The Truth of the "Sleep"

Whether it was because I didn't take the medicine or because Max's condition had scared me, I found myself unusually awake, as if a spirit suddenly roused from a long slumber. My mind was exceptionally clear, every cell seemed to be vibrating, and I was in a state of extreme alertness.


Fear kept me from closing my eyes.


The long night was even more chilling because no one came to check on me, nor did anyone ask if I needed food. I had to believe that in the past, I had likely spent my days in endless sleep, unnoticed by anyone.


It seemed that Sean's concern for me was not as genuine as it appeared.


Like tonight, the visit I had anticipated did not happen. Had he grown accustomed to my constant sleep?


As dawn broke, Max began to regain consciousness beneath the covers.


At first, his eyes were unfocused, and he let out two weak cries.


Then, his limbs twitched slightly. After a moment, he suddenly stretched, rolled over, and curled up next to me in his usual sleeping posture, still lethargic and clearly not fully awake.


This scene was eerily similar to how I felt each time I woke up, further deepening my suspicions.


Helplessly, I held Max tighter, burying my face in his soft fur and sobbing silently.


I couldn't understand why I was being treated this way. Who was behind it?


After a long while, I lifted my face, clenched my teeth, and told myself I couldn't just sit and wait to die—I had to uncover the truth.


With my mind made up, I knew I had to play it safe and continue to "sleep." My first task was to find out the source of the medicine and the intentions behind it. A tiny part of me hoped it was Anna; perhaps that would be easier to accept.


However, the reality was swift, heavy, and cruel, hitting me to the core.


After a sleepless night, I "woke up" feeling exhausted, leaning sickly against the headboard, aware that medicine time was approaching and that Anna would soon appear to make sure I took it.


Anna entered, showing a moment of surprise before giving a gentle smile. "Madam, you look good today! Very spirited, what a pleasant surprise!"


I forced a smile, watching her closely.


She spoke as she briskly drew open the curtains and thoughtfully draped a robe over me. "Let's get some fresh air."


I weakly leaned there and deliberately said, "I'm a bit hungry."


"Oh, that's great news! I'll prepare breakfast for you right away! It's been so long since you said you were hungry!"


She beamed with joy and hurried out, saying, "Just a moment, I'll be right back!"


As she passed the bed, I caught a faint whiff of her perfume. I was sensitive to smells and recognized it as my favorite Chanel Chance Eau Tendre—the one Sean liked because he said its subtle scent was evocative.


I clenched my fists, my breath growing short.


Unbidden, I thought of news stories about husbands and mistresses conspiring to poison wives, but I immediately felt it was absurd.


Moments later, the door opened, and I instinctively looked up to see Sean entering with the medicine.


His eyes were full of concern, his smile gentle, walking towards me in the sunlight—a warm, bright picture. I couldn't help but think of his question last night: "Did she take her medicine?"


My heart sank.


"Dear, you look good today! Anna said you want to eat something?"


He placed the medicine on the bedside table and took my hand, the familiar warmth spreading through me.


He gazed at me tenderly and softly asked, "What would you like to eat? I can make it for you, okay?"


"No need, I can't eat much anyway, don't trouble yourself!"


I tried to calm myself and asked casually, "When did you come back last night? I didn't even know. Busy with work?"


"It's the trade show season, lots of clients asking for quotes. When I got back, Anna had just given you your medicine. I asked a few questions and then worked late in the study, fell asleep there."


As he spoke, he yawned unintentionally.


Seeing his weary look, I suddenly felt guilty. He wasn't lying; it was the truth. Every year during the trade show, the workload was immense.


He worked so hard for our family. How could I doubt my husband? Perhaps it was really Anna.


He picked up the medicine bowl, tasted it lightly. "It's not too hot, just right. Drink it first, then have breakfast!"


I feigned impatience, using my usual coquettish tone, "What's the use? I've taken so much, and it hasn't helped. It just makes me nauseous. Can I skip it, honey?"


"Darling, be good! You still need to take it on time. Look, you're feeling much better today. When was the last time you said you were hungry? Doctor Qi adjusted the prescription two days ago; it seems to be working! Don't lose hope!"


His words were calm, unassailable, still the caring husband who centered his world around me.


Looking at his seemingly unaware face, I found myself in a dilemma. If I drank this medicine, I would fall asleep again in half an hour, unable to gather evidence or unmask the person behind it.


"I don't want to drink it!"


I nestled into his arms, my mind racing for a way to get rid of him.


He patted my back soothingly while bringing the medicine to my lips, "Come on, be good, drink the medicine. We need to keep going!"


Panic surged within me; there was no escape.


"I'll do it myself!"


I reluctantly took the bowl, my heart pounding.


I knew that once I drank this medicine, I would fall asleep again in half an hour.


But Sean's eyes were full of care and indulgence, presenting the perfect image of a devoted husband.


Yet his insistence made me suspicious. Why did he so adamantly want me to drink it? In the past, I might have been swayed by his tender gaze, but now, I seemed to see a sharp dagger behind his gentle smile.


A dagger slowly approaching, not out of love, but forcing me to comply.