Needing Sebastian again...

"Is it just me or did Sebastian's idea just save the day?" I asked with a smile on my face as I surfed through stations on the TV.

Everyone was talking about my engagement with Mr Black and they couldn't stop gushing about how lucky I was and then the clip of me and Janice confronting each other was making rounds. A lot of people were looking more into the video and analyzing it, saying that there was no way I could have been in that meeting that day if I didn't have strong ties to the Winchesters.

The shareholders and the board wouldn't allow me to come an inch into the conference room and ideally, Sky Corporations shared has pummeled by at least 5.05% since my interview with Lydia.

"He saved himself, Sienna," Chelsea sighed from where she was hunched in front of her laptop "He hesitated and preferred to stay anonymous in case this took a bad turn. It's only his brand name that would be affected and not him as a person,".

"Whatever!" I rolled my eyes and put down my remote, then turned to Monty who was also bent over a laptop, his brows furrowed in concentration. Everyone seemed to be doing something except me.

"Can I get a new phone now? It's killing me that I have to get information from a TV,".

"Not yet!" he replied without looking up "We don't know what kind of retaliation your uncle has planned with your interview yesterday and Sebastian is yet to tell us how he intends to protect you. Until that, I'm afraid, you have to remain here and without any means of being traced,".

"Come to think of it," Chelsea closed her laptop "How do you know, Sebastian again and please don't give me the bullshit story about you two growing up as kids. There must be a reason why he agreed to help you. A history perhaps because the man… the image that Mr Black portrays to the public will not take a hit for anyone except they're very close to the heart,".

"I told you, Chelsea, you have to stop trying to look for what's not there. There's nothing…".

"It's okay, Monty," I raised my hand to stop him "Let's just tell her since she's on our side,".

"That's sensitive information, Sienna," Monty sighed "I am not saying that I don't trust Chelsea but you have to be careful when you're dealing with people,".

"Is it until I cut up myself into tiny pieces before you'd believe that I care about Sienna the same way you do?" Chelsea exploded. "I resigned from my job, put my life on hold and decided to attach myself with someone who is wanted and you think I should not be trusted? What in the world is happening in that messed up brain of yours?"

"Don't you dare …".

"Enough guys!" I screeched "Let's not quarrel over anything. Besides, I trust Chelsea,".

"Thank you!" she murmured glaring at Monty.

"I and Sebastian had a thing in the past. We dated in high school and we almost got married until I called it off a night before the wedding and just disappeared. So, I'm thinking that maybe he's helping me because of old times sake,".

Chelsea blinked her eyes severally "Old time's sake?" She scoffed "C'mon Sienna, I want to believe that you're not that dumb. You've hurt that man and you expect that he's doing this thing for old time's sake? What if this was some revenge mission or something? Why didn't you mention this to me at first?"

"Sebastian is anything but a monster," I tried to mask the worry that sprang up in my heart at her words "He would never hurt me. He's not just that kind of person,".

"But he asked you to make him the second largest shareholder in Sky Corporation, doesn't it ring a bell? Aren't you uncomfortable that someone you jilted is making that kind of offer to you? You have to stop whatsoever deal you have entered with Mr Sebastian, we'll look for another way,".

"And have him fuck her up even more?" Monty huffed from where he was "Don't be stupid Chelsea and you watch too many movies. Snap out of it, this is reality. The kid is not that messed up and if I didn't think it was good, you think I would have signed up for it?"

"You think?" Chelsea scoffed shaking her head before turning to me "Listen, I know you're so desperate to prove to the world that you're the real Winchester and it's not going to be easy but you have to be careful who you choose on this journey. That is more important than anything. You cannot ask someone who you hurt…who at some point, loved you so much to help you and you think he would without any hidden agenda?"

Panic coursed through me as I took in shuddering breaths. Chelsea was right. "I don't have a choice here, Chelsea. The only person who can help me in this whole wide world is Sebastian Grey besides, he told me he has the Caregiver, social worker and placement officer in a safe place. So, I need Sebastian,".

"Wait!" Monty leaves the kitchen island and hurries towards me "He said that? How?"

"A year ago, my uncle was going after them and somehow, they reached out to him and he hid them away from my uncle. He knew I was going to need them someday," I explained.

"Fine!" Chelsea nodded "But if I find another way for us to go about this… would you leave? Would you terminate whatever contract you have with Sebastian?"

"I promise I will," I nodded my head vigorously "This is also an uncomfortable experience for me too. So, I'd be willing to stop using his influence,".

"Great, I'll find a way,".

On cue, someone started dialling the keypad at the door of the penthouse and we all had to return to our previous positions thinking it was Sebastian but when the door opened, it was Trevor – Sebastian's brother.

From the rage on his face, I didn't need to be told that he was angry at me. I rose on my feet, managing a smile as I waved at him.

"H-Hi Tre-vor. It's been a while…" I trailed off, feeling my stomach churning with fear "I – you look good and congratulations on your new restaurant. You're doing so well for yourself and living your dream,".

"What are you doing in our lives, Sienna?" he advanced towards me, his hands fisted beside him "Haven't you done enough already? Didn't your father do enough already? Why are you doing this?"

"Stay back!" Monty tried to intervene but I shook my head. This was a cross I need to bear alone.

"Listen, Trev… I'm really sorry about that night but I was just a wee, little girl on the edge of complete adulthood. I wasn't thinking and just did everything out of a whim. I know you hate me so much but I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you. I promise,".

"Trying to make it up to me?" Trevor snorted laughing hysterically "You ruined him, Sienna. I had to watch my brother die every day because you left without explanations. He just barely picked up the piece of his heart and you're here to break him again with your tactics? How about my mom? Can you bring her back from the death? Do you know how painful it was for her to lose her husband and her first child to the Winchesters'?"

"Don't say things like that, Trevor," I pleaded "I know it'll be difficult to ask for my forgiveness but I'm so sorry and please just forgive me,".

"Then leave!" he barked "The only way I can consider forgiving you is when you leave us alone. Leave, Sebastian and don't come back. Go deal with your problem somehow and keep us out of your mess,".

"I'm sorry, Trev…" I whimpered "But I cannot. I need Sebastian's help more than ever but I promise that as soon as he…".

The words were barely out of my mouth when Trevor rushed at me and pushed me to the wall. While I was still trying to recover from it, he placed his hands around my neck, trying to choke me. While I struggled to breathe and Monty and Chelsea doing their best to get him off me, suddenly, someone yanked him away from me and I fell to the ground, gasping for air.

I managed to look up and saw it was Sebastian. He didn't look happy.

"What are you doing here?" he asked his brother.