The beginning of the adventure

 Narrator: The wasteland stretched out in all directions, a barren expanse of dust and rock, twisted metal, and broken dreams. Larina Ariana, her Aks74u smokey wolf submachine gun slung over her shoulder, trudged through the desolate landscape, searching for anything that might hint of survival. She'd been wandering for days, ever since the last safehouse had been overrun by marauders. Her throat was parched, her body aching from the constant exertion and lack of sustenance. She spotted a pool of water nearby, its surface a murky green hue, and decided to investigate further.


Larina Ariana: Hmm, I wonder if you can drink it or not?


Narrator: As she drew closer, Larina could see that the pool was ringed with the skeletal remains of long-dead animals and plants. The water itself was thick with a film of slime, and she could hear strange gurgling noises coming from beneath the surface. The wasteland might be devoid of life, but it was still teeming with danger. She reached down cautiously and dipped her hand into the pool, withdrawing it quickly when a slimy tendril wrapped around her wrist.


Larina Ariana: Ugh, what an abomination * shakes off these tentacles from his hand * we need to find water * sees a seller who sells various things*


Narrator: A figure huddled over a makeshift table, their back turned to Larina. A tattered tent provided scant shelter from the merciless sun, and various trinkets, baubles, and bits of junk were spread out on the tabletop. As she approached, the figure turned to face her, revealing a weathered face framed by a thick, graying beard. His eyes, a piercing blue, regarded her with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity.


The traveling merchant: *coughs* Well, well, well. Look what the wind blew in. You lost, little girl? Need some protection? I got some real fine firearms here, all in working order. Or maybe you're more interested in trinkets? Jewelry? A little something to remind you of the world that was? I got that too. Name your price, and it's yours.


Larina Ariana: Listen, old man, you have water. As you can see, I already have a weapon. Do you want to test it on yourself?


The traveling merchant: *chuckles* Oh, I see you're one of those types, huh? Well, I'll be honest with you. Water's precious these days, but it'll cost you. What do you have to offer in trade? Maybe something from that rifle of yours? Or perhaps you've got some valuable scrap metal from one of those ruins you been poking around in?


Larina Ariana: *Looking for something finds a coin made of pure silver that she picked up from one of the looters* There is such a coin, it seems to be rare



The traveling merchant: *his eyes lighting up* Oh, now that's interesting. A silver coin, huh? I don't see many of those these days. Well, alright. For that coin, you can have half a canteen of water. Just be sure to boil it before you drink it, you hear? You don't want to be getting sick from the stuff in there. And as for the gun, well, I'm sure you can take care of yourself. You seem like a tough one. Good luck out there, kid.


Larina Ariana: * points his weapon at him * listen old man, this coin is clearly worth more than half a flask of water, let's agree on 2 full flasks?


The traveling merchant: *his eyes narrow, but he doesn't move* Alright, alright. You've got a point. For that silver coin, you can have two full flasks of water. Just take it easy with me, huh? I've got my own family to look after. But, uh, if you're ever in the market for something else, you know where to find me.


Larina Ariana: * took 2 flasks of water and gave the coin * Thanks, old man, I'll see you again


The traveling merchant: *watches her go with a mix of curiosity and wariness*


Narrator: The desert stretches out before her, seemingly endless and barren. The sand dunes rise and fall, creating a shifting landscape that can be both beautiful and treacherous. The sky above is an unyielding blue, merciless in its glare. Larina walks through the desert, her steps sure and determined. As she continues on her journey, she spots a group of looters surrounding a young girl. The girl is sobbing, her small hands trying to shield her face from the blows being rained down upon her.


Larina Ariana: damn looters * lie down on the sand and take out a weapon * well, I killed many and you are no exception


Narrator: With a sigh, Larina lies down in the sand, her back propped up against a dune. She takes out her trusty rifle, carefully checking its load before raising it to aim. The looters, a ragtag group of desperate survivors, haven't noticed her yet. They are too focused on their brutal attack on the young girl.


Narrator: The girl, covered in bruises and tears, is curled up into a ball, trying to protect herself from the blows. One of the looters kicks her violently, sending her tumbling across the sand. Another one laughs, the sound harsh and cruel in the still air.


Larina Ariana: *shot at one and hit*



Narrator: A shot rings out across the desert, echoing loudly. One of the looters clutches at his chest, blood pouring from the wound. He falls to the ground, gasping for air. The others turn in surprise, their eyes wide with fear and anger. They glance at Larina, then back at the girl, and seem to make a decision. With a growl, they scatter, disappearing into the shifting sands of the desert.


Larina Ariana: Stand the bastards * shoots all the looters*


Narrator: Larina fires off several more shots, hitting the remaining looters. They collapse to the ground, their bodies twitching as they breathe their last. The girl, still sobbing, slowly uncurls herself from the fetal position. Her eyes meet Larina's, filled with an intense mix of gratitude and fear.


Young Girl: T-thank you... I... I don't know what they wanted... They just came out of nowhere...


Larina Ariana: You're welcome to be careful. Can I take you somewhere?


Young Girl: Y-yes... I just need to find my family... They were traveling with me... I hope they're okay...


Narrator: Suddenly, two jeeps appear in the distance, their machine guns pointed directly at Larina and the girl. The girl lets out a frightened scream, covering her eyes. A group of armed men leap out of the jeeps, surrounding them. The leader of the group, a man with a sneer on his face, steps forward.


Leader: Well, well, well. Looks like we have ourselves a couple of interesting targets.


