Blowing Off Some Steam

A couple of days had passed since the curfew was imposed, and the tension within Hogwarts had only grown thicker. I was lounging in the Slytherin common room, the warmth of the fire doing little to ease my restless mind. The chatter of my housemates buzzed around me, but I was lost in thought until a noise from the balcony caught my attention.

Curious, I rose from my seat and made my way to the balcony. There, I found Sam engaged in a hushed conversation with another man. The newcomer was cute, with medium length brown hair that framed his face in soft waves. his green eyes were bright and intelligent, a sharp contrast to his fair, almost porcelain skin. He wore his robes with a casual elegance, giving him an air of effortless confidence.

Sam looked up as I approached, a sly smile spreading across his lips. "Adriana, I'd like you to meet Asher. He's one of the Ravenclaw's best and my partner in crime for tonight."

Asher extended a hand, his grip firm. "Nice to meet you, Adriana. I've heard a lot about you."

"All good things, I hope," I replied, smiling back.

Sam chuckled. "We were just planning a little adventure for tomorrow night. There's going to be a star shower, and we thought it would be the perfect time to sneak out, get high, and watch the stars. We could use someone with your charm and skills to join us."

The idea was tempting. A break from the constant stress and tension sounded perfect. "Count me in," I said, nodding.

The next evening, the three of us met in a secluded spot near the edge of the school grounds. The plan was simple: sneak into the greenhouse, grab some weed, and find a good spot to watch the star shower. But as we approached the greenhouse, we spotted Professor Fin lingering near the entrance. He was tall and imposing, with sharp features and a stern demeanor. his dark hair was pulled back into a tight bun, and his sharp carribean blue eyes scanned the area with suspicion.

"Damn," Sam whispered. "Looks like Bliss left Fin here to keep an eye on things."

I took a deep breath, my mind racing for a solution. "I'll distract him," I said quietly. "You two sneak in and get the weed."

Sam and Ashis nodded, slipping into the shadows as I approached Professor Fin. "Good evening, Professor," I said, putting on my most charming smile.

He turned to me, his eyes narrowing. "Lanceworth, isn't it? What are you doing out here?"

"I was just taking a walk, clearing my head," I replied smoothly. "It's such a beautiful night. Would you care to join me for a stroll?"

Fin hesitated, glancing back at the greenhouse before turning his attention back to me. "Very well, but only for a short while."

I led him away from the greenhouse, making small talk and complimenting him on his knowledge of magical plants. He seemed to relax slightly, his stern demeanor softening as we walked. I kept an eye on the greenhouse, watching as Sam and Ashis slipped inside.

"So, Professor," I said, steering the conversation towards his interests, "how did you get into teaching? You must have a fascinating background."

He raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by my question. "I studied under some of the finest hisbologists in the wizarding world. Teaching here at Hogwarts was a natural progression."

"That's impressive," I said, genuinely interested. "I'd love to hear more about your experiences."

We continued our conversation as we walked, the minutes ticking by. Finally, I saw Sam and Asher emerge from the greenhouse, their pockets bulging with the stolen weed. They gave me a quick nod before disappearing into the shadows.

"Thank you for the walk, Professor," I said, turning back to Fin. "I should probably head back to the common room now."

He gave me a curt nod, his stern demeanor returning. "Goodnight, Lanceworth. And remember, the curfew is still in effect."

"Of course, Professor," I replied, heading back to meet up with Sam and Asher. They were waiting for me just beyond the greenhouse, grinning with triumph.

"Nice work, Adriana," Sam said, handing me a joint. "Now let's find a good spot to watch the stars."

We made our way to a secluded hill overlooking the school grounds,

The night air was cool and crisp, the sky above us glittering with the star shower. As we passed the joint around, the euphoria of the moment took hold, erasing the day's troubles. Sam leaned closer to me, his eyes gleaming mischievously.

"Adriana," He purred, "I think I owe you a favor for helping you with the weed."

I smirked, the weed and the night sky making me bolder than usual. "Certainly, what do you have in mind?"

"How about I help you relax a little more?" He suggested, his fingers trailing suggestively down my arm.

I looked at his, seeing the desire in his eyes. "Alright," I said, my voice low and husky. "Let me take off my clothes and lie down on the blanket."

Sam's smile widened, and He didn't hesitate. He quickly stripped off his clothes, his body glowing in the moonlight, and lay down on the blanket, his breath coming in soft, excited gasps.

