WebNovelbaby blue33.33%


And apon hearing him say this I could feel my body getting cold and numb what he is saying that he is my kidnappers and he was my daddy wtf is he saying I start to get panic and straggling

"What are you saying you are not my daddy why did you kidnapp me iam telling you let me go this fucking second " I was scared but I knew that I have to try escape from this situation

"I Wana go back let me go" I was still struggling for freeing my self for his lap but I can't because he was holding me so tightly

"Baby stop saying that dirty words or I have to punishes you and stop crying and straggling please calm down you will hart your self hu I will tell you everything ok "

With this I start to calm down and then he asked me" what your name baby how old are you"

And with so much dedication I say" my name is Leo Tyler iam 18 year old "

Then he nodded his head and say are you school student or college "

I say" school graduated"

"Ok your mom dad"he said

"They are not around know "I say with some sadness

"O o I am so sorry "he say with Concerns

"You don't tell me why you kidnapp me and saying that you're my daddy " I said this with so so much waring

He sad"baby I kidnapp you because I want you to be my baby and know iam you daddy ok I want to take car of you "

I say "and why will I have to be your baby "

"Because you aunt sold you to me so know you have to be my baby know no more questions "he say

Apone hearing this I feel like my world has crashed I can't believe that my aunt has sold me even if see hate me se don't have to go to that much length

With this he start to walk with me in his area

With this I got scared and say "wear are you taking me "

Then he stop in his steps and say "I am taking you to have breakfast you don't eat anything since last night tha I'll give you your medicine "

And he start to walk again and after some time I was sitting on Dining table with him across me and Suddenly a man came with our food he just puts our food silently and went back to wear he come

"Baby open your mouth "with this I got startled because he was sitting beside me with food on his hand

"I can feed my self so stop it " with this I start snatching spoon for his hand but he didn't lat me he was stronger than me