30. Incoming Danger 3

" Look, big brother Universe! They have spirit fruits and enchanted scrolls over there! Can we go see?" Nana said excitedly while tugging at universe's sleeve.

" Of course, Nana. Lead the way." Universe smiling warmly.

As they weave through the crowds, the air filled with the scent of lotus flowers and incense.

Stall owner of the spirit fruits, who saw them coming bowed respectfully.

"Welcome, esteemed cultivators! Care to try some spirit fruits? They're freshly picked from the sacred groves."

Nana on the other hand like she had seen it for the first time and look toward universe with puppy eyes." Wow, they're glowing! Can I try one, big brother Universe?"

" Choose one, Nana. Let your instincts guide you." Universe nodded.

Nana carefully selects a small, shimmering fruit and takes a tentative bite. And made a lot of funny expression while chuwing it.

Even though inside she really wanted to vomit, she has taken far more powerful and delicious spirit fruits that this whole empire would fight for one. But in front of universe. Nana delightfully said.

" Mmm, it's like a burst of energy! Big brother Universe, you have to try this!"

"Perhaps later, Nana. We have much to explore." Universe said while feeling amused.

They continue through the festival, passing stalls selling talismans, rare herbs, and artifacts imbued with qi.

The owner of the artifect craftsman gesturing at his swords and talismans to all the people there. "Step right up, esteemed cultivators! Witness the craftsmanship of the ancients!

"Big brother Universe, can we see? Maybe they have a sword that fits me!" Nana felt fascinated about seeing lots of artifect and wanted to take one for herself.

"Let's see what catches your eye, Nana. Remember, the bond between cultivator and weapon is sacred." Universe nodded and said while examining the artifects.

Nana carefully examines a small, silver sword adorned with intricate runes. Which looked quite adorable like Nana but it was not any less than other deadly weapons.

Nana , holding the sword gingerly as she said."It feels... right, big brother Universe. Can we get it?"

"If your heart calls to it, Nana, then it is yours." Universe nodded approvingly.

They purchase the sword, its blade gleaming under the festival lights.as they made there way to lot more stalls. And time also went little by little. As it was already midnight.

Nana said while beaming"Thank you, big brother Universe! This is the best spring festival ever."

"The pleasure is mine, Nana. These moments remind me of my sister's who are very far away right now ." Universe said while gazing at Nana fondly.

He didn't know why but he felt there was some connection between them. And he kinda felt piecefull while spending time with her.

As They walk through the festival once more, Nana swinging her new sword with youthful enthusiasm, their laughter echoing through the air.

As Nana swung her new sword with youthful enthusiasm, the festive air suddenly shattered with a thunderous roar. A massive beast, its fur bristling with energy and eyes gleaming with ferocity, crashed through the stalls. Panic spread like wildfire as cultivators scrambled to defend themselves.

Nana clutched her sword tightly, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and determination. Universe, ever composed, stepped forward, his presence commanding respect even amidst chaos. "Stay behind me, Nana," he instructed calmly, his voice carrying a reassuring strength.

Around them, shouts and cries filled the air as cultivators mobilized to confront the rampaging beast. "Protect the stalls!" shouted one elderly cultivator, his voice cracking with urgency. Another, a seasoned warrior with a scarred face and a spear crackling with elemental energy, called out orders to coordinate the defense.

The stall owners, moments ago smiling and welcoming, now stood grim-faced as they armed themselves with talismans and artifacts. "Hold the line! Don't let it near the sacred groves!" yelled a determined cultivator, her voice cutting through the chaos.

Meanwhile, Universe moved with a grace that belied his power. With a gesture, he summoned his own energy, a aura swirling around him like a protective cloak. His eyes narrowed in focus as he assessed the beast, calculating its strength and weaknesses.

"Nana, stay close," Universe reminded gently, his voice a steady anchor amidst the turmoil. "We'll handle this together."

With a swift movement, Universe engaged the beast, their clash sending shockwaves through the festival grounds. The creature lunged with primal fury, but Universe countered with precision and finesse, each strike calculated to weaken its defenses. The onlookers, previously in awe of the festival's wonders, now watched in awe as their protector battled for their safety.

"We can't hold it much longer!" shouted a young cultivator, beads of sweat mingling with determination on her brow. "Keep fighting!" rallied another, his voice hoarse from exertion.

Nana, gripping her sword with resolve, took a deep breath. As she really wanted to help but She could feel Universe's presence beside her, and so hide herself she could only act like a child for now.

The beast, sensing the powerful force against it, roared in defiance, but with each coordinated strike, it weakened. Finally, with a decisive blow from Universe, imbued with spritual energy, the creature staggered and fell.

Silence descended upon the festival grounds, broken only by the sounds of heavy breathing and the crackle of residual energy dissipating. The cultivators, battered but victorious, exchanged looks of relief and gratitude.

Looking at nana who stood on one place without creating any trouble for him. Universe felt happy that Nana is smart girl.

"You did well, nana," Universe said, a proud smile spreading across his face as he sheathed his weapon. "Your spirit and courage are admirable."

Nana beamed, her eyes shining with pride and accomplishment. "You did it, big brother Universe!"

As they walked through the aftermath of the festival, now quiet and in disarray, the stall owners emerged cautiously, their expressions a mix of relief and concern for their damaged wares. "Thank you for your bravery," one of them said, bowing deeply to Universe. "You saved our festival."

Universe nodded, acknowledging their gratitude. "It's my home , so It was my duty to protect."

The night wore on, but the memory of the battle and triumph would linger in the hearts of all who witnessed it. And for Universe and Nana, amidst the chaos and danger, their bond grew stronger.

But universe didn't know that he is going to loss someone dear to him today.