Larina Ariana: Damn bastard * directs the weapon*


Leader: You dare threaten me? Fine. You can die here, or you can come with us. Your choice.


Leader: Seize her! Disarm her and tie her hands behind her back. And shoot the other one right here. No need to waste any bullets.


Larina Ariana: What... oh?


Narrator: The leader gestures impatiently to one of his men. "Do it!" he growls. The man slowly approaches Larina, carefully patting her down to make sure she has no more weapons. Once he's certain, he forces her arms behind her back and ties them tightly. Another man moves forward, grabbing the young girl from behind and pushing her roughly to the ground. He searches her body and finds the small knife she was carrying. He hands it to the leader, who nods in satisfaction.


Leader: Now, shoot her! Right here, where she stands. Make it quick and painless.


Narrator: The man hesitates, his finger tightening on the trigger of his machine gun. The girl looks on, horrified. The leader growls again, more impatiently this time. "Do it!" he shouts. Finally, the man takes a deep breath and squeezes the trigger. The girl's body jerks violently as the bullets tear through her, sending her to the ground in a bloody heap. The leader turns back to Larina, a cruel smile playing on his lips.


Leader: Well, well, well. Looks like we have ourselves a feisty one here. I think you'll fit right in with us. You're coming with us, whether you like it or not.


Larina Ariana: *trying to break out of the ropes * Damn, I'm going somewhere with you


Leader: Oh, really? That's too bad. You'll regret that decision. But you'll find out soon enough. Come on, let's get moving.


Narrator: The group of men drags Larina and her belongings through the base, past rows of makeshift tents and storage containers. The sun beats down mercilessly on their backs, making the air sticky and oppressive. Eventually, they arrive at a small, well-fortified building at the center of the camp. The leader motions for his men to enter, and they shove Larina inside, forcing her roughly to her knees. The room is dimly lit, with a large wooden desk dominating one end and a couple of worn leather chairs positioned in front of it. A fire crackles in the stone fireplace, casting flickering shadows across the walls.


Leader: So, I hear you're quite the troublemaker. Interesting. But don't worry, you're going to tell us everything we need to know.


Larina Ariana: *trying to untie his hands* I'm not telling you anything, you bastard.


Leader: We'll see about that. In the meantime, you can enjoy the comforts of our little base. Or lack thereof. My men will take good care of you.


Narrator: The leader pulls out a chair and sits down at his desk, motioning for his men to do the same. They take their positions around the room, standing guard silently. The leader studies Larina for a moment, considering his options. He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms, a cruel smile playing on his lips.



Leader: You know, we could make this easy on both of us. You tell me what I want to know, and I'll spare your life. Or... you can be stubborn. In that case, I'll make sure you suffer before you die. The choice is yours.


Larina Ariana: * She's thinking about how to escape*


Leader: You've got until tomorrow to decide. But trust me, the longer you take, the worse it'll get. So, what's it going to be?


Narrator: The next day arrives, and Larina is brought before the leader once again. She's been kept in chains in a cramped cell all night, and her muscles ache from the lack of movement. The leader sits at his desk, a satisfied smile on his face, obviously enjoying the sight of her discomfort. His men stand at the ready, their weapons drawn.


Leader: Well, well, well... Look at the time. It's decision time, isn't it? What do you have to say for yourself?


Narrator: Suddenly, an idea forms in her mind. She looks around, sizing up her surroundings, and then decides to act. With a sudden burst of strength, she lunges forward, grabbing one of the chains attached to her cuffs and using it as a weapon against the nearest guard. Caught off guard, he falls to the ground, dropping his weapon. Larina seizes the opportunity, snatching the weapon and using it to defend herself against the other guards.


Leader: What in the hells is she doing?! Stop her!


Larina Ariana: **She shoots at everyone, killing everyone including the leader*


Narrator: The gunshots ring out through the small room, echoing off the stone walls. Smoke fills the air as Larina fires wildly, her desperation fueling her actions. In the end, she manages to take out all of the guards, including the leader. The room falls silent, the only sound the ringing in her ears.


Larina Ariana: Well, at least it's better than dying.


Narrator: She takes a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. Now that the immediate danger has passed, she takes a moment to survey her surroundings. The bodies of the guards lie scattered around the room, blood pooling on the stone floor. The desk is overturned, papers and documents strewn everywhere. And behind the leader's chair, a hidden doorway leading to who knows where.


Narrator: Larina looks around the room, trying to find something that could help her. Her eyes land on the overturned desk and the scattered documents. One of the papers catches her attention - it looks like it might be a key. She crawls over to the desk and begins rummaging through the papers, searching for the key.


Narrator: As she flips through the documents, she spots something metallic glinting in the dim light. It's a small key, almost unnoticeable among the mess of papers. She grins triumphantly and reaches out to grab it, but her movement is restricted by the chains that still bind her wrists. She tugs at the chains, trying to reach the key, but it's just out of reach.


Narrator: She glances around the room, thinking about how to free herself. The overturned desk seems like it might provide some support. Larina carefully climbs onto the desk, balancing herself carefully. She reaches out with one leg and hooks it over the back of the chair, using it for leverage. With a grunt of effort, she manages to pull herself upright, the chains still attached to her wrists dangling loosely.


Narrator: Now that she's standing on the chair, she's closer to the chains that bind her wrists. She reaches up and begins fumbling with the lock, trying to undo it. It takes a few tries, but finally she manages to unlock the cuffs. With a triumphant shout, she flings the chains aside and jumps back down to the floor.


Larina Ariana: Great, now we need to get our weapons back.


