Chapter 34

He moved so fast that the only thing I could see was his shadow. He wrapped his arm around my waist, jumped off the broken window, landed on a horse, and stormed off. I could hear Loraine's voice shouting in the distance as the horse galloped away. She ordered her men to shut the castle gates. However, the strange figure was able to swiftly make an escape. 

"This is pointless. I won't make it." I murmured as blood came spurting out of my mouth.

The fast gallops of the horse made my stomach feel like it was being wrenched. My vision became blurry as I fought the urge to shut my eyes. I was wheezing and sweating, yet I felt cold. 

"There they are! Fire!"

"Your people are quite the persistent bunch, princess." said a familiar deep voice.

"They will disappear in three…two…and…"

A sudden loud thud echoed in the forest, and all went silent except for the cracking sounds of dried tree branches collapsing. The soldiers' confused shouting mixed with the neighing of their horses made quite the commotion. However, we were pressed on time, hence we could not dally in the forest for long. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who laid out the trap beforehand. He is hailed as the strongest Sant of our generation for a reason.

"Kazein Nathaniel Von Alkaraz." I called.

The wind suddenly blew off the hood of his cloak as his red hair fluttered and glistened in the moonlight.

"The one and only." he responded with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Don't worry, I didn't hurt them…much. However, we must keep moving. It'd be best if we save the chit chat for later, princess."

I felt neither elated nor relieved, for I was finally reaching my limit. 

"I'm…sorry." I mumbled before I shut my eyes.


~Ecchelon Royal Palace

"It seems our men fell into a hunting trap, your highness. We sent a rescue team to pull them out of the hole. Shall we…"

"Kill them all." she interrupted firmly.


"From here on out, I will not tolerate any failure from anyone. Not even you, Raulin."

A sudden tension arose from the terrace as the princess' glare pierced through me like a sword. The maids who were serving her morning meal were trembling, which caused the tableware to clatter in their grasp. I must prevent her from noticing, lest another bloodshed ensue. 

"Duly noted, princess. May we continue the chase, your highness?"

"That will not be necessary. Whoever it was should have realized by now that it was all futile. This time, I'm certain she is gone for good."


"I'm worried. What if something bad happened to his highness?"

"It's already mid-day, his highness should have arrived by now."

Their incessant whining was starting to irritate me. The crown prince, whose actions are always calculated down to the last detail suddenly stormed off just to confront a girl. No matter how I try to perceive this situation, I cannot make sense of it. It's as if I have been looking at a stranger throughout this entire trip.

"Miss Bettie, shall I go search for him?" asked Sir Gabril.

He must be starting to feel anxious too. Perhaps it would be best to grant his request. It would certainly put my mind at ease if he were to go look for the prince.

"Take two more men with you and-"

The doors were suddenly kicked open as the prince rushed in. He was in such disarray that I nearly did not recognize him. In his arms was something wrapped in the cloak he was wearing. 

"Your highness! Blood!" shouted a maid in panic.

I could not believe my eyes. Who would dare to attack his highness and wound him? I could feel my blood boiling as I gaped in bewilderment. 

"Calm yourselves. It is not my blood, but hers. I am perfectly fine."

"Did something happen, your highness?" questioned sir Gabril frantically.

"Gabril, I need you to bring Lindina to me as soon as possible. You are likely to find her roaming around the research tower."

"Yes sir! Right away, sir!" he shouted before storming out of the suite.

"The rest of you, clean her." he said with a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"If I may ask, your highness. Who is this person?" 

"Bettie…" he called while leaning over the bed, and gently pulled off the cloak, revealing a girl that we are all familiar with.

Princess Charlotte, otherwise known as Fati, was drenched in blood. Her skin and even her lips had turned blue. She was cold to the touch and was barely breathing.

"Your highness, I don't think…"

"Do not say another word, Bettie." he interrupted sternly.

"My apologies, your highness. I spoke carelessly." 

"We'll discuss things over later. For now, you must prepare her for treatment." He said as he got up from the bed.

"I shall leave her in your care while I go change. I trust that you will all take good care of her." he said in a serious tone as he closed the doors behind him.

The girls were gathered in one corner of the room as they trembled in fear. The state of Fati was incredibly painful to behold. However, we have a duty to uphold.  

"What are you girls standing there for? Get moving! We need warm water, fresh towels, a change of clothes, and…" I yelled.

Even I am terrified of the foreboding ordeal that will soon take place in this very room. My heart is aching just thinking about it.


I couldn't hold back my laughter as I read the new tabloid. Anyone could tell at first glance who is fanning the flames of this ridiculous scandal. Does this face look like someone who's infatuated? I knew the woman was shrewd, but she went too far with this one. My goodness!

'Crown prince Kazein was spotted leaving the princess' bedchamber late into the night.'

'Is this the beginning of a budding romance between the two?'

'Crown prince Kazein did not want to leave Ecchelon after the funeral.'

"Will you stop laughing already, brother?" yelled my little brother, Demarcous.

"You are disrupting my reading." 

Second son of the crown, Demarcous James Wells, the devoted son. Also known as the current crown prince of Ipera.

"Do you really think the princess would go that far just to tease him? What is your take on this, Caleb?"

"I'm not sure. One thing I know for certain is that these types of scandals tend to follow him everywhere he goes. It'll die down soon enough."

Caleb John Wells, the youngest out of the three of us. He is quiet, observant, and incredibly insightful.

"The Alkaraz capital must be eating these articles up with a spoon. I can't imagine the chaos that is currently running amok among the delusional young ladies. Speaking of which, I wonder how our cousin is doing." I pondered as I leisurely browsed through the pages of the article.

"If I had to guess, I'd say she is shattering teacups while screaming her head off alone in her room." responded Caleb with his gaze glued to the paper.

"That sounds entertaining! Haha!" I exclaimed with a chuckle.

"By the way, brothers. Any chance his highness is still in Ipera?" asked Demarcous.

"Doubtful. I imagine he would want to get as far away from the heart of the rumor as possible. Then again, I may be wrong. Why? Do you have business with him, Demarcous?"

"Yes." He responded in a serious tone while adjusting his square glasses.

"You owe him an apology for the stunt you pulled the other day, Jonathin." 

He finally raised his head, revealing an icy glare. This is exactly why I can't let my guard down around him. 

"You don't want to, brother?"

Man, he's scary!

"Alright! Alright! There is no need to raise a fuss. I shall seek him out and apologize."

"Great! You had better do it before he leaves, and do so properly this time. As I already told you that I do not want any problems with the prince. I hope you consider controlling yourself next time."

The creepy smile on his face was giving me chills. The last time I committed a slight similar to this one, he downsized my harem by half. I can't let the same thing happen again.


"Your highness, I know I am a powerful mage, however I'm afraid necromancy is not my area of expertise. You may want to consult a warlock on the matter. Or rather, prepare for her funeral."