Me! An Impostor?

Three Years Later - Sky Group Banquet Hall

I was going to be introduced to the world today…

As Sienna Winchester – 24 years old, only child and daughter of Steven and Nora Winchester now heiress of Sky Group and CEO of Sky Corporation. I've waited for this day all my life, trained, took classes, did speech lessons, and prepared myself thoroughly but I couldn't help but feel that something was missing.

I had dreamed of taking over the company someday but with my parents beside me… nothing had prepared me for their death and nothing could prepare me for the shoes I was about to step in. Albeit big… what could I do, it was my responsibility.

"There's my girl," a familiar voice boomed. Uncle Philip, my father's brother and the only real family I had left approached me with a reassuring smile.

I embraced him, inhaling the scent of his cologne, it reminded me so much of my father. "I can't believe this is really happening," I whispered. "Isn't it too soon. I'm barely out of mourning mom and dad,".

He pulled back, giving me a reassuring smile "I wish we could but we've got to keep the company afloat and the investors happy. Believe it my dear, you were born for this,".

"Okay!" I took in a raspy breath whispering as I touched the jade pendant my mother had given me. "You've got this, Sienna…".

"That's the spirit. Ready?"

I nodded, taking a deep breath. As we stepped onto the stage, applause erupted from every corner of the room. I could see the surprised looks on their faces as well as admiration. I knew they were all checking me out in their heads, ticking boxes and deciding if I was strong enough to fit into this big shoe.

My gaze caught on a tall figure in the front row of the crowd and my breath hitched, it was Monty – My father's driver and his right-hand man. He had disappeared after the death of my parents. What was he doing here?

After a while, my uncle Philip raised his hands for silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen, elites, members of the press – thank you all for joining us on this historic occasion,".

I smoothed my dress, adrenaline coursing through my veins. This was it… the moment I've waited for all my life.

"Tonight, we celebrate not just the future of Sky Group and Sky Corporation, but the legacy of my dear brother, Steven Winchester and his beloved wife Nora Winchester whose lives were cut short and I'm sure they're looking down from heaven, smiling at their beloved daughter on this special occasion".

A hush fell over the crowd. I blinked back tears, missing my parent more than ever.

"For years, he has eagerly prepared and anticipated the day his daughter would take her rightful place as CEO. And now, that day has finally arrived,". He paused and scanned the crowd, a smile on his face.

"It is my pleasure to introduce the new CEO of Sky Corporation as well as the Heiress to Sky Group and my beloved niece…",

I took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"Amelia Winchester!"

The hall exploded into applause, but I froze. Amelia? There must be some mistake.

The spotlight focused at the other end of the hall, resting on a young woman the same age as me. She was dressed in the same sleek black dress I had on. The woman waved excitedly and glided onto the stage, taking her place next to my uncle.

"No," I whispered, "This can't be happening,".

I looked at the woman who was assigned my P.A., her face had drained of all colour. "What's going on?"

Before she could answer, two security guards suddenly showed up, flanking me on each side.

"Miss, we need you to come with us,".

"Wait!" I protested as they grabbed my arm "There's been a mistake. I'm Sienna Winchester!".

My outburst caught the attention of the guests in the hall. I could see each of them staring at me, with surprise on their faces.

On stage, Uncle Philip resumed talking. "I'm afraid, there's been an unfortunate disruption. Security, please remove the impostor,".

Impostor? My head spun. This couldn't be real.

As the guards pushed me towards the exit, I caught a glimpse of Monty. For a moment, our eyes locked. His eyes held something uninterpretable. I saw him smile at me and then disappeared.

Suddenly, a voice called out my name...

"This way, Miss Sienna," he urged quietly. "Quickly,".

When I turned, it was Monty. I didn't know where he had come from but the reassuring smile on his face was the only thing I needed.

The uniformed men were too occupied with trying to clear the media that had come up to take closer pictures of me. Without thinking, I let Monty guide me off the other end of the stage and through a hidden service entrance. I could hear shouts echoing behind us as we raced down the back corridors. They must have noticed that I was missing.

"Monty, what's happening?" I gasped as we burst into the hotel's underground parking. "Did Uncle Philip just do what I think he did? How can he call me an impostor? We need to go back and tell the people. They believed him Monty… they think that woman on stage is me,".

"We have no time, Sienna and I don't have all the answers," he said ushering me into a dusty Sedan. "But I know you're in danger. Those men earlier, are not from the police. We need to get you somewhere safe,".

As Monty drove out of the parking ground, my mind reeled. My entire life – a lie? Was my parent's love – fake? Uncle Philip had said I was a placeholder. Was it true?

I clutched the jade pendant, around my neck with tears stinging my eyes. I couldn't afford to bawl now, I'd distract Monty. I also had a lot of questions too but that could wait. "Where are we going?"

"To a safe place. Maybe a motel downtown until I can think of something. But right now… we just need to get out of their sight,".

As the city lights blurred past, I realized my life as I knew it was over. There was no going back now.