Are They Friends?

"Since all of you have come to challenge me, you have to fight with me." He was already full of vigor and now that he had realized the way, he was going to fight them till the end. The thrill of winning could not be replaced by any other feeling.

They all gulped as if they had heard a death sentence. They looked at the thug who had called them and cursed him openly as if they wanted to only beat him.

Max stood up and came forward earning a raised brow from Ethan.

"I know that me and my men had made a mistake by challenging you, master Ethan. But please be magnanimous enough to forgive us fools. As long as you forget this encounter and be friends with us again, we are ready to offer you any kind of compensation." he bowed his head in defeat, surprising everyone there.

They all looked shocked but after gulping they followed his actions and bowed their heads. 

Ethan did not reply, he assessed their strength. Though they lost to him, Ethan was sure all of them would be able to handle six or seven normal people in a fight. His eyes narrowed. But his silence was misunderstood by the goons. 

They broke into cold sweat and did not know how to save their lives.

"As a token of appreciation, we want to offer you a gift.'' The thug who had called others and guarded the young girl brought the girl toward Ethan and pushed him into Ethan's arms.

Ethan instinctively held the young girl by her waist when he lost her balance and was about to fall to the ground. Her soft boobs immediately crushed in his hard chest. 

Her soft and supple skin started to mold around his hard muscles. 

"Ha! You all know how to play." Ethan chuckled while looking at them with a softer expression. "Alright, I will forget this one fight and we will be friends from now on. If you ever need my help, I will join you and you will do that too."

He asked them with a raised brow. As if all of them had been given an amnesty by the heavens. They all nodded at once with a look of joy on their faces.

"Yes, Master Ethan. We will always be at your service." they all shouted in unison while looking relieved and overjoyed. 

They all ran from there happily. Leaving Ethan with the girl in his arms. The girl was squirming hard as if she was in pain.

She pressed her tender body further into his chest. He realized what kind of drug was offered to her at once.

"Ha! I really want to help you. But if I take you to the hospital, they will only blame me for that." he muttered softly.

As if the girl had listened to him, her frown grew deeper and she leaned toward him. He looked at her succulent red lips that enticed him. How he wanted to kiss them and enjoy them. His gaze became heated. 

Now that she was in his arms, he could see her fair face clearly. Her curly jet-black hair fell on her waist like a waterfall. Her brown misty eyes looked so alluring, full of desire.

Her skin was so soft and she had perfect curves on her body. She looked more like those elegant women belonging to upper-class families. Even the slight fragrance coming from her body, a mix of honey and lavender belongs to upper-class families.

"How could they find a woman like you in this area?" he murmured but the women only frowned. 

"Tch! Do you want that kiss so badly." he rubbed her waist and was about to lean when he heard many footsteps behind him and then someone shouted.

"Ethan!" Ethan frowned. If there was another gang who wanted to challenge him they have chosen the wrong timing. He was going to teach a good lesson to them.

But when he turned, he was surprised to see the man leaning on the tree before running toward him with six men following him. Though they all were dressed in casual clothes. They all were well built. 

They have the ability to take those thugs down in one kick. And they all looked raged.

The man stopped in front of Ethan and looked around with confusion.

"Fuck! Where the hell were they? Do not tell me that they have left personally to bring more men." he cursed badly. He ran a hand in his hair and grumbled with a face full of rage.

Ethan noticed the sweat trickling from his body. It looked like the man had run all the way to get help and returned here running too. Why? He did not even know the name of this man.

Ethan felt all of them looking at him too.

"I had already dealt with them," he announced in a soft voice with a chuckle following it as if it was not a big deal. "And I have never asked for help." 

He looked at all of those men with an assessing gaze. Who were they and why did they come for his help? Didn't the thugs say that Ethan was a loner and did not socialize much?

The man flinched and his Adam apple bobbed slowly. He looked at Ethan again with a smile this time. 

"Ha! Hahaha. Of course, you did not ask for help. But there were so many that I thought you would need it. How could I let you face that alone? After all, we are friends." he explained in a hurried tone.

Even when Ethan believed that they could be friends before, he could not believe it anymore after looking at their awkward faces and the way they flinched hearing the word Friend.

"Ah! Is that so? I did not remember many of you so.." Ethan dragged. Even if he did not know their intention. It was clear that they did not want to hurt him.

"Boss Aiden. We do not think there is any danger. Shall we return to our houses?" asked one man in a tone full of unease.

The man scanned the area again as if looking for possible dangers. When he did not find anything strange, he nodded his head at once.

They all left with slow steps this time talking to each other. Ethan, who had stronger senses than normal humans thanks to the essence of a grim reaper, could hear their complaints. But they said nothing that could pacify his curiosity.

"You have scared me there for a second, man." The man named Aiden came forward and punched Ethan's chest lightly with a fist. 

Others might see it as a friendly gesture, but Ethan could feel that Aiden was trying to assess things. 

"But how did you deal with all of them alone?" When he could not get any possible answer, he asked Ethan directly with his eyebrows raised to make Ethan chuckle.

"Why do you not fight me and try yourself?"