The Mistress's Son

"At least forty percent. Ideally, I'd like to acquire all of it, leaving no room for error."


I paused, looking at Attorney Han. "Attorney Han, are you certain you can help me? This isn't an ordinary risk, as you well know." I had to lay all my concerns on the table.


Han Jie seemed to recognize my hesitation. He straightened up and said, "Mrs. Lu, I'll go back and discuss this with my friend. He's also a friend of Miss Zhou's. You can trust his reliability."


I looked at Inara. "He's your friend too?"


I knew that over the years, Inara had made significant strides in the media industry, and her connections were extensive. But someone who could offer such substantial help was no ordinary friend. My curiosity was piqued.


Inara smiled reassuringly. "Let's talk first. His character is absolutely trustworthy."


Han Jie nodded. "If you're not comfortable, I can draft an agreement. Once your lawsuit is settled, we can sell the shares back to you at the original price."


"Sell back at the original price?" I looked at him skeptically. "I thought you mentioned cooperation?"


Han Jie smiled. "That depends on my friend. I can't make decisions for him."


I pondered. To exact my revenge, this was a crucial step. But right now, I couldn't find anyone else with the necessary funds. Without this financial backing, reclaiming Danfeng and exacting my revenge would be impossible.


No matter how harsh the conditions, as long as I could get the company back, I wouldn't hesitate.


"Your friend?" I confirmed again, trusting Inara wouldn't deceive me.


"Yes," Inara affirmed. "Just wait for the news."


It was three hours later when we finally left the club. The sun outside was as bright as my mood. With the mysteries unraveling and a plan forming, my previously cloudy mind felt clear.


I glanced at Inara, who was walking with me, and tilted my head. "Want to take a walk by the beach?"


"Sure, I'll accompany you," Inara teased playfully.


Linking arms with Inara, we walked towards the beach behind the club. The inexplicable feeling I had earlier returned. I glanced around but saw no one. Yet, I felt as though someone was watching us.


"What are you looking at?" Inara asked.


"Why do I feel like someone is watching us?" I scanned the area again before looking at Inara.


"How could they? The person I chose is well hidden. Don't worry!" Inara said confidently, pulling me along.


As we walked, I asked Inara, "Who is this friend who can provide the funds? How can he afford it?"


Inara raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Don't worry about that. I assure you, he's reliable. Once Attorney Han discusses it with him, we'll know more. These people prefer to stay low-profile until they can confirm cooperation."


I glanced sideways at Inara and scoffed, "My business, and I can't even know about it? Keeping a low profile—money doesn't come easily. Don't let this get me into more trouble!"


"Come on, do you think I'm that unreliable?" she laughed, grabbing my arm. "I'd never set you up, dear."


I could only smile helplessly.


Inara suddenly changed the subject, telling me gleefully, "Elena must be very disappointed now! I heard she got a serious beating from that mother and son. She probably never expected this day to come so quickly."


I laughed. "She never knew her place. Same with that Anna at my house, always thinking she was indispensable. They really took advantage of me. I must have done a lot of bad things in my past life to deserve these people! This is just the beginning of their retribution. Even if I wanted to let her go, fate wouldn't allow it."


"You're right! I'm so angry! Even beating them a hundred times wouldn't be enough!"


"However, I really don't know when I signed that document. I have no memory of it."


"If you say so, why did you say that signature was yours?" Inara questioned. "Are you sure no one forged it?"


"That's the strange part. I have no memory of signing it! But the handwriting is unmistakably mine. I would recognize my writing style anywhere. It flows in a way that can't be imitated so smoothly."


I racked my brain, trying to remember when I could have signed it. Even during my most confused times, I should have some recollection. The horrors of those days—I truly have no idea what happened.


Returning from the club, I headed straight to pick up Gage. Today, I parked far away and walked to the school gate.


As the lower-grade students began to leave, I intentionally stood where Elena often stood, but there was no sign of her.


While keeping an eye out for Elena, I searched for Ryan among the children. Soon enough, I saw Ryan with his backpack, looking unhappy.


"Ryan!" I called out to him.


He looked up at me, confusion in his eyes.


I smiled warmly and approached. "Why isn't your mom here today, Ryan?"


He pouted and didn't answer, lowering his gaze as he continued walking, looking both forlorn and proud.


"Ryan, who's picking you up today?" I persisted.


"My dad," he whispered.


I was taken aback, instinctively looking around but saw no sign of Sean. I thought, if Sean saw me here, he definitely wouldn't show up.


Ryan looked around anxiously. I stood beside him, keeping him company. As I suspected, Sean never showed up.


Ryan's eyes grew redder, and I couldn't help but kneel down and look at him. "Is your dad running late? Don't worry, Auntie will wait with you!"