The Unfulfilled First Love

I had a vague feeling that Gabriel wasn't as simple as he seemed and wasn't just a private detective. From his tone today, his thinking, his energy, and some of his actions, he seemed more like someone from the government.

"Not simple?" He adopted a nonchalant demeanor again. "At the very least, I can solve your problems."

His subsequent words seemed to confirm my suspicions. I didn't press further and joked, "I was thinking about how to settle your bill. I'm a bit worried about your efforts. I fear I might go bankrupt!"

Gabriel chuckled. "Then make sure Denfeng stays on the right path!"

"As long as I can take it back from the demons, I'm willing to give everything," I solemnly promised. I understood his meaning.

"Don't be so sensitive. Just stay true to your original intention!" he comforted me.

We both fell silent.

"By the way, Lawyer Hanjie recommended someone I could work with. Do you know them? He said Inara knows them."

I suddenly remembered this person.

Gabriel glanced at me, raising an eyebrow. "Anyone she knows, I know too."

I gave Gabriel a sidelong look, feeling that they were speaking in riddles.

Could it be that I knew this person as well? Hearing Gabriel's response, I spoke without thinking, "Then I'd like to meet them in advance. After all, this is not an ordinary collaboration. I need to talk to them personally. Since you all know this person, their reliability isn't in question, but we need to establish a clear agreement, whether it's for cooperation or help. I need to have a stance."

I had no intention of hiding anything from Gabriel now; he was truly trustworthy.

Gabriel responded with a serious expression, "Understood!"

I continued, "I need to know his conditions. If Sean's negotiations are successful and I can reclaim the transferred assets, I'll start the next phase of the plan. I don't want to see him for another day, and I'm sure he's already infected with a disease. He's a threat to me and the kids. I need to get away from him as soon as possible."

Gabriel thought for a moment. "I understand! I know this person. You can trust them. I'll arrange it. Once Sean returns, you'll meet them!"

Gabriel's words made me a bit doubtful. Who was this person, and what was their relationship with everyone? I was really curious.

But I held back from asking further. I felt that if I continued to press, it would seem like I didn't trust them.

Since it was still early, I went to the coffee shop across the street, ordered a coffee, and calmed my emotions, recalling the scene I had just witnessed with Christopher.

Christopher's tragic situation made me deeply remorseful. If I hadn't insisted on marrying Sean, how would Christopher have suffered such a vicious attack, nearly losing his life? Thankfully, he survived.

But life has no ifs or assumptions.

Back then, Christopher and Andrew were very good friends, sharing a dorm room. When I started college, they were the ones who welcomed me. That's how we met.

They both vied for my attention, but Andrew was more reserved than Christopher, which might have been due to Christopher's personality.

The first time I went to the salon where Sean worked, they both accompanied me. That's when I met Sean.

Later, Sean started pursuing me. Andrew and Christopher, for the first time, agreed on something and sternly warned me to be cautious.

At that time, I wanted to use Sean to provoke Andrew. My heart was filled with feelings for Andrew, feelings that were completely different from those I had for Christopher or Sean.

I hinted at my feelings to Andrew many times, but for some reason, he always remained distant, making him hard to figure out.

Just when I was ready to take a final chance, Andrew suddenly took a leave of absence without any warning. He left without a trace.

I went to ask Christopher, but he said he couldn't contact Andrew either. He had asked everyone who knew Andrew, but no one knew why he left, and there was no way to find him after that.

My first love ended without a resolution.

Afterwards, I repeatedly questioned Christopher, but he insisted that he was as clueless as I was.

I didn't believe him. They were so close, almost like conjoined twins. How could he not know Andrew's whereabouts?

I irrationally accused Christopher of lying, and we had a big fight. Christopher endured my tantrums in silence, always staying by my side, but I ignored him.

Having lost one, I decided to lose them all.

Later, I stopped seeking answers. I believed they were hiding something from me.

Feeling deceived, I distanced myself from Christopher.

Sean seized the opportunity, of course. That's my hindsight talking.

At the time, Sean's meticulous care was the best comfort for me, a girl suddenly 'abandoned.'

I was moved by Sean's 'sincerity.'

In retrospect, it's laughable. Sean's meticulous care must have been lavished on many. Seeing those debauched photos of him, I can now conclude that his tactics for wooing girls were tried and true.