Keeping Arya

Anna's face turned cold as soon as she heard Arya's suggestion.

"Don't even think about it. If you don't go back home, who will take care of our parents?" Anna's voice rose several octaves in anger.

Her sudden outburst startled me, and Sean quickly cast a cold glance at her.

Anna immediately realized she had lost her composure, clamped her mouth shut, and lowered her eyes as she began serving porridge to everyone.

I hurriedly tried to smooth things over, "Anna, don't scare her. Let's eat first and discuss this later."

Arya, looking tearful, kept glancing at Anna and occasionally sneaking a peek at Sean, who was seated at the head of the table.

I watched the scene unfold with disdain.

"Anna, is Arya your only sister? I must have overlooked this. Do you have any other family back home?"

I asked Anna, who was now feeding Kyle.

"My parents are still in my hometown. Arya is my only sister! I always thought that since I work outside, someone should stay at home to take care of our aging parents."

She spoke as if she were very filial.

But in all the years she had been with us, she never went back, not even during holidays. Many times I asked if she wanted to go home, and she always said no.

"It seems I've been careless, not asking more about your family," I said with a sense of guilt.

"It's not your fault, ma'am," Anna replied perfunctorily while patiently feeding Kyle and casting a sideways glance at Arya, "Coming to NorthSea City isn't easy. It's not like our hometown or Linno city!"

"But sister..."

"Eat your food!"

Anna cut Arya off, not letting her continue.

Arya ate her meal cautiously, barely daring to make a sound, but she ate quite a bit.

After dinner, we moved to the living room. Arya, visibly uneasy, stood around until Sean, who had been silent, asked her, "What kind of internship are you looking for?"

Arya's eyes lit up, "Any position will do, I can handle it."

Sean, seated on the sofa, gave her a serious, appraising look, "Then you can start as our company's receptionist. Get accustomed to it first."

Anna immediately came out of the kitchen, "Sir, that's not a good idea. She has no work experience and will just cause trouble for you. Besides, moving to NorthSea City is complicated. She doesn't even have a place to stay, and she'll need..."

"Sister! I can learn if I don't have experience. I can do it well and won't trouble the gentleman!" Arya looked at Anna anxiously, afraid that Sean's offer would slip away.

"Just lend me some money first. I can share a place with classmates. It won't cost much. Once I start earning, I won't ask you for money anymore."

Arya's words were humble yet cunning, clearly conveying a hidden message.

"You're doing well in Linno city, why insist on coming to NorthSea City? I'm telling you, I'm very busy every day and don't have time to take care of you. You'll be eating and living here, and I don't have the time to manage you!"

Anna was losing her patience.

"For now, she can stay here. You can look after each other and see how it goes," Sean said, turning to me, "Chloe, what do you think?"

I smiled warmly, "Sure! After all, she is Anna's sister. It's only right to help her out. We have a spare guest room, and having another person around will liven things up and help Anna with Kyle! Let's settle it this way."

I had to seize the opportunity to play the good host. Having a young girl like her around would add some liveliness to the house. I was not afraid of a little trouble.

Anna stared at Arya for a long time without saying anything. Arya looked at her sister, a mischievous gleam in her eyes, then obediently said to us, "Thank you, sir, ma'am!"

"Anna, prepare a guest room downstairs for your sister. It's more convenient that way. Let me know if you need anything."

After giving my instructions, I said to them, "I need to rest upstairs for a bit."

I got up, and Sean followed me upstairs, explaining that the receptionist position had just become vacant due to a resignation.

I acknowledged him with a hum and went to my room while he went to his study.

In my room, I smiled knowingly, took out my phone, and opened the living room monitor. I couldn't help but marvel at how much surveillance technology had improved. The picture quality was high, and the sound was crystal clear, almost like watching a drama.


Downstairs, once Sean and I were upstairs, Anna grabbed Arya, "How did you find this place? How did you know I was here?"

Arya's face couldn't hide her smugness as she said proudly, "It depends on whether I want to find you. With a little effort, I naturally found you! Sis, you're amazing, living in such a luxurious place and eating so well! It seems your employers treat you very well!"

Arya looked much more relaxed without us around, hands behind her back as she strolled around the living room, eyes filled with envy and greed.

"Sis, you've become cunning, living so well and not sharing any news. Ruthless!"

Arya complained while examining the place, "Mom always said you were cold-hearted and ungrateful. It seems she knew you well."

"Stop talking nonsense. How am I ungrateful? If I were, would I send you money every month? Don't forget who paid for your education."

Anna played with Kyle while refuting her.

"Give me a break! Just because you threw a few bucks my way doesn't mean I owe you gratitude," Arya sneered, then asked, "By the way, sis, do they pay you well here?"

"That's none of your business!" Anna snapped back, irritated.

"You're something else, enjoying the good life while ignoring your family. You're too selfish!"