Narrator: As she looks around the room, she spots the hidden doorway behind the leader's chair. It's probably where they took her weapon when they arrested her. She hesitates for a moment, considering her options. There's no way she can open the door without the key, but maybe she can find another way in.


Narrator: Inspiration strikes her. She kneels down beside the overturned desk and starts rummaging through the papers again. Her fingers brush against something cold and metallic - the key to the hidden door. She grins triumphantly and stands up, the key clutched in her hand.


Larina Ariana: Alright, now that I have the key... let's see what's behind this door.


Narrator: She carefully unlocks the hidden door and pushes it open, revealing a dark hallway beyond. The air is musty and stale, and she can hear distant footsteps and muffled voices. Taking a deep breath, she steps into the hallway, her heart racing.


Narrator: The hallway leads to a larger room, filled with rows of locked cabinets and shelves. In the center of the room is a desk, and behind it sits a guard, casually reading a book. Her weapon is prominently displayed on the desk, just out of his reach.


Narrator: She watches the guard for a moment, trying to come up with a plan. She could try to sneak up behind him and knock him out, but that seems risky. Another option is to distract him somehow...


Larina Ariana: Hmm... distract the guard, maybe? Like, knock something over, or make a loud noise? Or maybe just walk up to him and start talking to him, try to engage him in conversation, and then when he's not expecting it, I could grab my weapon?


Narrator: She decides to go with the last option. Taking a deep breath, she walks over to the desk and tries to act casually. "Excuse me," she says, trying to sound confident and in control. The guard looks up at her, clearly startled by her sudden appearance. "Um, I was just wondering if you could help me with something."


The marauder: The guard looks at her warily. "What do you want?" he asks suspiciously.


Larina Ariana: The head here told me to bring the weapons that were taken away yesterday


The marauder: "Oh, uh, well, I can't really do that without his say-so," the guard says, nodding toward the door. "You should talk to him about it."


Larina Ariana: *takes a weapon from the guard's side and shoots him*


Narrator: There's a loud thud as the guard collapses to the floor, his blood pooling around the desk. The sound of footsteps echoing down the hallway grow closer. Panic rising in her throat, Larin dashes over to her weapon and grabs it just as the other marauders burst into the room. They immediately spot her and shout in alarm, drawing their weapons.


Larina Ariana: * shoots at everyone and kills*


Narrator: The room falls silent as the last of the marauders fall to the ground, their bodies twitching in the final throes of death. Larin stands there, breathing heavily, her heart racing. The air is thick with the smell of blood and gunpowder.


Larina Ariana: Well, it seems that everything needs to get out of here


Narrator: She takes a deep breath and begins to make her way out of the room, carefully avoiding the pools of blood that have begun to form on the floor. As she approaches the hidden door, she wipes the sweat from her brow and grins to herself. She did it. She managed to retrieve the weapons and escape without getting caught. Now she just needs to find a way out of the compound.


Larina Ariana: The exit seems to be close, just need to get past the guards


Narrator: Larin peeks out from around the corner, her gaze darting nervously from one guard to the next. They're posted at regular intervals along the hallway, their weapons drawn and their eyes scanning the area for any signs of movement. She hesitates for a moment, weighing her options, before deciding on a plan.


Larina Ariana: *sneaks past the guards*


Larina Ariana: One by one, she sneaks past the guards, using the shadows and her own agility to avoid detection. Her heart is racing, but she manages to make it to the exit without raising any alarms. Outside, the sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the compound. The air is cool and crisp, carrying with it the scent of freedom.


Narrator: Larin takes a deep breath, feeling a mixture of relief and exhilaration wash over her. She looks around, trying to orient herself. The compound gates are just a few yards away, and beyond that, the vast expanse of the desert awaits. There's still a small group of guards posted at the gates, but she's confident she can get past them.


Narrator: She starts to make her way toward the gates, keeping close to the shadows and staying low. As she approaches, she spots a small group of guards huddled together, laughing and sharing stories. She wonders if they're talking about her, or if they're just trying to pass the time. Either way, she decides it's the perfect opportunity.


Larina Ariana: *distracts the guards with a rock*


Narrator: Larin picks up a small rock and hurls it at the group of guards, causing them to jump and shout in surprise. They turn toward the sound of her voice, their weapons drawn. She uses the distraction to dart forward, quickly scaling the gate and dropping down onto the other side.


Narrator: The desert stretches out before her, vast and empty. The air is cooler now, and the sand shimmers in the moonlight. She takes a deep breath, feeling a sense of freedom wash over her. The compound is behind her now, and there's nothing but open space ahead. She begins to jog, eager to put as much distance between herself and her captors as possible.


Narrator: After running for some time, Larin begins to tire, and her breath comes in ragged gasps. She needs to rest and replenish her strength before continuing on. She scans the horizon, searching for anything that might resemble civilization. Finally, she spots a small oasis in the distance, surrounded by lush greenery. She makes her way toward it, grateful for the chance to rest and recover.


Larina Ariana: Hooray for the oasis, I'll rest now * it fits him but it's a mirage*


Narrator: As Larin approaches the oasis, she finds the same merchant from whom she bought the water flasks. He is sitting by his cart, tending to his wares. Seeing her approach, he smiles warmly and offers her a seat. "Ah, miss Larin! It's good to see you again. I was starting to worry about you. You look tired. Would you like some refreshment?"


Larina Ariana: Uh? listen, there's something to eat, I'll give you this Kalashnikov assault rifle that I'm willing to give for it.


