The confrontation...

By morning, the door still wouldn't open and I was too hungry to eat.

I had spent the entire night staring at the ceiling trying to clamp down on the hunger pangs but it didn't work out the way I wanted and I managed to catch a few winks before daybreak. Now I sat in Sebastian's living room wondering when he was going to start his day.

While I waited, suddenly, the door beeped and someone began typing on the keypad outside. Agitated, I rose to my feet preparing myself for the worst. The last time someone had come in like that, it turned out to be Trevor, Sebastian's brother. When the door finally clicked open, instead of Trevor, it was Tyler.

His brows arched in surprise as he saw me. He wanted to say something but at that moment Sebastian walked into the living smelling divinely. He was dressed and ready for the day.

"Is my breakfast ready?" he asked stretching his hand towards me, an indication that I should fasten his cufflinks.