Do you really need a portrait of mine ? She asks him surprisingly. Yes baby I want a portrait of you ! Infact I want you everywhere in my home chilling with me . In my office talking with me . Everywhere I just wanted to be with you. Will you be mine my baby girl ?

She moves aside from him immediately and says what do you think of yourself. Do you think that these cheese line can impress me?

No you are wrong MR.

Suddenly a text popped up in her phone which is from an unknown number. The text says that you are taking me for gurranted sweety Let me show you who exactly I am and what can I do to you !!

She reads the text. And says to Damien how can someone be so cheap. It's you if I am not wrong. How can someone be so mean that you came up with an idea of blackmailing me ? How colud you?

Tell me from how many time you are following me in my home in my office even in my friends house? She asks him with tears in her eyes. What are you thinking to do now ? You killed my parents, police took away all our property only because of you ? Why are you doing all these stuff to me ? Even we don't know about each other ?

She started crying heavily.

Damien came closer to her. He holds her hand and says in a very low but deep voice baby how can I hurt you. It's not me !! But I will find out who is it and why is he doing all this to you ?

She looks at his face with red eyes filled with water. Why would you help me ? Even my friends and other relatives has said no to help me.

He says I will help you until my last breath baby. He will not see the sunrise of next morning. Come for today stay with me at my home !! I will arrange everything for you what you need and even now I am not letting you go after knowing all these. Its already 6 come with me.

She opened her mouth to say something !!

But he picked her up in his arms and make her comfortable in his lap and asks her. So tell me what exactly has happened to you? What has happened to your parents? Where are they and Who is this fucker what do you know about him ? Who did this to you my little baby?

Suddenly his phone rings he put her on the sofa and moves aside to answer the call

After few minutes he came and asks her again!!

She says while sobbing heavily I don't want you to be in trouble just because of me. Anyways I don't know him .

Her hands and legs were shivering with anxiety and fear. She was so much afraid even she wasn't even able to talk with someone.

Damien after understanding all the situation picked her and make his way outside the room.

Her eyes were closed. And she was holding him very tightly that even her nails are dug in his shoulder causing a little blood flow from there. He makes her comfortable in his car.

He himself moved to the driver seat and started driving the car.

After sometime he saw her again shivering with anxiety her face was pale, her eyes has lost their charm. She was totally in fear. He stops the car and says Come here baby you need this and opened his arms for her.

She was trying to say something. Before she could say something he says come here or I will come to you and you have to deal with consequences !! She moved to his lap and started crying again.

Oh my little baby has dealed with so much things alone.

That massage will not arrive to you now he says angrily . It's my promise to you !!

With a very innocent but still so much tears in her eyes she says to him thank you so much !!

He started driving again and still she was in his lap. Sobbing like a little baby and crying.

After sometime when she stopped crying Damien asks so little miss what would you like to eat ?

There was no response!! He looks at her she was sleeping comfortably in his lap like a little baby. He looks at her and says That fucker has to die. No one has right to make my little girl cry. He is making my girl uncomfortable, stalking her and even hurt her. He has to pay for it!!

He took out his phone and make a call to Vincent. After some time a done message arrived in his phone that make his anger blurred from his face.

He drove the car to his home and picked her to the room. Then he went to take a shower. When he came out of the shower. He saw her sitting on the bed like a little chlid and looking around with curiosity.