The traveling merchant: "Hmm, you're offering quite a valuable item there, miss Larin. I appreciate the generosity. However, I'm afraid I don't have any food to spare at the moment. My stocks are low, and I'm waiting for my next caravan to bring more supplies." He pauses, considering her offer further. "Perhaps we could make a deal for something else? I have some rare spices and herbs that might interest you."


Larina Ariana: Hmm, is there meat and a lighter then?


The traveling merchant: "Ah, I see. You're looking for food with a bit more substance, huh? Well, I do have some dried meat and some oil for cooking. Not much, but it should be enough for a meal. In exchange for the rifle, I could give you both the dried meat and the oil." He leans forward, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "What do you say, miss Larin? It's a fair trade, don't you think?"


Larina Ariana: Come on, there's no choice anyway * gives away a Kalashnikov assault rifle*


The traveling merchant: "Very well, miss Larin. I'll take good care of it. In the meantime, why don't you make yourself comfortable? I'll get the dried meat and oil ready for you." He retrieves a small wooden box from his cart and produces a knife and a flint, preparing to butcher the meat and start a fire. "Do you have any preferences on how you'd like it cooked?"


Larina Ariana: No, just make meat there is a hunt!



Narrator: After some time, the meat is cooked to perfection. The merchant takes it off the fire and carves it into portions, then places them on a bed of fragrant, steaming rice. He sets the meal in front of you, along with a small bowl of the oily sauce he's been cooking it in. "There you are, miss Larin. I hope you enjoy your meal. It's the best I could do with what I have." He bows his head respectfully before retreating to his cart to tend to his wares once more.


Larina Ariana: * eats with pleasure * yes you are a wizard old man


The traveling merchant: The traveling merchant: "Thank you, miss Larin. Your compliment means a great deal to me," he says with a smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "It's always my pleasure to see my customers enjoy my cooking. If there's anything else you need or want in the future, please don't hesitate to ask. I might just have what you're looking for." He waits for a moment, as if to gauge whether or not you have any further requests, before continuing.


Larina Ariana: * finished * it's cool, old man, okay, let's go somewhere.


The traveling merchant: "Very well, miss Larin. If you'd like, I could escort you to the next town over. It's not far from here, and I should be making the journey soon anyway. It would be my pleasure to have your company." He pauses, studying your expression carefully. "Or, if you'd prefer to strike out on your own, I can understand that as well. Just let me know what you'd like to do."


Larina Ariana: Hmm, for a reason, right?


The traveling merchant: "Pardon me, miss Larin?" He tilts his head, his expression now one of genuine curiosity. "For a reason, you say? I'm afraid I'm not quite following you."


Larina Ariana: Well, do you take me to the city for free or do I need something in return, I have nothing


The traveling merchant: "Ah, I see. Well, as it happens, I was planning on stopping at the next town over to restock my supplies. It would be no trouble to give you a lift there, and if you'd like, we could discuss any trade or services you might be willing to offer in exchange for the ride." He smiles warmly, his gaze steady and honest. "It's up to you, miss Larin. Whatever you feel comfortable with."


Larina Ariana: Okay, I'll go, but don't offer anything indecent.


The traveling merchant: The traveling merchant: "Of course, miss Larin. I can assure you, I would never ask anything inappropriate of you. You have my word as a merchant and a gentleman." He bows his head slightly, his expression sincere. "If it makes you feel more comfortable, you're welcome to remain in the cart while we travel. I'll keep an eye on your belongings and ensure your safety at all times."


Larina Ariana: * get in the cart * let's go


Narrator: You climb into the cart, finding it surprisingly comfortable despite its rustic appearance. The merchant hitches his horse and begins to guide it down the road, the cart creaking and swaying gently with each step. As you ride, you can't help but notice the various items he has for sale, from spices and dried fruits to trinkets and baubles.


Larina Ariana: Listen, do you sell rarer goods?


The traveling merchant: The traveling merchant: "Ah, rarer goods, you say? Well, that depends on what you're looking for, miss Larin. I do have a few items that might be considered uncommon in these parts. Would you like to see what I have?" He glances over his shoulder at you, his curiosity piqued. "Or perhaps you'd like to trade for them?"


Larina Ariana: Hmm, they say they recently found an unusual soda called "Koala in tangerine"


The traveling merchant: The traveling merchant: "Koala in tangerine, you say? Hmm, that does sound intriguing. I've heard of such a beverage before, but I've never actually come across any myself. It's possible that it could be considered a rare find, even for me. If you have any information on where I might be able to get my hands on some, I'd be most appreciative." He chuckles lightly, shaking his head. "Or, if you'd like to trade for it, I'm always open to hearing your offers."


Larina Ariana: hmmm, I don't know where to get it, but they say there is a base that found a truck with goods


The traveling merchant: "A base, you say? And this base is located where, precisely?" The merchant's eyes narrow slightly, his curiosity piqued. "I travel all over the place, miss Larin. If you could give me a general location, I might be able to track down this base and see if they have any of this 'Koala in tangerine' you've been talking about."


Larina Ariana: I can tell you, but alas, I forgot a little, maybe something can remind you * hints at a bribe*


The traveling merchant: The traveling merchant: "Ah, I see. Well, miss Larin, I assure you that I am a man of my word. If I give you my promise that I will not share this information with anyone else, would you be willing to tell me where this base might be located?" He pauses for a moment, then adds, "And of course, if there's anything else you need in exchange for this information, I'm more than willing to discuss it."


