Conversation between powers.

As Charles and Mr. Darkling were walking Mr Darkling suddenly asked,

"Where's the boy?"

"He's in his room, at the very end of the hallway," Charles replied.

"His status?"

"Well, he isn't acting strangely, but his brain has developed faster than a child of two years," Charles responded


In a moment, Charles found himself alone, Mr. Darkling had teleported to the end of the hallway where the baby was, he couldn't fall behind, in an instant, he too was there. The passerbys where wowed but kept it to themselves.

They were standing in front of a huge transparent soundproof glass. Inside the room was a child playing with toys.

Mr. Darkling kept looking at the baby, expressionlessly. The baby suddenly stopped playing around as if he noticed something. Mr. Darkling and Charles watched closely and curiously at the baby's sudden movement. Just then, the baby turned to face them, looking Mr. Darkling right in the eyes. His sparkling purple eyes glowed taking Mr. Darkling by surprise.

Both he and Charles felt a sudden chill in the surrounding air, a feint but existing presence that felt supreme. Although Mr. Darkling was less affected than Charles a high-ranked vampire, he still acknowledged the presence.

Feeling like he was being challenged by the devil inside the blonde child, he reacted by releasing a small amount of his aura, making sure it got through to the baby. As his eyes glowed, the surroundings turned dark as dark smoke started evaporating from his shadow, all the light bulbs turned off and the only bright things were his glowing eyes and those of the baby. The baby suddenly laughs and continued playing. Mr. Darkling ceases his power looked at him for a moment and the turned and said to Charles,

"Let's leave." Charles was completely lost, but he was able to understand that there was a conversation, probably a challenge between the two people he couldn't compare to. He looked calm, but in actuality, he couldn't breathe for that little moment of exchange of gaze.

He already knew that he would never in his lifetime catch up to Mr. Darkling in terms of power, but, the presence of the baby was a huge question mark to him.

This same thing happened two years ago when they were performing the usual Darkling's family ritual, he was outside but felt a similar pressure, though different, but the feeling of a supreme being, being in the surroundings was the same.

The solitary confinement of the kid in a specially built scientific lab from the moment he stopped breastfeeding, together with the kid's quick adaptation, adds to the mystery behind this baby. 'Why would a devil choose to possess him? Was it even a choice?' he always asked himself before turning back and answering Mr. Darkling,

"Sure sir."

'What are you?' he thought as he followed behind Mr. Darkling.

'Whatever you are, you're changing this man and everything around you. I'll make sure to be the one to stop you if you become a threat. Please don't make me do that... Young master.'