An Awkward Scene

Her expression remained neutral, but her tone was full of disdain. Then, extending her hand backward, someone immediately handed her a maroon invitation card, which she thrust into my hand. "Chloe, here is the invitation you wanted! No matter what, I'll make you shut your mouth! Since Mr. Deng doesn't trust you, you can go back with him!"


Without giving Sean any face, Gabriella turned around and said to the people behind her, "Alright! Stop looking, let's continue!"


Autumn added with a sarcastic tone, "Are we still in the mood? If not, let's just call it off! Such a buzzkill!"


Clutching the invitation, I stood there, my face pale, looking at Sean, who now wore an expression of utter humiliation. Even though we had planned this scene, the acting was so realistic that I found it hard to detach myself from it. I didn't know how to proceed next.


Sean, embarrassed, watched Gabriella's retreating figure, his face turning green. Suddenly, he turned around, his hawk-like gaze landing on Anna, who stood at the door looking bewildered. He snarled, "This is all your fault!"


Without a word, I threw the invitation into Sean's face, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door.


Inara called after me deliberately, "Chloe, where are you going? Wait for me, I'll come with you!"


Ignoring her, I stormed out of the room. Even though I knew it was just an act, I still felt a sting of humiliation. Sean picked up the invitation and followed me out.


I scoffed internally, realizing that the invitation card still held significant value for him. Even after being so humiliated, he still bent over to pick it up—truly someone who could swallow his pride.


I understood Sean's mind games well. He had long desired to open up the overseas market but lacked a good connection. This was the crux of our plan today, and I had to thank Gabriella for her thoughtful assistance. Although she was Inara's friend, Gabriella was principled and loyal unless she genuinely disliked someone.


Inara had told me about Gabriella. When Gabriella heard about Sean's despicable actions, she was furious. She immediately told Inara that she would fully support us because she despised men like Sean, calling him trash.


So, Gabriella had already given Sean more face than he deserved.


As the elevator doors were about to close, Sean stuck his hand in to stop them, stepping in with a pleading look. "Dear, don't be mad... It's my fault."


I leaned against the elevator wall, trembling with anger. Sean reached out to support me in a seemingly caring manner, but I shook him off, shouting, "Get away from me! Haven't you had enough embarrassment?"


Anna, who had come along looking smug, was now shrinking back, her demeanor changing completely. She cautiously followed but froze when I yelled at her, stuck halfway in the door.


Sean, now furious, turned his anger on Anna, kicking her out. Unprepared, Anna flew out like a rag doll, hitting the wall and then the floor with a heavy thud. I could almost feel the impact.


Without a glance at her, Sean pressed the button to close the elevator, and it descended.


Once outside the hotel, I ignored Sean and hailed a taxi. Despite his attempts to stop me, I stubbornly got in and instructed the driver to head home.


As we drove away, I saw through the rearview mirror that Anna limped to her car, while Sean quickly got into his and followed us.


A taxi followed by two cars all the way to our villa—it was quite a spectacle. Sean paid the fare and ran over as I stormed into the house, throwing my bag against a decorative item, which shattered on impact. The noise added to the atmosphere—grand and dramatic!


Anna entered the house, sensing trouble and trying to hide in the kitchen. I stopped her with a shout, "Stop right there!"


She froze, looking at me with a nervous, evasive gaze, trying to minimize her presence in the corner, not daring to breathe loudly.


Sean sat next to me with a sycophantic smile, trying to put his arm around me. I slapped his hand away, yelling, "Get lost... Don't touch me! Haven't you embarrassed me enough?"


Anna, sensing the tension, tried to slink away but was halted by my angry glare. I directed my fury at her, "Who told you to do this?"


My eyes bore into her with a vengeful look, my voice barely controlled but full of menace. Anyone could tell I was on the verge of an outburst.


"T-T-T-T-TA! I'm sorry, I... Sir..."


Anna stuttered, having never seen me this fierce, and was clearly terrified.


"Anna, what's your agenda? Huh? Spying on me? Who gave you the right to do this? Do you not know your place? Are you in such a hurry to become the mistress of this house?"




I turned to Sean, my voice a guttural roar, "Don't call me that! Do you still consider me your wife?"


"Did you instruct her to do this?" I pointed at Anna, my anger boiling over from weeks of pent-up frustration.


For the first time in ten years, I exploded at Sean, "Sean, do you really think I'm dying, that you can't wait any longer? What do you take me for? Huh?"


Sean looked innocently at me, "Don't say that. It's just a misunderstanding. Please, calm down."


He pulled me into his arms, but the once familiar scent now made me feel nauseous.