Larina Ariana: okay * gives the card away * here it is yours, the place is marked on the map and in return.... I'll think about it while I'm driving


The traveling merchant: The traveling merchant: "Thank you, miss Larin. I appreciate your trust in me." He takes the card from you and studies it carefully, committing the information to memory. "And I understand if you need some time to consider what you'd like in return. I'll be more than happy to wait until you're ready to make a decision."


Larina Ariana: Can you get me an optical sight for my weapon preferably 8x


The traveling merchant: The traveling merchant: "Certainly, miss Larin. An optical sight for your weapon, you say? I'm not the most familiar with such things, but I'll see what I can find. It might take some time to track one down, but I'll do my best to find an 8x optical sight for you." He nods seriously, folding the card and tucking it back into his pocket. "In the meantime, is there anything else I can help you with?"


Larina Ariana: Let's just get to the city.


The traveling merchant: The traveling merchant: "Very well, miss Larin. I'll make sure we arrive at the city safely. If you need anything at all, just let me know." The merchant turns his attention back to the cart, checking the horses' harnesses and making sure everything is secure. The journey continues, the winding path through the forest gradually giving way to more open terrain as they approach the outskirts of the city.



Narrator: As they approach the city, the traveling merchant steers the cart along the wide, cobblestone streets, navigating through the bustling crowds with ease. Merchants hawk their wares from makeshift stalls, peddlers walk through the crowd with carts laden with food and drink, and entertainers perform for coins. The sounds of music, laughter, and animals fill the air, creating a lively atmosphere that is both inviting and overwhelming.


Narrator: Eventually, they arrive at the city gates. The guards wave them through, recognizing the traveling merchant as one of the regulars. The merchant pulls the cart to a stop in front of a dimly lit tavern, the smell of ale and smoke wafting out from within. He turns to you, Larin Ariana. "Here we are, miss Larin. This is the tavern I had in mind. If you need anything else, I'll be inside, tending to my business. Just give a shout."




Larina Ariana: All right come on old man


Narrator: Nodding, the traveling merchant steps aside to let you enter the tavern first. The dim light is provided by a few torches and sconces, casting flickering shadows across the rough-hewn wooden walls. A wooden bar runs along the back, and several tables and benches are scattered about the floor. The tavern seems to be doing a brisk business this evening, with patrons of all sorts filling the place.


Narrator: After that, you went to the tavern and ordered a mug of beer.


Larina Ariana: * sips a beer * listen, innkeeper, is there any work related to the murder?


innkeeper: You lean in close to the innkeeper, taking care not to be overheard. He looks around cautiously before leaning in as well. "There's always work related to murder, miss. You know how it is. But if you're lookin' for official business, I'd head down to the city watch station. They're usually the ones in charge of investigations like that."


Larina Ariana: I don't need official ones, they pay better in the last city, I did things


innkeeper: The innkeeper raises an eyebrow, but doesn't press the issue. "Well, if you're lookin' for unofficial jobs... there's always rumors of a few folks in the criminal underworld who might be interested in settlin' some scores. But be careful who you talk to. Those sorts can be tricky, and word gets around fast."


Larina Ariana: *drinks beer * do you know such people or is there anyone here?


innkeeper: The innkeeper glances around the tavern, looking for anyone who might be listening too closely. "There's a few names that come to mind. But you'd have to talk to someone trusted, someone who knows the ins and outs of the underworld. Someone like... well, like me." He winks and leans in closer. "I could make some introductions, if you're interested."


Larina Ariana: Wow, you're a business man. I wonder


innkeeper: The innkeeper grins, enjoying the attention. "I've been around, miss. I know a thing or two about gettin' things done. So, what do you say? Interested in doin' some unofficial work for some not-so-official people?"



Larina Ariana: * drinking beer * show me who needs to be killed


innkeeper: The innkeeper hesitates for a moment, considering your request. "All right, miss. If you're serious about this, meet me in the back alley behind the tavern in an hour. Bring some gold for a retainer, and we'll see what we can arrange." He nods towards the front of the tavern. "In the meantime, maybe you'd like another drink?"


Larina Ariana: I wouldn't mind one beer.


innkeeper: With a wink, the innkeeper turns away to tend to another customer. You sip your beer, watching the various patrons of the tavern go about their business. The minutes tick by slowly, but eventually it's time to meet with the innkeeper. You slip out of your booth and head towards the back alley.


Narrator: The back alley is dimly lit by flickering torches set into the walls at irregular intervals. The cobblestones are slick with mud and rainwater, making it difficult to walk quietly. The stench of garbage and human waste fills the air. As you round a corner, you see the innkeeper leaning against a crumbling brick wall, smoking a pipe.


innkeeper: The innkeeper looks you up and down, appraisingly, as you approach. "You're sure you want to do this?" he asks, his voice low. "It's not a game, miss. People will die, and their families will be looking for blood."


Larina Ariana: Heh, who do you want to scare? I have a reputation in the world of contract killings in the last city


innkeeper: The innkeeper nods, apparently satisfied with your response. He reaches into his pocket and produces a small pouch, tossing it to you. "There's a hundred gold pieces in there. That's the retainer. Now, as for who you're looking for..." he trails off, glancing around again. "There's a man named Rykor who's been causing some trouble for the right people. He's been holed up in a place called the Warrens, but I can give you directions if you're interested."


Larina Ariana: Let's go into as much detail as possible


innkeeper: The innkeeper nods. "All right. Rykor's been using the Warrens as his base of operations. It's a pretty bad part of town, even by these standards. You'll find it south of the docks, near the ruins of the old temple. You can't miss it; it's the biggest building around, and it's guarded pretty heavily. There's a few ways to get in, but the best one is through the sewers. They're not too deep, and you should be able to find a grate leading down to them behind the tavern."


