Voices in my head

Sebastian POV

I paced the length of my bedroom, trying to still the voices in my head that Sienna was dead. What if she had truly jumped into that ocean – got tired and overwhelmed and decided to find peace? Then I would never forgive myself.

I stood in front of the mirror, the panoramic windows offered a breathtaking view of the city skyline, but I barely noticed it. My mind was consumed with one thought: Sienna.

I hung up the phone, my jaw clenched in frustration. That was the fifth contact I'd tried, and still, no one had any leads on Sienna's whereabouts. It's been 48 hours now and I was going crazy already. How was it possible that she had vanished so completely? Running a hand through my hair, I decided to call another person.

"Any news?" I asked as soon as the other end picked up.