Inara's People

When Anna came to give me my medication, I deliberately asked, "Did I not eat dinner last night? Why am I so hungry again?"


Anna smiled conspiratorially and said, "You ate too little last night because you said you were too full from lunch and couldn't digest it!"


I was taken aback, my fists clenching in silent rage as I cursed her inwardly, "You scum! One day you'll get what's coming to you."


"Just leave it there, I'll drink it after I use the bathroom. Can you get me a glass of milk?" I ordered nonchalantly, then threw off the blanket and went to the bathroom.


Hearing her leave, I quickly grabbed a towel, dampened it, wrung it out, and then poured the medication away. To be safe, I pretended to take the medicine.


Back in the bathroom, as I quickly washed the towel, I thought about saving some of the medication for Inara to take out. Just as I finished washing and returned to bed, Anna came back with the milk, glancing at the medicine bowl.


I took the milk and sipped it, asking casually, "Where's Sean?"


"He's out," she replied, scolding Max, "Max, you naughty cat! Get down from there!"


I looked up to see Max had somehow jumped onto the top of the cabinet, staring defiantly at Anna.


My heart leaped with joy. This cat was truly my lucky star, like a guardian angel sent to protect me.


Anna sighed in frustration, mumbling as she left with the bowls, "Breakfast is ready!"


Was it my imagination, or was she acting more arrogant today? It felt like she was openly challenging me.


Once she was gone, I called Max and got out of bed, slowly walking to the display cabinet. Pretending to talk to the cat, I tossed a book up towards the surveillance camera, not where Max was sitting. The book hit the camera with a clatter, scaring the cat into jumping down.


I smiled in satisfaction, scooping up Max and kissing him. I was elated, silently praising, "Good job, Max, you're my hero!" Out loud, I scolded, "Don't go up there again!"


Now, I was certain the room was safe.


I ate breakfast absentmindedly, careful not to eat too much to avoid suspicion.


As noon approached, I anxiously awaited Inara's arrival. But the entire day passed without any sign of her.


My hopeful heart sank. Why hadn't she come? Did she not understand my message yesterday? Was she delayed by something? Or... I began to worry, even suspecting that Sean might have bought her off. After all, Inara had a good relationship with Sean because of me. Plus, I hadn't seen Sean all day.


That night, I tossed and turned, wondering if I could trust anyone if Inara couldn't help. Feeling more helpless, I stared into the darkness until dawn.


Just as I began to feel sleepy, I was startled awake by a commotion.


It sounded like people had arrived at the house. Could it be Inara? I listened intently, but the voices were male, more than one.


The voices moved around downstairs for a while before heading upstairs. I couldn't hear what they were saying. Suddenly, my door opened, and I sat up in surprise.


Anna entered with a man in work overalls carrying a toolbox.


They were talking as they entered, but stopped abruptly upon seeing me, the worker's eyes widening in shock.


He must not have expected anyone in the room, or maybe my appearance startled him.


Anna quickly explained, "My lady is ill, don't disturb her! Do you need to check everything?"


The man nodded, "Yes, we need to check everything," then he stepped out.


I quickly asked Anna, "What's going on? What are they doing?"


She gave me a brief glance and said, "The community is checking the electrical circuits. Just lie down."


"Oh," I responded, disappointed, and lay back down with a sigh.


Of course, the power outage yesterday meant there had to be an inspection.


Anna closed the door and followed the man out, saying, "Be careful not to touch anything! Why do you have to check every room? It's not our fault!"


I heard the man reply, "We need to check for aging wires and improper connections. We have to inspect every room to eliminate hazards. Don't worry, it'll be quick."


Kyle's crying came from downstairs, and Anna urgently called, "Hurry up! Don't touch anything! That's the study, just take a look. I need to go downstairs... Hurry!"


I heard Anna rush downstairs.


I had to admit, Anna was quite dedicated to Kyle.


At that moment, the door suddenly burst open again. Startled, I looked up to see the worker rushing to my bed. He moved so fast I nearly screamed, but he hushed me, "Shh! Don't make a sound!"


He quickly opened his toolbox, took out a phone, and pressed it into my hand, whispering, "From Inara!"


Then he turned and left just as quickly.


I stared in shock at his retreating figure, clutching the phone and hiding it under the blanket. My heart pounded with a mixture of fear and excitement.


Inara! Inara's people! At that moment, I was overjoyed, nearly crying. Finally, someone was helping me; I could finally contact the outside world.


Lying in bed, I held back my tears, feeling a surge of strength. Having a phone felt like a shot of adrenaline.


I heard the workers leave shortly after. Before long, Anna came in holding Kyle with one hand and a bowl of medicine with the other. She set the bowl down, "Take your medicine. I'll be back for the bowl."


She hurried out without watching me take the medicine.