He moved over me, trailing kisses down My neck and chest, chewing and sucking on my tits making his way lower. As He reached my most intimate area, he glanced up at me, seeing the anticipation on my face. He began to pleasure me with his mouth, his tongue exploring me, drawing soft moans from my lips.

As He continued, I noticed Asher watching us, his eyes dark with desire. Without a word, He began to undress, joining us on the blanket. He knelt beside us, his hands caressing My body before moving to my shoulders.

"Don't forget about me," Asher whispered, his voice breathy.

He reached out with one hand, sliding his fingers into my mouth, then massaging my nipples moving with the rhythm of Sam's tongue on my clit. My eyes fluttered shut, my mouth opening in a silent gasp as he pleasured me.

The air around us was filled with the sounds of their pleasure, their soft cries and moans mingling with the rustle of the leaves and the distant hum of the star shower. My body trembled under sam's touch, my breath quickening as I neared climax.

Sam intensified his efforts, paying extra attention to my clit. He nibbled at it bringing me to the edge and pushing me over. I cried out, my body arching as I came, my hands clutching at the blanket beneath me. He didn't stop, continuing to pleasure me until my cries faded into soft whimpers.

Turning my attention to Asher, He quickened the pace of his tounge pleasuring my nipple that were painfully hard, touching them the right way, hitting just the right spot. I moaned loudly, his hands gripping my arm as I moaned and moaned, my body shuddering with the force of it.

We lay together on the blanket, our bodies tangled, breathing heavily as we came down from the high of our shared pleasure. The night sky above us continued to glitter with the star shower, a perfect backdrop to our illicit tryst.

Sam turned to me, his eyes still glazed with satisfaction. "That was... incredible, innit?" He whispered.

Asher nodded, a lazy smile on his lips. "You have quite a taste, Adriana."

As we lay there in the aftermath of our shared pleasure, the air thick with the scent of arousal and satisfaction, Sam and Asher exchanged a knowing glance. Without a word, they moved closer to me, their hands roaming over my body, igniting a fire within me that burned hotter with each touch.

"Your turn, Adriana," Sam whispered, his voice low and sultry.

Sam and Asher exchanged a glance, their eyes glinting with mischievous intent. Asher moved first, his fingers deftly unbuttoning his trousers. As He pulled them down, His cock sprang free, hard and throbbing.

My hand wrapped around him, my grip firm yet teasing. I kneeled down, my lips brushing against his shaft, my warm breath sending shivers up his spine. "I've been wanting to do this for a while," He purred, his eyes locked onto mine.

Without another word, I took him into my mouth, my tongue swirling expertly around hid head. He groaned, the sensation almost too much to bear. He glanced over at Sam, who was watching intently, his blue eyes dark with desire.

"Don't just watch," Asher said, pulling away for a moment. "Join in."

Sam needed no furthis encouragement. He moved closer, I groaned as Sam made me straddled him, my wet heat enveloping him as I took him deep inside me. His cock throbbed with pleasure as He rode me, he was just the right size, I knew I was not gonna last on this, my hips moved in perfect rhythm with his. Beside us, Asher moaned in ecstasy, his fingers teasing my swollen tits as He watched us. My lips were still wrapped around his cock. My tongue doing its best, tasting Asher, before He took control of my head, his movements synchronized with Sam's.

The two of them worked in perfect harmony, their cocks and my lips driving us to the edge of ecstasy. Sam focused on the G-spot, Meanwhile, my mouth creating a tantalizing suction while tracing the length of Asher's shaft, his hand firmly holding my hair.

Our moans filled the room, their hands tangling in my hair as I surrendered to the overwhelming pleasure. Sam looked up at me, his eyes blazing with a mix of lust and satisfaction. "You like that, don't you?" He teased, his voice a seductive whisper.

I could only nod, the ability to form words lost in the haze of sensation. My lips left Ashers cock for a moment, only to be brought back forcilbly, I took him even deeper, my throat constricting around him in a way that made him gasp.

"I'm gonna cum," Asher managed to gasp, his voice hoarse with need.

With a final, shuddering groan, He came, his cock pulsing as he released himself into my mouth. I took it all, his eyes never leaving mine as I swallowed every drop.

Sam panted, but his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Told you we'd make it worth your while, Adriana."

Asher nodded, his expression filled with satisfaction. "You were amazing, Adriana. We'll have to do this again sometime."

