Arya’s Secret

As she finished speaking, her eyes darted to me with a look of fear, clearly tense.


I sneered inwardly. Look, the little puppy teeth are showing.


I observed her without a word, my gaze sharp and oppressive.


"Ma'am, I didn't mean to offend you or negotiate any terms with you!"


She was direct, as if she had guessed my thoughts, and then confidently said, "I just... I just want to help you!"


"Help me?"


Her expression turned sincere and urgent as she took a small step forward. "I'm telling the truth. From the moment you let me stay here, I've wanted to help you!"


Hearing this, I wasn't sure if I should believe her. She had slept with my man and now she spoke so earnestly.


I smiled playfully, intrigued. "How?"


"Don't you think, sir has secrets?"


Arya probed, her eyes fixed intently on me. "Tell me."


Uncertain of her true intentions, I decided not to fall into her trap.


Arya hesitated, biting her lower lip and blinking at me, clearly unsure of my thoughts.


"Just say it," I encouraged her.


She lowered her gaze in thought, then looked up again. "Ma'am, do you trust him?"


She was turning the question back on me. I remained silent.


Arya seemed unsure of herself now, meekly saying, "Ma'am, I don't mean to sow discord between you and him, but I overheard him instructing my sister to monitor you! Also, he has a woman outside, and they have a child together!"


As she spoke, she watched my reaction closely, but I remained composed.


Arya took another step forward. "Ma'am, I feel it's unfair to you. I'm not defending my sister. She's capable of anything. Even though she's my sister, her actions are reprehensible and won't end well. But you're different. You shouldn't have to endure this for no reason."


Suddenly, I felt as if I'd found a kindred spirit.


"Arya, no matter what, your sister put you through school. Don't you think what you're doing is excessive?" I provoked her.


"Excessive!" Arya's pale face filled with disdain. "You have no idea what she did to me just to get 1500 yuan a month. She was with several men! Who do you think is being excessive?"


Now it was my turn to be stunned. It took me a while to regain my composure.


Arya continued with a bitter smile, "I was 15 that year. Just because my dad called her a bastard and pulled her after drinking, bullying her in front of my mom, she got a man named Joshua to have someone do something horrible to me."


As Arya spoke and laughed, it was truly heartbreaking.


"My mom was afraid the incident would blow up, so she threatened her to sign an agreement to support my schooling until I got married, or she'd call the police on her. She was forced to sign it and leave the house. That's how the 1500 yuan a month came about! Ma'am, should I be grateful to such a sister?"


I was speechless, looking at Arya's pale face as she recounted her past. "At 15, my memories stopped there. Ma'am, it really hurt! And she watched me scream in pain from not far away. She's my sister, whether she's a bastard or not. She came from the same womb."


Arya wiped her face and sighed, "Marry? Who could I marry? A shameless mom, a drunk dad, a devilish sister! Haha, ma'am, what can I do?"


Her words shocked me, leaving me at a loss.


"My life only has one purpose left, to take revenge on Anna."


Arya gritted her teeth and said darkly, "I want to see her live in agony."


"Your terms?" I asked.


She laughed coldly, "Ma'am, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So I want to help you, whether it's in the company or at home, I'm willing to serve you."


Perhaps it was her story that softened my heart or sparked my curiosity. I asked, "Why do you want to help me?"


"Because you kept me. People can see forever in a moment! That day I came here, your smile brightened the darkness in my heart. Regardless of why you kept me, it was enough that you smiled at me!"


Arya's pitiful look made her seem like a small grass in a storm, "If only my sister were like you! My world could be bright too. I just want to live a simple life, away from that twisted family, but even that's impossible!"


"Also, at the company. Last time you went to the company, that Deng guy came to me, asking if I knew the rules and threatening me not to talk or pry. That made me curious, so I overheard a lot of gossip! I thought maybe I could help you!"


Honestly, I felt conflicted at that moment. I believed Arya.


"Do you want to stay here?" I asked.


She slowly shook her head, then suddenly smiled at me, a smile that was hard to read.


That smile had meaning, and I sensed something.


Sure enough, she said apologetically, "I don't need to stay here. Sean has arranged a place for us. Of course, Anna didn't want to take me, but I have dirt on her, so she can't shake me off! Knowing her, she's a petty person. If you kick her out, she won't let it go. If I stay with her, I can at least inform you of her actions."


Arya seemed sincere.


I smiled lightly, as I had expected, Sean hurried out to deal with things.


This meant that Sean and Anna had more going on, not just conspiring against me.


I went along with it, happy to have an 'insider,' and softly reminded her, "Thank you! Take care of yourself."


Arya said quietly, "Safety means nothing to me anymore. Those words are too luxurious. My safety ended when I was 15. Don't worry, ma'am! I'm helping you because I owe you. I'm willing!"


We locked eyes, understanding each other.


Then she took out her phone, extending it to me, "Add me. It will come in handy."


I took out my phone and scanned her WeChat. Seeing her WeChat avatar, I couldn't help but look at her again.


Her avatar was a white dandelion in bloom. Arya had a clear understanding of her own identity.