20. Bloody Night

In the heart of the Dragon Mountain Range, where the peaks kissed the clouds, Yu Zhou stood alone. His eyes, filled with a quiet rage, scanned the rugged terrain that stretched endlessly before him. He had come here for one reason: revenge.

Years ago, the Bloody Sword Bandits had raided a village which was a little special.but they were ruthless, leaving destruction and sorrow in their wake. Shi fan survived by pure luck,but she was helpless as her family's home burned to the ground. Since that day, vengeance burned hotter than any flame within her. And universe could see it clearly. To relief shi fan from this pain. Universe had to eliminate this bandits. After 2 years of search they finally have been found.

Yu Zhou had tracked the bandits to these treacherous mountains. He knew the journey would be perilous, fraught with danger at every turn. But he was driven by a singular purpose—to make them pay for the pain they had inflicted.

As he ascended higher into the jagged peaks, the air grew thin and the wind whispered secrets of the ancients. Yu Zhou's steps didn't stop, guided by a blend of determination and the promise . Day turned into night, and the rugged terrain tested his resolve, but he pressed on.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of relentless pursuit, he found them—a makeshift camp nestled in a narrow valley, shielded by towering cliffs and guarded by the watchful eyes of those who knew nothing of mercy.

Yu Zhou's heart pounded with anticipation as he observed their movements from a hidden vantage point. There they were, the Bloody Sword Bandits, laughing carelessly around a crackling fire, oblivious to the impending storm about to descend upon them.

Under cover of darkness, Yu Zhou made his move. His movements were swift and silent, a shadow among shadows. One by one, he struck, his vengeance fueled by memories of her deep sorrow and lossing the cheerfulness from before. Each strike was precise, each blow a symphony of retribution.

Before long, the camp lay in chaos. The bandits, caught off guard by this lone avenger, fought back with desperation, but Yu Zhou was a tempest unleashed. His sword danced with deadly purpose, finding its mark with unforgiving accuracy.

In the end, silence returned to the valley, broken only by the soft rustling of leaves in the mountain breeze. The bandits lay defeated, their reign of terror ended by the hand of one who never knew them.

As Yu Zhou stood among the fallen, his chest heaving with exertion, he felt a weight lift from his soul. The journey had been arduous, the battle fierce, but in that moment of stillness, he found peace. The cycle of vengeance was complete, and though scars remained, he knew she could finally begin to heal.

With a final glance at the stars twinkling above the Dragon Mountain Range, Yu Zhou turned away from the valley of shadows. His steps were lighter now, guided by a new purpose—to not loss anything dear to him in the future and for that universe need strength.

And so, beneath the watchful gaze of ancient peaks, Yu Zhou descended from the Dragon Mountain Range, leaving behind a legacy of courage and a tale of revenge fulfilled.

Back at the clan, universe found shi fan on the same spot waiting for her young master.

Universe looked at her for a while and brought her into his room after picking up. Seeing the pieceful expression on her face. Universe felt really sad. In such a young age she lost everyone dear to her.

Just as he was in thought, he heard the voice of his father from behind him.

Turning around to see but his gaze mat his father's eye.

Yu ming looked at his son, who was covered in blood. And sword marks all over his body. He can even see in his son's eyes that he has gone through bloody massacre.

He couldn't believe that his son at such young has to go through this.

He wanted to ask lots of questions but only one thing came out from his mouth.

" How are you yuner?" Patting his shoulder yu ming asked.

Seeing the worries of his father, universe just let out a sad smile. " I am ....fine father, i just need some rest." Finished speaking universe went to inner room of his house. And yu ming also didn't stop him.

Seeing him disappeared inside the room. Yu ming thought to himself.

" I hope you wouldn't lost yourself yuner." Sighing yu ming left.

Universe spent his whole day in silence nobody came to disturb him not even Alfa said anything. His mother came but didn't went inside. Everyone knew that the first time killing is a very big hurdle. If one unable to cross it then he will be doom in his cultivation but if he manage to overcome this hurdle then nobody can stop him from reaching a greater heights.

Universe had always considers himself a not so good person but it doesn't mean that he is a bad person.

Universe stood frozen inside his room, thinking of the lifeless bodies at his feet in the mountain range. The reality of what he had done crashed down on him like a tidal wave. He had taken a life. The weight of guilt and sorrow threatened to suffocate him.

Later, sitting alone , universe replayed the scene in his mind. He felt sick to his stomach, questioning if there could have been another way. His hands trembled uncontrollably, and tears streamed down his face as he grappled with the enormity of his actions.

The once clear line between right and wrong blurred, leaving him grappling with his newfound darkness. It was a defining moment that forever changed him, forcing him to confront the harsh realities of survival and the sacrifices it demanded.