Sam's lips were soft against neck, his hands roaming hungrily over my chest, while Asher's touch ignited a fire within me that burned hotter with each caress.

The air was heavy with the scent of sex and arousal as we moved togethis, lost in the primal urgency of our shared desire. I buried my face in Sam's neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent as he drove into me with abandon, each thrust bringing us closer to the edge.

But our pleasure was short-lived as the tranquility of the night was shattered by a loud noise from the forest. We froze, our bodies still entwined, as the sound echoed through the night, sending a shiver of fear down our spines.

With a sense of urgency, we dressed quickly, the haze of passion dissipating as we scrambled to our feet. The forest loomed before us, dark and foreboding, its secrets hidden in the shadows.

Without a word, we ran, our hearts pounding in our chests as we raced back to the safety of the school. But as we neared the castle, a bolt of pain shot through me, and everything went black.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself lying on the ground, my head spinning with confusion. Sam and Asher were nowhere to be seen, and a sense of dread washed over me as I struggled to my feet.

As I stumbled forward, a figure emerged from the shadows, his bald head gleaming in the moonlight. My heart sank as I recognized him, his cold eyes locking onto mine with a predatory glint.

"We've got a Lanceworth," he said, his voice sending a chill down my spine.

And then everything went dark.


I blinked groggily, my senses slowly coming back to me. My head throbbed with a dull ache as I struggled to focus on my surroundings. The sight of the dimly lit wooden cabin and the four looming figures was just what I was expecting.

I was tied to a chair, my wrists bound tightly behind my back, rendering me completely helpless. The leader, a bald man exuding an aura of menace, stepped forward, his eyes boring into mine.

"Whise is it, Lanceworth? The Third Key. The Blood Key," he demanded, his voice like gravel scraping against stone.

I couldn't help but smirk at his theatrics, despite the gravity of the situation. "And here I was, thinking we were going to have a pleasant chat about the weathis."

his expression darkened, his patience wearing thin. "We know you have it. So speak up, you bloody cunt."

With a casual shrug, I leaned back in my chair, my defiance masking the fear churning within me. "I'm afraid you're mistaken, gentlemen. I don't know anything about your precious Blood Key."

The bald man's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint flashing in their depths. "You're not in a fucking position to be coy, Lanceworth. We have ways of making you spill up."

I laughed, the sound harsh and mirthless in the tense atmosphise. "Really? Do tell. I'm dying to hear all about your elaborate methods."

He stepped closer, his breath hot and foul as he leaned in. "We can make this easy, or we can make it very, very painful."

"Well, I've always had a high pain tolerance," I shot back, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "So why don't you save us both some time and skip the threats?"

One of the othis men, a tall, gaunt figure with a scar running down his cheek, stepped forward. "She thinks this is a joke," he muttered, his tone incredulous. "Let's show the Bitch how serious we are."

"Hold your tongue, Viktor," the bald man snapped, raising a hand to silence him. He turned back to me, his expression cold and calculating. "Last chance, Lanceworth. Tell us whise the Blood Key is, be a pain in my arse and you'll regret it."

I met his gaze unflinchingly, my heart hammering in my chest. "I told you motherfuckers, I don't know anything about it."

The bald man sighed, as if weary of the whole affair. "So be it," he said quietly, raising his wand. "Crucio!"

A scream tore from my lips as white-hot agony lanced through my body, every nerve ending set ablaze. My muscles seized and twisted as the curse wracked me with unbearable pain. But even through the torment, I clung to my defiance, refusing to give them the satisfaction of hearing me beg for mercy.

"Still nothing?" the bald man asked, his voice a sinister purr. "How bloody disappointing."

I forced a smile, blood trickling from the corner of my mouth. "You call that torture? I've had hangovers worse than this."

his eyes blazed with fury, and he slashed his wand through the air again. "You arrogant whore... Sectumsempra!"

The invisible blades sliced through my flesh, and I gasped, the pain sharp and immediate. Blood poured from the wounds, staining my shirt and pooling at my feet. My vision blurred, but I refused to let them see my fear.

"Is that the best you've got?" I taunted, my voice hoarse but steady. "I expected more from someone with such a dramatic entrance."

The bald man's face contorted with rage, but before he could strike again, the door burst open with a deafening crash. Irene McGonagall stormed into the room, her wand alight with fury.