Larina Ariana: Great, I'll go straight ahead.


innkeeper: The innkeeper leans back against the wall, exhaling a plume of smoke. "Just remember, miss. Once you're in there, there's no going back. There's no honor in what you're about to do. And if you manage to get out alive, don't expect anyone to thank you for it."


Larina Ariana: * goes to find the sewer behind the tavern * yes yes I know


innkeeper: The innkeeper watches you as you head towards the tavern. "And Larina?" you hear him call after you. "If you do manage to take him down, make sure you bring me back his left pinky finger. That'll be another hundred gold pieces."


Narrator: Larina Ariana finds the sewer grate behind the tavern and descends into the stinking waters. The sewers are dimly lit by flickering lamps, but she is able to find her way with ease, using her familiarity with the city's layout. She follows the map and navigates through several twists and turns until she reaches the area where the Warrens are supposed to be.


Larina Ariana: So I'm fine here, we need to do it quietly


Narrator: Larina Ariana and Rykor are in the Warrens, a seedy part of town south of the docks. The buildings here are in disrepair, and the streets are littered with trash and debris. Rykor's base of operations is a large, fortified building that dominates the area. There are several guards posted around the perimeter, keeping watch for intruders.


Narrator: The sewers empty out into a narrow alleyway a short distance away from the Warrens. The stench of garbage and human waste fills the air as you climb out of the sewers and crouch down behind a dumpster. You can see a guard patrolling back and forth near the entrance to the Warrens. He seems to be paying close attention to his surroundings.


Larina Ariana: * throws a stone and a weapon, twisting his neck and smashing his body into the alley*


Narrator: The guard lets out a gurgling cry as you take him down with a well-placed throw. His body slumps to the ground, revealing a key tied around his neck. You quickly search the body and take the key, as well as the weapon you threw. Now that you're inside the Warrens, you need to find Rykor.


Narrator: The interior of the Warrens is dimly lit, with narrow, winding passages leading deeper into the complex. You can hear the sounds of fighting and shouting coming from various directions. Several more guards patrol the hallways, looking for intruders.


Narrator: A door at the end of the hallway is slightly ajar. Through it, you can see a small room with a desk and several bookcases. A lone guard stands watch over the room. He doesn't seem to notice you as you creep closer.


Narrator: She stunes the guard with a head on the head


Larina Ariana: Well let's go look for Rykor then.


Narrator: After that, she examines the cabinet, but suddenly the door closes and stands nearby Rukor


Rukor: So, you've finally found your way in. I must say, I'm impressed with your determination. But what you're about to find out is that I'm not as easy to kill as you may think.


Larina Ariana: *fires bullets at him, killing him*


Narrator: Rykor falls to the ground, mortally wounded. You search his body and find a small, hidden compartment in his clothing. Inside, you discover a key and a piece of parchment with an address written on it. You take these items as evidence of Rykor's crimes. Now that he's dead, it's time to report back to the innkeeper and collect your reward.


Larina Ariana: *takes a knife and cuts off the left finger Rukor*


Narrator: You cut off Rykor's finger and pocket it as proof of his demise. With the evidence in hand, you make your way back through the Warrens and back to the inn. The innkeeper greets you with a smile.


innkeeper: Ah, Larina Ariana. I heard you were successful in your mission. Let me see that evidence.


Larina Ariana: *gives you what you found including your finger*


innkeeper: Thank you. Here's your reward, as promised.


Larina Ariana: * I took the award * yeah, contact me, but I'll go find a hotel


innkeeper: Of course. Here's a list of reputable hotels in the city. Enjoy your stay, and congratulations on a job well done.


Narrator: You return to your room in the inn, feeling satisfied with a job well done. As you're about to lie down on the bed, you hear a commotion coming from the bar. Curious, you peek your head out of your door and see a young woman being kidnapped by two thugs. They drag her into an alleyway.


Narrator: Without hesitation, you grab your weapons and race after them. You manage to catch up to the thugs just as they're about to disappear into another alleyway. The woman struggles against her bonds, tears streaming down her face.


Narrator: I see the order, right? You better give her to me, I have more plans for her than you do * pointing a gun*


kidnaper: We're just doing our job, pal. This lady's got a lot of debts to pay off. You shouldn't get involved.


Larina Ariana: * all the guns pointed at him * well, don't force me to shoot, just give it to me, I have an order for it


kidnaper: Fine, fine. Just take her. But if you know what's good for you, you'll forget you ever saw us together.


Larina Ariana: Agreed


kidnaper: *one of the thugs hands her over* Here she is. Now get out of here before we change our minds.


Narrator: After that, she took the girl outside.


Girl: *sobbing* Oh, thank you, miss! You don't know how much I've been through...


Larina Ariana: *points a gun at the girl*


Girl: *freezes in fear*


Larina Ariana: * laughs as he puts away his weapon * calm down, I was joking, can I accompany you?


Girl: *sniffles* Yeah... um, sure... thanks...


Larina Ariana: Well, where do you want to go, miss?


Girl: *looks around nervously* I-I don't know... I just need somewhere safe...


Larina Ariana: Hmm well come with me to the hotel I'll pay for 3 days of accommodation


Girl: *still hesitant* Are you sure? I don't want to cause you any trouble...


