28. Incoming Danger 1

Early the next morning, Nana hurried across the expansive grounds of their secluded home, her steps light and eager. She spotted Universe in the distance, his tall figure moving gracefully through a series of stretches and forms. His dedication to his morning exercise routine fascinated her, prompting her to linger and observe quietly from the sidelines.

However, as minutes turned into a quarter-hour, Nana's initial curiosity morphed into concern. With a furrowed brow, she couldn't help but notice several flaws in Universe's technique—misplaced foot placements, awkward transitions between moves, and improper breathing rhythms. Despite her impulse to intervene and correct him, she hesitated. The delicate nature of their relationship, the balance between elder and younger sibling, kept her silent for a while longer.

But as Universe continued, the accumulation of mistakes began to grate on Nana's patience. Unable to restrain herself any longer, she finally spoke out, "Big brother, your exercise form has quite a few flaws."

Startled, Universe paused mid-stretch and turned to face Nana, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. "Why do you say that, Nana?" he asked, genuinely intrigued.

With a hint of pride in her voice, Nana replied, "My father was a great warrior. Though he never achieved immortality, his body was as resilient as steel because of his exercises. He taught me a lot about proper form and technique."

Universe's interest was piqued. "So you know a lot about this. Would you mind teaching your brother some of what you've learned?" His tone was serious, but there was a playful glint in his eyes.

Nana's heart skipped a beat at his request—it was exactly what she had hoped for. Stepping confidently into the exercise space, she began demonstrating a series of movements that seemed odd and unconventional to Universe at first.

Initially thinking it was mere playfulness, Universe soon realized there was substance to Nana's motions. Memories stirred within him, fragments of techniques he had practiced in his previous life. As he followed Nana's lead, clumsily at first but with growing proficiency, he felt a strange sensation building within him—a warmth that spread through his muscles and bones, leaving them feeling stronger than before.

Intrigued and slightly breathless, Universe turned to Nana with newfound respect. "Nana, where did your father learn this technique? It's truly remarkable."

Nana giggled, a lightness returning to her eyes. "Isn't it? My father was indeed extraordinary. But he never revealed where he learned these exercises. Now, I can't even ask him."

Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, a fleeting sadness crossing her face. Sensing her emotions, Universe changed the subject tactfully. "Nana, what would you like for breakfast?"

They walked back towards their home, Nana's mind racing with thoughts of her father and the legacy he had left behind. Universe, now more determined than ever, made a silent vow to master these exercises and uncover their secrets. As they entered the kitchen, the aroma of breakfast cooking filled the air, bringing with it a sense of comfort and possibility for the day ahead.

After their morning exercise session, Universe, Yu Ming, Guxuner, and Nana gathered around the breakfast table in their cozy restaurant. The atmosphere was relaxed, the early morning light filtering through the windows casting a warm glow over everything.

As they settled into their seats, Nana couldn't contain her curiosity. "Big brother, how did it feel to practice those exercises? Did you feel any different?"

Universe, pouring himself a cup of tea, considered her question thoughtfully. "It was... surprising, actually. At first, I thought it was just some playful movements, but as I continued, I felt a strange energy building within me. My muscles felt more alive, more connected somehow."

Guxuner, nodded sagely. "Those exercises are no ordinary routines, Universe. They're rooted in ancient techniques that can awaken dormant energies within the body. Your experience today might be just the beginning."

Universe knew that his mother is talking about something else but he didn't correct her.

Yu Ming, sitting beside Guxuner, added with a smile, "Indeed, cultivating such practices requires discipline and understanding. It seems you've stumbled upon something quite profound, Universe."

Universe exchanged a glance with Nana, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. He hadn't expected their parents to comment on his newfound interest in exercises. "Yes, I... I suppose so," he replied cautiously, unsure how much to reveal about Nana's teachings.

Nana, quick to gauge the situation, interjected smoothly, "Father, Mother, these exercises are something I learned from stories and books. They're fascinating, but I'm still exploring their origins and meanings."

Yu Ming and Guxuner exchanged a knowing look, sensing there was more to the story than Nana was letting on. "It's wonderful to see you taking an interest in our ancestral practices," Yu Ming said warmly, his eyes twinkling with pride. "If you ever have questions or need guidance, don't hesitate to ask."

Guxuner, leaned forward slightly. "Indeed, these ancient arts hold wisdom that transcends generations. They are as much about inner strength as they are about physical prowess."

The conversation drifted to other topics throughout breakfast—plans for the day, household chores, and the upcoming festival in their village. Universe felt a mix of relief and determination. He knew now that his path forward involved not just mastering these exercises but also navigating the delicate balance of honoring his family's heritage while forging his own path of discovery.

As they finished thier breakfast, Nana gave Universe a subtle nod of gratitude. Their secret remained safe for now, allowing them to explore and learn at their own pace. With each passing moment, Universe felt a deeper connection to his family and a growing excitement for the journey ahead.

While they are spending a beautiful time together unknown to them a crisis is coming to spring city.