Chapter twenty six

" Author's note. I got some reviews and I realized my characters are one-dimensional, and some feel underdeveloped, and useless, so I would be working on other supporting characters and it will be in povs, thank you for your support".

Kendall's pov

I sat there on the floor thinking, I wanted a baby, I really do, I don't wanna die without feeling the satisfaction of motherhood, it's a step that completes a human.

It's difficult for me to conceive on my own, and Joseph wouldn't agree to surrogacy no matter how much I pressured him, so now the question is that should I agree to adoption or stay childless.

My head was messed up and my ability to think is also messed, I have always been stubborn, things just have to go the way I want but now my husband is proving to be more stubborn.

I needed a confidant, someone that can help me think this true, Aria is entangled in her revenge and I seriously don't want to disturb her with my own problem. I had one option left, sky, my best friend. I met her back in London and with time we became really close.

I wasn't the type with a large friends circle, I didn't need alot of friends, it's better to have one to two close friends who can be your everything than a large collection of them who are useless in the long run.

In many instances of having many friends, some betray you, some use you till they need you, and some take advantage of you, in the end you become strangers with eachothers secrets.

Sky was trustable, she was like a sister to me so I could ask her for advice. I searched for my phone and found it under the pillow, searched for sky's number and called her. I was almost sure she wouldn't pick up, but she picked up at the last minute.

" Hey dear, what's up" she said as soon as the call connected. I heard the sound of kids fighting in the background and I felt a knot in my heart. Sky herself was a mother of three, she had those kids with her boyfriend who later dumped her for a younger and more beautiful model. She did her best to give her children the best and never let them feel the absence of their father.

She was a strong woman, she owned an art museum and earned a pretty decent amount to raise and educate three kids probably with no lacking.

" Hey sky, how are you" I replied. " Am great, today is children's day and the kids insisted on going to the park, so we are all just getting ready for it nothing much" she replied.

" Are you free to talk for five minutes, am in a fix, and I could really do with advice" I said.

Her face softened with concern "tell me, what's the matter" she asked. " It's the same issue, last time I told you about my problem with fertility right, now I am having a problem because of that. I thought since I couldn't give birth we should opt for surrogacy but Joseph doesn't agree with me, he thinks it's better to adopt a baby instead, and am conflicted, I don't know if adoption is what I really want to do" I explained to her.

Sky smiled as bright as her name, I wondered why she was smiling when I am this conflicted before she started, " kends listen to me, been a mother is the best feeling for a woman and nothing can ever compare to that seriously. But God didn't choose to make all women mother's, surrogacy is ok, its normal, alot of people do it, but since your husband has an objection to it you should forget about it".

" As for adoption, it's a noble act, you choose to give a proper life and happiness to young and innocent children, not everyone can. And with that you both are feeling eachothers void in life, you gave them the love of parents and they give you the happiness of having a child. And you never have to show them that you are not their biological parents, instead treat them as yours, your very own, and I assure you, your life would be filled with happiness and contentment, just think it through, in the end, the decision is yours" she said.

Her words rang deep in my brain, her youngest child storm was calling her so she had to go. I thought it through and finally decided that I would go for adoption. I texted Joseph that I was now ready for adoption and he replied happily saying that we would go and look at some babies for adoption in the orphanage tomorrow.

I was happy, my heart felt at ease, and I once heard someone say, " when you make a decision and your heart feels at ease then it's the right decision, but when your heart feels tightened and you feel overwhelmed you should probably think it through" so I guess I made the right choice after all.

It was 3:00pm and Selena would be back from school in 30 mins, I went to the kitchen and cooked pasta for her, I would tell her the good news, she would soon have a junior sibling to play with.

I was happy beyond words at the prospect of been a new mother, I can't forget to share my happiness with Aria. I decided to text her first, I didn't know if she was alone or with kaida so it's safer to text her. Steven, yes Steven as well, I can't forget to tell him can I, he has also become a part of our family. His love for Aria and Selena was obvious so is his care and support, he is also my fighting partner and competitor for Selena's attention, now he has to beg me to come close to my baby, I thought to myself happily as I sent the text to Steven.