Larina Ariana: Yes, everything is fine, I recently received money from one task, so let's go to the hotel and in the morning you will inform the police


Girl: *looks relieved* T-thank you... I'll be in your debt...


Larina Ariana: Yes, I'm doing fine because I like helping people.


Girl: *nods, trying to wipe away her tears* Th-thank you... really...


Narrator: *takes the girl's hand and leads her to the hotel* Let's go, I'll take care of everything.


Narrator: *glances at the girl, trying to reassure her* Don't worry, we're almost there. Just a few more steps...


Narrator: *they finally arrive at the hotel* Okay, here we are. Just follow me and I'll check us in.


Larina Ariana: *Comes to the counter* Miss, here are 6 gold coins for you, 3 of them for 3 nights at the hotel and 3 more for lunch to the girl


Girl: *takes the coins and hands them a key* You got it, Ms. Ariana. Room 125 is all yours. Enjoy your stay.


Larina Ariana: *Gives the girl a key with the room number written on it* You can go to bed now


Girl: *nods, takes the key and turns around to head to the room* Thank you, miss... for everything...


Narrator: *watches her go before turning back to the receptionist* Thank you again, Resephion. I hope you have a nice day. *leaves the counter and heads to their room* I think I'll turn in as well. It's been a long day. *unlocks the door and enters the room, laying down on the bed* Ahh, this feels so much better. *closes eyes and falls asleep*


Narrator: *sleepily sighs and rolls over, her back to the door* Just as she's about to drift back off, she feels something cold and soft press against her mouth and nose... It smells... familiar... but wrong... She tries to struggle, to yell, but no sound comes out... Her body goes limp as the drug takes effect, and she falls into a deep, dreamless sleep.


Narrator: *Finally awakens, groaning and stretching. She sits up, only to find herself in a tiny cage, her hands and legs bound tightly with rope. A handkerchief covered in duct tape is stuffed into her mouth, making it hard to breathe. Her heart races as she realizes that she has been kidnapped. Panic starts to set in, but she forces herself to calm down and think. She looks around the room, trying to find anything she can use to escape or signal for help. The room is sparsely furnished, with only a table and a chair besides the cage. There's a small window high up on the wall, but it's barred and doesn't look like she can reach it. She thinks about the duct tape and the handkerchief, wondering if she could use them to communicate with someone. Her eyes dart to the door, wondering if it's unlocked...*


Narrator: *Hearing footsteps outside, she tenses up, trying to remain quiet. The door opens, and the main kidnapper walks in. He's a tall, menacing figure dressed in all black, with a ski mask covering his face. He carries a large duffel bag, which he drops on the floor with a thud. The girl tries to look for any weaknesses or openings in his armor, hoping to find a way to take him down and escape. The man glances at her briefly before turning his attention to the table, rummaging through the duffel bag. He pulls out a few items and places them on the table, before finally noticing the cage and her bound form. He grins maliciously, revealing a pair of chillingly white teeth beneath the ski mask. "Ah, little one. You're awake." He paces around the cage, studying her intently. "I have big plans for you. But first..." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small vial of clear liquid. "This should help you feel a bit more comfortable." He unscrews the top and holds it out to her, tauntingly. "Want a drink? It'll help you sleep...really good." His voice is cold and menacing, sending shivers down her spine. She tries to shake her head no, but the gag makes it impossible. He chuckles darkly and puts the vial back in his pocket. "Don't worry, I'll give it to you when you need it." He paces back and forth, seemingly lost in thought. The girl watches him warily, unsure of what he might do next. She feels a growing sense of dread and panic as he continues to toy with her. She has to find a way out of


Hoshin Airo: So so so so you killed an important man named Rukor and saved our debtor * orders to bring that girl who was saved*


Larina Ariana: *Large tears roll down her cheeks as she struggles against the ropes binding her. She whimpers pitifully, unable to speak through the gag stuffed into her mouth. Her body shakes with fear and desperation as she tries to find a way out of this nightmare. The room feels cold and unyielding, like the walls are closing in on her. She watches the kidnapper pace back and forth, trying to gauge his movements, his intentions. Her eyes dart around, searching for anything she can use to escape or signal for help. She tries to wriggle free of the ropes, but they only dig deeper into her skin, causing her more pain. Tears stream down her face as she continues to whimper and struggle. She doesn't know what this man plans to do with her, but she refuses to give up without a fight. As he paces closer, she makes one last, desperate attempt to communicate, hoping that he might understand her pleas for mercy. Her body goes limp as she lets out a long, drawn-out whine, hoping that he might hear her and show some sign of compassion. But deep down, she knows better. This man is a monster. And she is his prey.)


Narrator: *The door opens, and another kidnapper walks in, carrying a struggling girl in his arms. He sets her down roughly on her knees next to you, her hands tightly tied behind her back. A rag is stuffed into her mouth, held in place by adhesive tape. The girl tries to make eye contact with you, her own eyes filled with terror and desperation. You can see the rope burns on her wrists where the kidnappers have tied her up. You feel a pang of sympathy for her, but you know that sympathy won't get either of you out of this situation. You both are at the mercy of these monsters. The main kidnapper glances at the two of you, a cruel smile playing at the corners of his lips. He steps closer to the girl and kneels down, speaking softly to her. "Don't worry, pretty thing. You're going to be just fine. You're with family now." His voice is calm and reassuring, but there's an undercurrent of menace that chills you to the bone. The girl whimpers through her gag, her body shaking with fear. You wish you could comfort her, but you're trapped in your own cage.


