Friends With Benefit

"Anna" the door was opened by David as he called her daughter first and later took off his shoes. 

He still could not believe that Ethan was planning to open a shop. Not only that, the youngster had already finalized the place and paid the down payment. 

"Ana, are you there?" he called again with a thrilled voice. Jane, his wife who had just finished cooking, came out first and raised a brow questioningly, but David did not reply to her and stared at the stairs calling his daughter a few more times. 

Ana had just taken a shower, her wet hair was still falling on her shoulders as she descended the stairs in a hurry to reply to her father.

"Yes, father. I was studying." she replied as she looked at her mother but her mother shrugged, "shall I brew coffee for you? Or do you need anything else?" David foolishly grinded at his daughter making her stare at her mother again.

"You know what happened today." He decided to skip the detail that the police arrested Ethan because his wife had a bad opinion of Ethan. Rubbing his chin, he informed them, "Ethan had finally decided to stop his stall and start a business. He is opening a small shop selling a few snacks with breakfast and dinner in an expensive business area. He had asked for your help in setting it up." Anna blinked in confusion while her mother frowned.

"But David, she had her studies and did you forget that she had an internship interview next week." her face had a hint of dissatisfaction but her husband only frowned deeper.

"But it has been a week. I am sure the shopping would only take a day."He looked to his daughter for support, but when she did not reply, he added, "Ethan had helped us so many times. Ana enjoys shopping. Had she not asked you a few times to buy those strange paintings for the hall." 

"Because it was about our family," she said with concern. Her face became grim all of a sudden making David feel embarrassed.

"Ethan is also like our family. The child has been kind to us. Even today.." he shook his head, "forget it. If you do not want to help, I will go."

"No, I will go farther. I would love to go shopping." Jane glared at her daughter but Anna did not notice it. She smiled at her father only to get a look of approval in return.

"See, I knew you would help. Now go and study. Ethan had decided to not start the stall tomorrow. Go and meet him in his apartment." Anna nodded and left hurriedly before her mother could find another excuse to stop her.

But she did not believe the words of her father. She was sure that it was just a ruse played by Ethan to spend time with her. They have been playing for so long. It was time that they took the final step. Her heart fluttered at the thought. 

The moment Ana left, Jane glared at her husband. Her hands were on her hips. 

"David, I understand that you favor Ethan. He is a kind young man. But our daughter is at the age where she could develop a fancy for a young man. So it would be better if they keep their distance." 

David looked upset at once. "Why? Would it not be better that they develop fancy toward each other? It would be a great pair and Anna would always stay close to us." that ticked Jane's jaw.

She gave an uneasy look to her husband.

"David, Ethan is just a wastrel. He is young but he did not study even when he had funds. And even now, do you think he would be sincere to run that shop? My daughter had a bright future. I do not want her to regret her decisions." David laughed as he heard the regret in the voice of his wife.

His wife had big dreams too but they were so much in love that they married anyway. Then she got ill and after giving birth to Anna, she decided to be a housewife.

But he often sees guilt and regret on her face. He had thought things would be better with time.

"Jane, if you want to work, you can work. No one is stopping you. But do not blame your regret on your daughter. If she likes Ethan, I will support her." with a hurt voice, David crossed the passage and closed the door of their room behind him.

Jane bit her lips, "I will never let my daughter make a mistake like me." she determined in a cold voice as she stared at the closed door.

Ana took a deep breath and changed her clothes. She told her mother that she was going to buy some notes, but she went to Ethan's apartment instead.

She knocked on the door twice before Ethan opened the door. He was only wearing pajamas loosely hanging on his waist.

A flash of surprise passed his eyes and soon it was replaced by a large grin. A woman with succulent skin, rosy cheeks, and a firm body was knocking on his door at night.

He still could not believe his luck. Ana glared at him instead when he did not let the door go and pushed the door open.

She walked in as if she had done it so many times.

"I have told my mother that I am going to buy some notes for my interview. She would worry if I did not return in an hour." though she said so, there was no urgency in her nonchalant gaze as she scanned the room as if looking for changes.

But when she did not see anything, she turned to look at him.

"What did you say to my father? You are starting a business?" her eyes had an amused look as her lips curled into a mocking smile.

Ethan's eyes narrowed at her actions. He had believed that this young girl was Ethan's girlfriend but instead of feeling cheerful. She was here to mock him.

Shaking that idea, he closed the door and took a step closer to her. When she did not react, but stared at him, he took her hand in his and kissed it.

"Why? You should be happy that I am being ambitious in my life?" his face had an indifferent look so Ana could not read his thoughts.

But she did not care. She had known Ethan for a long time, since the time he had helped her father when he fainted. Since then he has been a good friend of their family. He had helped her mother with bills too.

That was the time she realized that Ethan was interested in her. That time, she wanted to taste relationships too so she accepted his favors.

They had made out many times. But now that she had gone to university and had found a better man. Ethan was still the most handsome one, but he had no plans for the future. And she did not want to rot in a small apartment forever even when it looked so cozy and luxurious. 

All of these things must be secondhand. She only treats their relationship as friends with benefits.