A Familiar Face at the Hospital

"Who did you see?" Inara quickly supported me. "Are you that scared? Your face has gone pale!"


"John!" I said, still shaken. "Sean's brother!"


"…Oh my gosh!" Inara was also frightened. "Why is he here? This is too much! Didn't check the almanac before going out!"


Once out of the elevator, I grabbed Inara's arm and urged her, "Let's get out of here quickly. I'm not sure if he recognized me or not."


Despite my words, I was utterly exhausted, my legs too weak to support me. I had already spent all my energy during the check-up, and the sudden tension made me feel like a limp rag, my legs refusing to cooperate.


I was so anxious I almost cried, afraid the men upstairs would come down any second.


Inara understood my worry perfectly. She quickly scanned the area, then ran off. I saw her grab a mobile bed from a nurse and rush back.


The nurse, startled by Inara's sudden action, looked bewildered for a few seconds before reacting and chasing after her.


Inara quickly pushed the mobile bed to my side and shouted, "Get on, lie down!"


I knew I had to hurry, but my body wouldn't cooperate. My hands reached out, but my legs wouldn't move.


Without hesitation, Inara rushed over, half-lifting, half-pushing me onto the mobile bed. The nurse, seeing my condition, didn't demand the bed back but instead helped Inara settle me.


Just as I lay down, the elevator dinged, signaling its arrival.


"Shit, we're out of time!" Inara cursed. She pointed to the hallway behind the elevator and pushed the nurse. "That way, go quickly!"


She then ran to another mobile bed heading towards the opposite hallway, pretending to be a family member.


The quick-witted nurse, without asking questions, pushed me towards the back.


Through the glass barrier, I saw John and the men stride out of the elevator, looking around the lobby and heading towards Inara's direction.


I whispered to the nurse, "Please take me outside, quickly. Thank you!"


She quickened her pace, pushing the mobile bed rapidly towards the exit. I lay there, clutching the sides tightly, fearing those men might turn around and follow us.


She pushed me out the door just as Gabriel pulled the car up to the entrance.


Gabriel got out and helped the nurse transfer me into the car. The door had barely closed when John and his men came out.


The nurse, now pushing the mobile bed away, passed by them and went back into the lobby.


I urgently told Gabriel, "Don't start the car!"


Gabriel complied, watching the men closely while making a phone call.


John stood at the entrance, scanning the parked cars. Thankfully, it was dark outside, and our car had tinted windows, making it impossible to see inside.


I saw someone approach John and say something. He spat on the ground and turned back inside.


I slumped into my seat, moments later, Inara quickly jumped into the car.


"Go!" I told Gabriel.


Gabriel started the car and sped away from the entrance.


"He didn't see you, did he?" Inara asked, still panting. "That was close!"


"I'm not sure, so we need to get back quickly."


"What are you afraid of? Worst case, we'll fight them. Given your current condition..." Inara sighed deeply and couldn't help but voice her thoughts. "Something's definitely wrong. Are you planning to stay in that house?"


Gabriel glanced at me through the mirror.


"I can't let them get away with this. Just now proves it's not just about my illness. If John was really chasing us, it explains a lot," I said, still shaken.


Inara patted my hand. "Don't overthink it. Remember, you have us!"


Her words made my eyes sting. Leaning back, I closed my eyes, suddenly remembering Kyle. I quickly turned to see him sleeping in the nursery teacher's arms.


The car sped down the road, but I still felt it was too slow, a sense of oppression creeping over me.


The car parked in the shadows outside my house. Gabriel advised me to stay in the car for a few seconds. It wasn't late, but the house was dark.


"I'll go in with you," Inara insisted, concerned. "You can't carry Kyle on your own."


"I'll do it; I'm more familiar," Gabriel said, unbuckling his seatbelt. "I'll carry the child." He let me out first, then followed with the stroller and opened the door, waiting inside.


The house was quiet. I put the stroller back in its place and turned on a small light to guide the way upstairs. I gently pushed open the nursery door, where a small night light was on. Anna was still in the same position, sleeping like a log.


I stepped aside for Gabriel, who glanced around the room and placed Kyle among his toys. As I moved to cover him with a blanket, Gabriel stopped me, pointing at Anna. I understood immediately—leaving him uncovered made it look like he fell asleep while playing.


Gabriel then motioned for me to follow him out quickly.


I took one last look at the sleeping Kyle, bit my lip, and stepped out. I hurriedly changed out of Anna's clothes, returned them, and slipped into my own room, collapsing onto the bed. Exhausted, I reactivated the surveillance and turned off my phone, hiding it under my pillow.


My heart pounded as I reviewed the details to ensure nothing was overlooked. Finally, I exhaled deeply, closed my eyes, and let the overwhelming fatigue take over.


I had no idea how long I'd slept when the sound of a car pulling in jolted me awake. A car's headlights swept across the window before disappearing.