
Sure enough, I saw Sean's car pull into the driveway... they were back.


I turned and ran back to the study, clenching my fists as I watched the data transfer inch along. The sound of the front door opening and closing downstairs made me stamp my feet in frustration.


Finally, the data transfer completed. I yanked out the USB drive, closed the laptop, and ran out of the study. I could already hear their footsteps coming up the stairs. I was shaking so badly with nerves that my entire body trembled like a leaf.


Taking a deep breath, I steadied my wobbly legs and moved to meet them at the stairs.


I hadn't taken more than a few steps when Sean came up holding Kyle, with Anna following close behind, carrying a blanket.


Inwardly, I laughed coldly. What a picture-perfect family, but that was my son.


"How's Kyle? Let Mommy hold you!" I reached out to take him, but Kyle twisted away, clinging tightly to Sean's neck with his little arms. "Daddy!"


"Mmm!" Sean responded softly, saying nothing more as he carried Kyle past me and walked inside.


Anna glanced at me, her lips curling into a smirk full of disdain and provocation.


I swallowed my anger and followed them into the children's room. "How is he? Doesn't he need to stay in the hospital?" I asked, reaching out to feel Kyle's forehead. It was cool to the touch, indicating that his fever had broken.


"He's fine now. The doctor said it's better for him to stay at home. The hospital is overcrowded with patients and the virus is strong. Since he's so young, it's best he stays home," Sean explained while instructing Anna, "Go get him some water."


Anna immediately went to get water. Kyle lay on the bed, still holding Sean's finger, looking wilted like a withered flower.


When Anna returned with the water, I reached out to take it. "I'll do it." But she deliberately avoided my hand. "I should do it. He's not used to you; you haven't taken care of him."


Her words ignited my fury. What did she mean I hadn't taken care of him? If they hadn't schemed against me, I wouldn't be in this state!


"What do you mean I haven't taken care of him?" I demanded angrily.


Anna was taken aback by my outburst and glanced at Sean.


Sean stood up and pulled me aside. "Let's go. Let Anna put him to sleep. The doctor said he needs to rest."


Rest! Suddenly, the words "colorless and tasteless" flashed through my mind, and I shivered involuntarily.


I shook off his hand. "No, my son is sick. How can I rest? I need to stay with my child!"


Sean was startled by my sudden outburst, staring at me in surprise.


"What, I can't take care of my own child? I'm his mother. He's sick, and I'm worried about him—is that wrong?" I glared at Sean, feeling a surge of anger.


Sean's eyes darkened, and the room fell into an oppressive silence.


Kyle, possibly frightened by the tension, began to cry loudly, calling for his daddy.


I quickly went over and pulled Anna away, sitting by his bed to comfort him.


Sean took the water cup from Anna's hand. "You go make dinner. Let Chloe put him to sleep."


Anna stood still, clearly unwilling.


I looked up at her, our eyes locking. "Didn't you hear him?" I asked.


She glanced at Sean, who was deliberately ignoring her. Reluctantly, she muttered "Fine" and turned to leave.


Initially, Kyle resisted, reaching out for Anna. I held him close, soothing him until he stopped crying, likely because of Sean's presence or his own weakness from being sick.


I breathed a sigh of relief and said pointedly, "Seems like you really can't spoil children. I am his mother! If this continues, he won't be close to me at all."


Sean glanced at me with a sarcastic look. "Your temper has really grown. Jealous over something like this? You're his mother. Didn't you avoid looking after him because you weren't feeling well?"


I stared at him, responding sharply, "Just because I'm not well doesn't mean a maid should take my place."


Sean's expression stiffened noticeably but quickly reverted to a forced smile. "No one can replace you. Don't be mad. The child is sick; you don't want to scare him. In the end, you'd only hurt yourself."


He was right. I held back my anger and focused on Kyle's tear-streaked face, gently patting him.


There was a faint noise from the doorway—I was certain Anna was eavesdropping. Deliberately, I said, "I must have been sick for too long. My poor health seems to be everyone's favorite topic."


Sean said nothing, using the excuse of feeding Kyle a few sips of water to cover his discomfort.


I heard quiet footsteps retreating.


Soon, Kyle fell asleep in my arms. I gently laid him down, tucked him in, and watched him for a while, feeling a deep sorrow.


Sean put his arm around my shoulder, half-smiling. "Tired? Go rest for a while. If you want to take care of him, you need to rest well, okay?"


Ignoring him, I stood and walked back to my room. I was truly exhausted and didn't feel like dealing with him. He disgusted me.


It seemed I couldn't let them lead me by the nose anymore. They really thought I was a sickly cat.


Sean followed me into my room. Coldly, I said, "I'm tired. I want to sleep. Don't disturb me." Then I turned away from him.


"Alright, sleep for a while. I'll call you for dinner," he said, closing the door behind him as he left.


Without finding that thing, I was in more danger. It seemed Anna was getting restless.


Sure enough, that night, while I pretended to sleep, I heard faint whispers.