Banished from hell

"To think that you would stand against me for my throne Sheon, what a bold move you made," Azrael said while flying towards Sheon, he stopped in front of him but was still in the air.

"Hmm?" He hums in question after studying Sheon. Noticing how weak he was, he descends and looked at Sheon right in the eye.

"A devil with a golden black aura, I have never seen such before...tell me Sheon, where did you get those powers from?" Azrael asked.

"You want me to tell you? I would, but unfortunately that information is classified. My mom would punish me if I did that." Azrael stared blankly at him, he did not expect to get the answer from him by just asking.

"You do not deserve to be our king," Sheon said, making Azrael look at him in displeasure, but it didn't stop him from finishing what he was saying. "You're too weak for the position of a king. What we need is a strong ruler like myself, not some pitiful, dishonorable dirt bag like you. By the way, I could have sworn that I was facing off against three of you, where are your generals Azrael?" Sheon mocked as he paused to look behind Azrael.

Behind Azrael was the body of a devil that was hanging against the wall with a spear through his chest, while the other had his head bashed into the ground, a smirk curved up Sheon's lips.

"Dead," he continued "Yet you still couldn't defeat me, without their powers, tsk, how pathetic." Sheon clicked his tongue in annoyance and contrary to what he wanted, Azrael looked unfazed by his words.

"I never would have guess that you had a speech prepared for after you lost the real battle, do you fought a battle knowing you couldn't win. I'm a devil Sheon, we all are, being dishonorable is what we do, and you know it. Don't judge me for being what you are." Lucifer said, he was exhausted and needed rest, so he decided to end the discussion.

"It was such an amusing battle. I'd like to do this again sometime but I need rest for now. I have questions regarding the origin of your powers, but it won't matter anymore, I can gain powers greater than those and since you are of no use to me, I shall dispose of you, I shall send you to the human realm." Azrael declared. Sheon's eyes widened at what Azrael said.

"No." Sheon whispered in total rejection.

Anything but that. He would rather perish than be sent to rot in Earth without the powers he sacrificed so much to acquire.

Sheon got angry at the mere thought of it, he looked Azrael dead in the eyes, and yelled,

"I'd rather you killed me Azrael! Kill me this instant!" This statement did nothing but amuse Azrael, he grind.

"But I feel this will be a very suitable punishment for a maggot who dared to go head to head with me, besides if I killed you, you would just be reborn again." Azrael said.

"Then send me to the bottomless pit, the abyss, anywhere!" Sheon suggested, a hint of fear in his voice, there was nothing else he could do, he couldn't fight anymore.

Being sent to the bottomless pit was the worst thing he had imagined happening to him if he lost, a place of no escape and eternal fall, so he had made up a plan of escape, but the idea of being sent to the human world was totally unacceptable to him.

"Suggesting punishment for yourself now? Know your place Sheon. Falling for eternity is boring, I want you to suffer for all eternity, besides, you'd spend time playing with the sinful humans, it's a better place than the bottomless pit don't you think?" Sheon felt helpless, if only he had even a little energy left, he could have killed himself, although devil's don't actually die, they do get reborn as a different devil, but, it will make him escape the fate of being in a world of fragile humans and being so powerless to conquer them. That's a stain on his pride, he would rather be reborn and start all over from scratch.

In the human realm, demons, ghosts and spirits are powerless, they can't use their powers on humans except when summoned by humans themselves.

No devil who was barnished into the human realm has ever returned to hell, it is a place of no return.

"Hehe, haahahahaha!" Sheon let's out a throaty chuckle which turned into a laugh.

He was laughing at his pitiful situation and because he was angry and helpless just like he used to be when he was called the weakest devil. He was facing the worst fate he could have possibly imagined.

"You don't seem to understand the power I posses Azrael."He said, his last attempt to leave a lasting impact on Azrael "Know this, I always find my way home, and when I do, I will be coming for what's mine. Make sure you live everyday of your life knowing that I will be back. Let that thought haunt you for the rest of your days." Sheon ended with a warm smile that slowly crept up into an evil smirk.

Azrael called it off as a bluff, if he was going to have his powers it might have been possible, but he isn't, besides, devil's are all liars there's always a possibility of all he's saying being all lies, and he wasn't going to bother himself with his words.

'If he ever does return I will readily await him.' Azrael thought to himself.

"You talk too much Sheon and as it is, I'm too exhausted to listen to your whining. I have heard you, and I shall readily await your return." Azrael said and with a snap of his fingers a magic circle called formation formed beneath Sheon.

"I'll see you again," Azrael said as the formation glowed and Sheon's body started to slowly dissipates into tiny particles.

Sheon's smirk had turned into a bitter smile. He was silent, and his eyes began to slowly loose the spark in them.

He was about to start all over in a world that marks his presence but not his existence. A place he would be too weak to become a predator, he would just be an ordinary spectator. This will definitely leave a scar to his pride. The pain of loosing against Azrael was one thing, but, he did not in his widest dream see this coming, hell, he never considered loosing.

Just then, as his body was about to completely disappear, a thought came to his mind igniting the flame of hope back in his eyes.

'Ah... I can still possess a human, yes, my first cause of action should be finding a host?' As his face started disappearing, he looked at Azrael with a wide grin, he wasn't hopeless after all, the silver lining...he has found one.

"Get ready for the second round, make sure you don't disappoint me with your weakness..." Sheon said before completely dissipating.

~Sigh~ Azrael heaved a long sigh as he fell on his back, facing the empty sky.

'Is he really going to find his way back? It would be troublesome if he does. But I guess he won't be causing trouble for the meantime.' Azrael thought.

"I will have to get stronger." He concluded.


Beside a tree in a busy street, tiny particles clustered in the air, forming a little above average sized snowflake. The snowflake flew around like it's in control of it's movement.

"So this is the human world huh? You pitiful creatures, rejoice for I have graced you with my presence!" Sheon said.