The Blue Enchantress  

There were only a few friends on WeChat, and most chat histories were empty. The only exception was a friend named "The Blue Enchantress," pinned at the top of his contact list.


Their chat history showed that they communicated frequently. But strangely, the messages were brief, like "Same place, I'll be there later." It seemed they primarily arranged meetings through WeChat and didn't chat much online.


I checked their meeting times and saw they met almost every week, but the times varied.


I clicked on "The Blue Enchantress's" profile but found nothing. Her Moments were also private. So, I took a snapshot of her WeChat profile and saved it on my phone.


Zooming in on her profile picture revealed a hand-drawn image of a blue spider lily—an exotic and striking flower. The lines were smooth and delicate, and the pose was seductive and enchanting. The pure, clear blue was a Klein blue, a color that brought a sense of pleasure to the viewer.


Though I couldn't determine the gender of this friend, I guessed it must be a woman. Otherwise, why choose a name like "Enchantress"?


Another active group chat caught my attention, named "New Nobles Gathering."


This group was very prominent in the list, with thousands of unread messages, indicating high activity.


I initially thought it was a group for new entrepreneurs in NorthSea City, but the chat history proved otherwise. The dialogue was filled with random topics and jokes, clearly a group of lowbrow interests, which suited Sean perfectly. I could even picture his active presence in the group.


The group had over three hundred members, and to my surprise, "The Blue Enchantress" was also in it, and she was the group owner.


Curiously, I took a snapshot of the group member list.


The chat history kept updating, and I quickly lost patience, skimming briefly before exiting the group chat.


I scoffed, "A bunch of riffraff!" and then opened the text message history. What I found shocked me. The screen was filled with bank icons. Each message I opened was a transaction record.


Some large transfers puzzled me as the recipients' addresses were in foreign languages. I quickly took photos for future reference.


Suspicion filled my heart: were these funds being transferred to foreign banks? What was even stranger was that there were very few incoming funds compared to numerous outgoing ones. The money was quickly moved out after being deposited.


Was this company business? It didn't seem so, as the transactions involved various banks, and the account balance was always low after transfers—clearly a transit account.


Sean's frequent fund transfers without corresponding deposits were unreasonable!


My heart raced with a growing sense of dread, leaving me flustered and uneasy.


I searched through other apps but found nothing valuable, so I quickly closed the phone and put it back where I found it.


I then thoroughly searched the car but found nothing. "Could he have taken the files back to the study?" With this thought, I hurriedly left the car and returned upstairs, heading straight for the study.


I dared to search so boldly because I was certain they wouldn't wake up soon.


The desk had no new files.


I started looking for his keys. If those files were important to him, he would surely lock them up.


I checked the hidden compartment under the statue, but it was empty with no keys.


I felt annoyed. During the power outage the other day, I had been too careless to check what was in these drawers.


Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, trying to think of places he might hide the keys, but nothing came to mind.


"Could he have not left the keys at home?" I muttered to myself. "That's unlikely. If he brought the documents home, they wouldn't be in the car, so they must be in the study. The keys should be here too."


I had searched everywhere, but where could those keys be? Suddenly, an idea struck me. "A large bunch of keys? No, that's not right..." I immediately went to the desk, grabbed the pen holder, and dumped its contents on the table. Finally, with a clang, a small golden key fell out.


"Ha!" I exclaimed, picking up the key excitedly. I went to the second drawer on the right side of the desk, inserted the key, and turned it. The drawer opened.


Sure enough, the bunch of keys was inside! I was overjoyed.


It's my habit to keep important things in the second drawer on the right side of my desk. Living with me for so long, Sean had picked up this habit too.


I took the keys and went straight to the safe. I entered the number he used for his computer, and the lock clicked open.


The safe didn't hold much: some cash, foreign currency, and a box containing a few of my valuable pieces of jewelry. But what caught my eye was a stack of documents. Nervously, I reached in and pulled them out. My hands trembled as I read through the papers. At the top was a property mortgage contract, but as I continued, my shock deepened, turning into a gasp of horror.


These mortgage contracts included company shares, a plot of land intended for a factory, several properties (including one in my name), my car, and even our villa. To my dismay, I found two contracts for the villa. Upon closer inspection, I realized it had been mortgaged twice! My heart sank into a cold abyss, and I started to shake. What on earth was Sean planning?


There were also several insurance policies with Sean as the beneficiary. Although every family member was insured, my policy had the highest amount, and the beneficiary was always him. This made me more fearful. The policy dates ranged from a few years ago to two years ago.


I vaguely remembered Sean taking me for a comprehensive health check after I gave birth to Kyle. Was it a routine check-up for insurance purposes? And then... Tears welled up in my eyes. "That bastard!" I cursed silently. If I died, he would become wealthy overnight just from these insurance policies! Regardless of how I died, he would get a hefty payout from these policies!