The Trap

I perked up immediately upon hearing this and got out of bed. I met Inara at the most prestigious hair salon in NorthSea City for a makeover.

A famous salon certainly lives up to its reputation. My hair, which resembled dried straw, was transformed into something vibrant and lively.

They added a few subtle waves. Looking at myself in the mirror, I saw a sharp, energetic, and confident woman. This short haircut brought back memories of my fierce days in the business world, and my confidence surged.


Inara stared at me with wide eyes for a long moment before exclaiming, "Wow, this is the Chloe we know! You're finally back!"

Her words, "You're finally back," brought tears to my eyes. Yes, I had been asleep for too long, almost fading into oblivion. Heaven had shown mercy, giving me a rebirth. If I didn't take down those who played with my life, I wouldn't be able to move on.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I cursed softly, "What a bunch of bastards. Do I look like a beggar now?" Then I dragged Inara to pick out a set of the latest handmade haute couture. Swiping the card made my liver ache.

Inara scolded me, "You're such a miser, saving up for your mistress!"

Her words snapped me back to reality. I couldn't neglect myself anymore! Money needs to be spent to bring in more. Besides, I was going to meet the mistress today. I couldn't afford to lose face—my aura had to be impeccable.

This event was orchestrated by Inara through the wife of NorthSea City's business bureau chief. The attendees were the wives of NorthSea City's entrepreneurs, also known as the "high society" circle.


These private gatherings are common in this circle.

Rather than enhancing business connections and making the NorthSea City business community more cohesive, these events are about flaunting wealth. They compare businesses, husbands, children, cars, houses, clothes, looks, and even weight—anything that can be shown off.

These gatherings are the envy of women outside the circle. Hearing about one, they'd do anything to get in, believing that entering this "circle" means becoming part of NorthSea City's high society.

I used to attend occasionally. Honestly, it was quite boring.

The women's attitudes were ugly, forming cliques and looking down on others.

But some women loved it and never tired of it.

I had been sick, so I had been out of the circle for a while.


On the day of the event, I went to the salon for a facial. Inara kept exclaiming how beautiful I looked! The makeup made my skin glow with health. The light-colored, tailored Chanel-style suit fit my style perfectly. I didn't wear any jewelry, but the understated luxury of my bespoke outfit was evident—it was clearly not cheap.

Inara circled me, clicking her tongue in satisfaction.


The business bureau chief's wife, Gabriella, was a generous and bold woman.

But everyone knew she gained more than she gave. The wives went to great lengths to curry favor with her, giving her all sorts of gifts. But she was Inara's friend and knew the big picture, so I felt at ease, happy to follow her lead.

Just as I was about to doze off on the sofa in the salon's VIP room, Gabriella texted Inara, "It's time to show up!"

Inara quickly woke me up. We perked up and entered the clubhouse.

Wow, there were quite a few people inside, all dressed to the nines, clearly wealthy ladies.

Inara and I were probably the last to arrive.

Seeing us, everyone was a bit shocked.


Especially Gabriella, the actress. As soon as we appeared at the door, she exclaimed dramatically, striding over, "My God, Chloe, long time no see! I thought you weren't coming again!"

Her enthusiasm caught me off guard. We weren't that close, but she had gone all out to set up this event for me. I was genuinely grateful.

She gave me a bear hug, whispering in my ear, "Your dear mother-in-law is here too! By the window."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aaliyah, decked out in jewels, chatting with a few similarly aged wealthy ladies. Beside her was the elegant Elena.

Sean's mother loved these events, never missing one, though few were her age. She was always one of the most enthusiastic participants.


Gabriella let go of me, smiling and chatting, "How's your health? I've asked about you at every gathering! Who knew you were ill!"

She took a step back, looking me up and down, "Let me see!"

I smiled calmly, responding gracefully, "I'm fine! The Grim Reaper didn't take me!"

"You look... wow, you've had a rebirth! Luxurious yet understated, very elegant!"

Gabriella's words not only set the stage for me but also paved the way. I just had to follow through.

"Yes, reborn!" I said sincerely.

"Well said!" Gabriella immediately grabbed a few drinks, handing them out and taking on the hostess role, "Let me introduce my good friend, Chloe! She's the founder of Danfeng Group, a leading medical equipment company in NorthSea City. She's been unwell but is now back. I propose a toast to Chloe's rebirth!"

Her suggestion was met with enthusiastic approval, and everyone raised their glasses.

As we toasted, I saw my mother-in-law's shocked gaze fixated on me.

Elena, beside her, visibly stepped back, distancing herself from Aaliyah.

Inara glanced over, then whispered to me, "She's wearing last year's Chanel. That's a bit shabby. She's trying to keep up appearances, doesn't want to lose face."

I snorted softly, whispering back, "Dignity and reputation are earned, not upheld by Chanel."

Inara gave me a thumbs up.

I casually remarked, "Sean's really careless, not updating her wardrobe!"

Inara rolled her eyes, "Why not say mistresses these days are bold, daring to crash any event!"

I nudged Inara with my elbow, "I'm here to catch up with old friends, not to start a fight. Smile!"

Inara immediately gave me a bright smile, though she quickly frowned, looking disdainful, muttering, "I'm only doing this for you. Otherwise, I'd tear her apart."

I smiled innocently, following Gabriella to greet some people.