tier.

And because of low MP in his mobile account. He just bought the basic sword tacnique.

Suddenly his eye went blurred for a moment, when his eyes became clear again. Universe felt like many years have passed.

Its like he has been using basic sword tacnique for many years. As he was lost in his thoughts. The host once again gathered everyone s attainsion on himself.

" Hello everyone, it's time to start the 4th round, where only 5 people will participate. Now pls come to the arena and choose your number. And because of extra person in round. Like 3rd round the lucky one wouldn't have to fight."

After choosing the number, universe got paired with Bai chan from the minor clan. Who was level 8 at body tempering stage.

Standing on the arena , universe looked at the person who just walked on to the stage. And got ready to fight once again. While slightly lowering his strength to that of level 8.

Universe and Bai Chan erupted with a thunderous intensity. Universe, with his mastery of basic sword techniques and burst speed, moved like a lightning bolt, his sword gleaming under the arena lights.

On the other side, Bai Chan, though proficient in lower-level sword techniques, was known for his unpredictable maneuvers.

The audience held their breath as Universe made the first move, a swift horizontal slash aimed at Bai Chan's midsection. Bai Chan responded with a quick parry, his blade ringing loudly against Universe's. Sensing an opening, Bai Chan countered with a series of rapid jabs, aiming for Universe's exposed flank. But Universe was already a step ahead, using his burst speed to evade and reposition himself.

With a sudden burst of speed, Universe closed the distance between them in an instant, aiming a powerful overhead strike.

Bai Chan, relying on his agility, sidestepped just in time, narrowly avoiding the blow. As they separated briefly, Bai Chan seized the opportunity to unleash a flurry of quick slashes, testing Universe's defenses. Each strike was precise, aiming to wear down his opponent's stamina.

Universe, undeterred, focused on his burst speed advantage. He feinted left, then darted right with blinding speed, aiming to catch Bai Chan off guard. Bai Chan, however, anticipated the move, rolling to the side and countering with a sweeping kick aimed at Universe's legs. Universe managed to block with his sword, but the force staggered him momentarily.

As the fight wore on, the arena echoed with the clash of steel and the grunts of exertion. Universe and Bai Chan continued their dance of blades, each probing for weaknesses in the other's defenses. Universe's bursts of speed kept Bai Chan on his toes, while Bai Chan's agility and unpredictability forced Universe to stay vigilant.

In a decisive moment, Universe unleashed a whirlwind attack, a rapid succession of slashes and thrusts that Bai Chan struggled to parry. With a final burst of energy, Universe delivered a powerful thrust towards Bai Chan's chest.

Bai Chan attempted to dodge, but the tip of Universe's sword grazed his shoulder, drawing a thin line of blood.

The arena fell silent as Bai Chan stumbled back, clutching his wounded shoulder. Universe stood poised, breathing heavily but victorious.

The crowd erupted into loud applause.