The Maid's Income

He sat beside me, looking utterly exhausted. He placed a hand on my head, gently ruffling my hair, and said with a sigh, "I've recently invested in a project. The technology behind this project is cutting-edge, both domestically and globally, and the clinical data is very promising.


I've been evaluating it for a long time, hoping for exclusive control, so the financial investment is substantial. Your condition hasn't been great lately, and I didn't want to add to your stress, so I made the decision on my own. Chloe, you're not mad at me, are you?"


The performance begins! Sean slipped into his role effortlessly. Since he started the show, I couldn't fall behind.


"Oh, I'm not mad," I said calmly. "But investments should be made cautiously. It's best not to touch the family account. We need to think long-term. We have three children, and we must ensure sufficient funds for their future growth. You know, the bigger the profit in business, the greater the risk. We need to lay a solid foundation for our children. If the business fails, we can start over, but we can't gamble with our children's future."


My reasoning was solid, and I wasn't going to back down. "This money cannot be touched. You need to replenish it as soon as possible!"


Sean remained silent, not agreeing to replenish the money immediately.


"Honey, there's no need to be upset. I'm already feeling insecure with my current health. You need to understand! After all, I'm still a housewife. If there's no money in the family account, how can I be at ease?" I appealed to his emotions, reasoning with him. "I can't help you with the company's affairs right now, but you need to make sure I feel secure at home!"


"Alright!" Sean's tone was a bit impatient and perfunctory. "Once the funds come back, I'll replenish the money!"


With that, he got up to go upstairs. I called after him, pressing my advantage, "Honey, I contacted Gage's former kindergarten principal yesterday. I plan to send Kyle there in the next couple of days!"


Before Sean could respond, Anna rushed out from the kitchen. "Madam, isn't it a bit early to send Kyle now? Maybe wait a bit longer?"


I ignored her and continued speaking to Sean, "This child needs to learn something. Caroline and Gage could recite nursery rhymes at this age. This kid hasn't learned anything but hitting people! I don't know how he's being taught. It's better to send him to kindergarten and let the teachers handle it!"


This was meant for Anna. She thought I would stay silent about her teaching Kyle to hit me? I chose this moment to tell Sean because he was already at fault regarding the money.


Given the financial issue, Sean couldn't interfere with something as trivial as sending a child to kindergarten.


Sean paused, thought for a moment, and said, "Do as you wish."


Anna was a bit frustrated and called out to Sean, "Sir..."


Sean didn't even look at her, heading upstairs and coldly saying, "Do your job."


Anna opened her mouth but didn't dare to speak further.


With Sean agreeing, I wasted no time. The next day, Sean and I took Kyle to the kindergarten. I couldn't let Anna use the child as a shield any longer.


Anna insisted on coming with us. Seeing Kyle cry his heart out, constantly looking at Sean, I felt terrible inside.


Sean looked at me and asked, "Isn't he too young?"


I retorted, "Is this your first time being a dad? Caroline and Gage cried when they first went to kindergarten too!"


With that, I bit my lip, turned, and got into the car. Anna suggested, "Should I stay a bit longer? If it doesn't work out, I'll bring him back."


I didn't expect Anna to be so concerned about Kyle. I sneered inwardly, wondering if this was Kyle's good fortune or my misfortune, or if she had ulterior motives.


Thinking about the missing poison, I steeled my resolve.


I couldn't believe this woman had any good intentions. If I took action against her, she might use the child as leverage, leaving me helpless.


"Get in the car! We have to send him. He'll cry for a few days and get sick, but he'll adapt!" I said firmly.


Anna reluctantly got into the car, even wiping away tears. Anyone would think Kyle was her own child!


That day, both Anna and I were a bit distracted. By not even four o'clock, Anna knocked on my door, asking if she could pick up Kyle early.


I sat up from bed, yawning, "I'll go with you to pick him up."


Anna quickly said sincerely, "No need, madam. I can go alone. You stay home and rest."


Her words were exactly what I wanted to hear, so I nodded and agreed, letting her take my car.


Soon, I saw Anna, dressed and ready, driving my car out.


Once her car was out of sight, I went to Anna's room. I quickly found her wallet and photographed her bank card and ID, sending them to a friend who worked at a bank, asking her to check the account transactions.


I suspected Anna's income far exceeded what I was paying her. I wanted to see what salary Sean was giving her.


The information soon reached my phone. Anna's account had significant monthly deposits, far exceeding my expectations.


I laughed bitterly. My life was less comfortable than Anna's.


Sean was generous to her, and it was hard to swallow.


It made me wonder what leverage Anna had over Sean to make him so generous.


Moreover, I noticed something else. Among the transaction details, Anna made monthly transfers to another account, but the amount was only 1500 yuan each time.


The account was also with the same bank. I quickly called my friend again, asking her to check the account receiving the transfers.