The devil king's host candidates

Three sets of car parked properly in the hospital garage.


The car door shuts as Charles descended first car and hurriedly goes to open the door for Mr. Darkling. In the same manner, the other drivers opened the door for his children in their own cars.

In one of the car were the twins Riley and Raphael. Riley jumped down in excitement while Raphael lazily walked out of the car, with a lollipop in his mouth. They were both in cooperate attires. Riley walked up to her dad while Raphael, intertwining his fingers, puts his hands at his neck to support his head as he followed behind Riley, the both stood before him.

On the other car was Olivia, she descended the car and walked up to her dad. They were all standing before him. Mr. Darkling looked at them for a moment, then turned around and entered the hospital, followed by Olivia and then the twins. The other escorts including Charles stayed behind.

Mr. Darkling led the way, already aware of what ward his wife was staying at, he navigated through the hallway of the hospital, all nurses, patients or visitors who saw him made way for him to pass. No one dared to look him in the eyes as they all bowed their heads, showing utmost respect.


"How did she deliver? I didn't see the doctor coming to help her." Inside the ward where the baby was born, one of the nurses asked another nurse in the middle of their discussion.

"Well, the baby was already out of her womb when I came in after calling the doctor. " The other nurses replied

"You mean to say that she had already put to bed with no assistance?"

"Yes, now stop talking about that and let's go, she ought to rest properly." The other nurse said as she looked at the sleeping blonde beauty.

"She's pretty, but her son is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life." She added.


A senior nurse came in.

"Ladies, exit the ward, the Darkling's are here." She said and without hesitation, they both dropped everything they were doing and exited the ward leaving the baby in his cot.

Mr. Darkling entered the ward, following behind was Olivia who stood at the left side of the door, Riley and Raphael entered and stood beside each other at the right side of the door.

Mr. Darkling walked up to his wife to check on her, he examined her pulse, temperature and her magic to see if she was doing fine. Seeing that she was completely ok, he heaved a sigh of relief.

His children weren't surprised because they know how much he loves their mother and has heard stories of how much he panicks whenever she's in labour. He is cold-hearted and his simple weakness is his beloved wife, but that simple weakness is well protected.

Darkling then walked to the baby's cot and looked at his son, he wasn't sleeping, he was sucking his fingers and moving his leg, your typical baby's behavior.

Mr. Darkling carefully carried him and examined him, he looked at his purple eyes and then his blonde hair, but didn't change his blank expression.

He walked towards his sleeping wife then lifted the child up. His eyes glowed red as he became able to see the child's aura. A very feint and strange mixture of gold and black aura exuded from the baby's body

He had never seen such color of aura, nor had he seen an aura of such small quantity. Even plants had a larger aura compared to what he was seeing.

He wasn't impressed, but thought that maybe it's because the child's gate of energy hasn't been widened. He then placed his palm on the boy's abdomen and sent some of his Chi into the child.

He was surprised at what happened next, it was as if the baby sucked the magic he was pouring into him,

"How much more can you take?" He kept pouring more energy and when he felt that it was going to be too much for the child, he removed his hand just to see that the aura was the same quantity as it was earlier.

This child has already disappointed him, his first and only child not to show potential in magic as his magic aptitude was so very little to make any difference from a normal human being.

~Clears throat~

"I name him Henry according to your mother's wishes. Welcome your baby brother, Henry." Mr. Darkling said, his voice deep and commanding as he turned to face his children. His siblings bowef to their baby brother.

"Welcome home." They all chorused.

"Henry here unfortunately, has no magic aptitude near enough to impress me. He is not going to be able to compete with you all, I shall accomodate him until he is young enough, then I shall disown him." He said coldly.

The children were surprised at what their father said, but for some reason, Olivia smiled.

'So he gets to live. Lucky you brother, I'm kind of jealous.' Olivia thought to herself.

'Geez why is dad so mean? Look at my cute little brother, how sad.' Riley thought.

'Sigh... at least I won't have to take care of a him although he looks calm, weirdly, I was kinda hoping that I would get to spend time with him. Well, the old man already said it, no one can do anything about it now.' Raphael shrugged mentally.

Mr. Darkling dropped the baby back to it's cot and then turns to leave when suddenly the hospital door locked by itself, the same with the windows and immediately everywhere became dark, only the bulb in the middle lit the room and it was already beginning to blink.




A crushing pressure suddenly appeared in the room, it was strong enough to get Riley and Raphael to their kneels.

But the force was much more on Mr. Darkling,. meanwhile Olivia was struggling to keep to her feet.

'What is this...this familiar presence?' he thought as he turned to look at where he was feeling the pressure from.

As he turned, the force increased on where he was standing and the concrete started showing cracking signs.

Olivia reached her limits and fell on her knee, her siblings were already lying down flat in the floor because of the pressure and coughed roughly, struggling for air. At that moment the air became difficult to breathe in because it became thick and heavy. Mr Darkling, however, remained calm

He turned around to see his son, Henry, floating mid air with golden black aura around him as his eyes were glowing red.


"Good, good, I like what I see. The small ones have impressive amount of aura for their age, the older one is way above average for her age I think they should he the strongest amongst their sets I've seen since coming to earth. But here's the big fish. My potential host. With him, taking over hell would be piece of cupcake,"Sheon said excited about seeing Darkling and his children.

He watched curiously at how he and his children were organized.

"Did they practice for this or something? Why are they acting like some trained military personnel? Is this what all humans do when a child is born?" His curiosity made him question their actions, but it all turned into his happiest moment since coming to earth, when Mr Darkling started transferring energy into Henry.

The energy was too much for the baby's body to handle, so the seal became weak for a moment as the energy flowed into his white room and some through the black door.

"This is my opportunity." He said and he possessed the baby. He knew that once the seal restored he would be forcefully returned back since the seal is not weak enough for him to escape.

He would possess the baby for some minutes, and wouldn't be able to use up to 5% of his power but it was enough time for him to put his master plan in action. And he went for it.


Once he successfully possesed the baby, he released a small amount aura that has a crushing pressure on the human's, alerting them of his presence.

"How dare you filthy humans?!" An enraged voice rang in the head of Darkling and his children.

"You dare leave without my permission." At this moment, only Mr. Darkling was in the position to process what was going on, the rest where busy struggling with the force and pressure.

'It was you all along huh, but what are you?' Mr.Darkling asked himself as he looked at his god-like floating infant son.