
I chattered on as I stood up, but he pulled me back, pinching my cheek with a smile. "Chloe, you really are my lucky star!"


I gave a faint smile. In the past, this would have made me feel incredibly happy, but now... I took his words as nothing but empty air. However, he truly was going to be busy soon, and the tasks ahead would definitely surprise him.


After Sean took a shower and ate a little, I coaxed him to bed. Yet, he insisted on pulling me in with him, his affection overwhelming. If I didn't know his deceit, I might have been moved.


Lying in bed, he began recounting his glorious moments at the meeting, how much attention he received. He talked until his mouth was dry, then got up to get some water. I reached out to stop him, speaking tenderly, "Alright, my great hero, lie down. I'll get you some water."


He looked at me with a satisfied smile. "Is your health okay?"


"What if it isn't? I've been keeping up with my exercises. Getting you a glass of water is no problem!" I said, gently pressing him down. "Wait here! I'll be right back!"


I walked out lightly and soon returned with a glass of water, bringing a whole jug along. Casually handing him the glass, I said, "I brought more so you can refill it yourself. No need to go downstairs every time. Did you eat something salty?"


"Just talked a lot these days. Really tired!"


He drank the glass in one go. I refilled it for him, saying, "You'll be busy now, opening the overseas market means more work and hiring people for foreign orders."


"This way, we can solidify our top position!" Sean boasted.


"Then go to sleep! I saw you were tired earlier!" I said nonchalantly as I got into bed. "I'm really tired too! My body feels exhausted after even a little movement!"


He reached out to hold me, but I blocked him with my hand. "Sleep, I'm really not up for it now."


"Alright, then sleep!" He lay down facing me. "If we succeed this time, we'll make a big name in Qingzhou and the industry!"


I snorted and teased him, "You're different from others. People seek wealth, but you seem to seek fame! You'd better get the money from our accounts back home. One week is up; don't think I was just making empty threats."


"You're such a money-grubber!" he teased me, "Once we get the European orders, you'll have more money than you can spend."


"Don't try to give me empty promises! It doesn't work on me! I mean what I say—either I go back to the company, or you pay me back. Your choice!"


I was adamant on this issue. Sean retorted, "You're obsessed with money!"


"Exactly! I love money; otherwise, why would I run a company? For appearances?" I shot back. "Doesn't everything the Deng family uses cost money?"


"Of course, money-grubber, you are the Deng family's treasure!"


He was in such a good mood that everything he said seemed joyful. Observing his state, I realized he was indeed over the moon.


"Many people benefit from it, even those barely connected to us are spending my money!" I hinted, "I'm benefiting humanity!"


He pinched my nose, "You're really climbing the pole, getting cheekier by the day!"


"Go to sleep! I'm really tired!" I yawned, burrowing into the blankets, pretending to sleep.


"Alright, alright, sleep!" he said, settling down. Soon, he was silent.


"Sean!" I called out softly, testing. He didn't respond. I didn't rush, observing his state. After a while, I kicked him lightly, "Sean! Are you really asleep?"


He remained deeply asleep, unresponsive. I quickly got up and went to the study, finding his bag. Great, both phones were there. It seemed he was too excited to remember his bag.


Since he tested my phone, I noticed he always carefully locked his phones with his bag in the drawer. But today, he forgot. I took out my phone and made a call. The other side answered immediately in a whisper, "I'm outside the door!"


"Good!" Without further ado, I hung up, grabbed the bag, and went downstairs.


As I walked out the door, a car light flashed from the shadows of the trees opposite. I headed straight over, opened the door, and got in. Closing the door, I handed the bag to Gabriel waiting inside. "Both phones are here!"


Gabriel took the bag, pulled out the phones, and without me telling him the password, he directly input it. His sharp memory impressed me.


He skillfully operated the phones, quickly identifying the private one, and checked the data inside. I didn't understand, but he tinkered silently for a while. Then he opened the phone's back cover, placed a thin metal piece inside, and restored it to its original state.


He tested it to ensure everything was normal, then put the phone back and asked, "Does he always keep the bag with him?"


"Usually, yes," I nodded.


He examined the bag, then placed another tiny device in the lining. "Done!" Gabriel handed the bag back to me.


"Is there a problem with the group?" I asked urgently.


"We need to monitor for a while; it's too early to tell," Gabriel answered honestly. Then he asked, "Also, shall I schedule a meeting with the partner you've been wanting to see tomorrow?"


"Sure! You set the time, I'm available anytime," I said, feeling excited. "Oh, by the way, is Christopher still there?"


"No, he's been admitted for treatment. His condition is much worse than yours," Gabriel said. "But don't worry about him. He'll recover soon. You should go back upstairs to avoid arousing suspicion!"