Narrator: *The main kidnapper reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gun. You feel a chill run down your spine as he casually aims it at the girl next to you. There's a moment of silence, broken only by the girl's muffled whimpers through her gag. And then, without hesitation, he pulls the trigger. The gunshot echoes through the room, and the girl's body jerks violently. Blood splatters on the walls and floor, painting a gruesome pattern. The kidnapper stands up, wiping off his hand with a satisfied grin. "There now, that won't hurt anymore." He turns back to you, his gaze cold and unfeeling. "You see what happens when you cross us?" He paces around the room, examining his handiwork. "You should have just stayed out of this."


Larina Ariana: *As the other girl is brought in, Larina tries to focus on anything that might help them both. The man's words about not hurting her anymore do nothing to reassure her. If anything, they only make her more terrified. She tries to maintain eye contact with the other girl, silently willing her to stay strong. When the man pulls out his gun and aims it at the other girl, Larina feels her own body go rigid with fear. She watches in horror as the gun fires, the sound echoing through the room. Blood splatters everywhere, and Larina lets out a muffled cry through her gag, feeling a mixture of pain and despair. The man seems satisfied, commenting that it won't hurt anymore. Larina looks at the ground, tears streaming down her face as she tries to process what has just happened. She shakes her head slowly, unable to believe that this is real. The man's threat to her only reinforces the hopelessness she feels. She tries to summon up some strength, some courage, but it's hard to find any in this situation.)


Hoshin Airo: Well, we've sorted out one problem


Larina Ariana: *As the man speaks, Larina continues to feel the weight of the situation pressing down on her. She knows that she has to stay strong, but it's becoming increasingly difficult. She tries to focus on anything that might give her hope, but there is nothing. The only thing she can do now is wait and hope for an opportunity to escape. When the man paces around the room, examining his handiwork, Larina can't help but feel a renewed sense of helplessness. She looks down at her bound hands, feeling the rope dig into her skin. She makes plaintive noises through her gag, trying to get his attention, to make him understand that she's not a threat. But he seems more interested in tormenting her than listening to reason. Finally, she looks back up at him, her eyes pleading for mercy. She can't take much more of this.)


Hoshin Airo: So what should I do with you? I have an idea!


Larina Ariana: *Hearing the man's question, Larina's heart races. She doesn't know what to say or do. She tries to think of something, anything, that might save her life. As he paces around the room, she watches him carefully, trying to gauge his mood. His smug expression doesn't fill her with hope. When he finally turns to face her again, she musters up all of her courage and looks him in the eye, willing him to understand that she's not a threat. She shakes her head slowly, tears streaming down her face.)


Hoshin Airo: Listen Larina Ariana you killed a lot of people, didn't you?


Larina Ariana: *The man's words only serve to intensify her fear and shame. She feels like she's being punished for something she didn't do. She tries to shake her head no, but the gag muffles the sound. Tears stream down her face as she looks at him pleadingly, hoping that he'll understand. She wants to apologize, to explain that she didn't mean for any of this to happen. But all she can do is wait, terrified of what he might decide to do next.)


Hoshin Airo: I'll take your moans for yes! so you're going to help kill one important person and consider that I owe you well, do you agree?


Larina Ariana: *Larina nods frantically, tears streaming down her face. She'll do anything to escape this nightmare. She tries to speak through her gag, but it only comes out as muffled sounds. She looks at the man desperately, willing him to understand. She'll help him, she'll do whatever it takes. But first, she needs to be freed from these ropes.)


Hoshin Airo: well, then sign this paper that you will not cheat, or if you cheat, you will live in the woods * smiling* because my people will kill you in any city

Larina Ariana: *Larina shakes her head vigorously, trying to convey that she won't cheat. She'll do whatever it takes to help him, but she won't betray his trust. Tears stream down her face as she looks at him, hoping he understands. Finally, she gives a small nod, indicating that she's willing to sign the paper. She just needs him to free her hands first.)


Hoshin Airo: the guards completely untie her and take out the gag and let her sign it


Larina Ariana: *With her hands finally free, Larina quickly signs the paper. She doesn't want to spend another moment like this. When she looks up at the man, her face is red and puffy from crying. She tries to apologize, but the words won't come out. Instead, she reaches out to him, her hands shaking, and begs for his understanding. She's not a threat, she promises, she'll help him in any way she can. But first, she needs to get cleaned up. She can't go out like this, looking like this. She needs to look presentable, to show him that she's sincere.)


Hoshin Airo: All right, give her her weapons as well as all the money I don't need them, but she can't live without them.


Larina Ariana: *Larina takes the weapons and money gratefully, feeling a sense of relief washing over her. She nods her head vigorously, promising that she won't let him down. When she sees her reflection in a piece of polished metal, she cringes, wincing at the sight of her own face. She looks like a wild animal, covered in dirt and blood. She needs to clean up, to feel human again. With determination in her eyes, she turns back to the man.)


Larina Ariana: *She hesitates, unsure of how to phrase her request. Finally, she decides to simply be direct. "I need to clean up," she says simply. "Please, can I have some time alone to do that? I'll be quick, I promise."


Hoshin Airo: Security escort her to the bathroom then bring her to my office


Larina Ariana: *Larina nods gratefully, following the guards as they lead her through the dark corridors. They eventually stop at a plain, utilitarian bathroom, and the guards leave her alone with a spare set of clothes and some basic toiletries. She locks the door behind them, leaning against it with a sigh of relief. She wastes no time in stripping off her dirty, bloodstained clothes, stepping into the shower, and turning on the water. It feels incredible, washing away the dirt and filth of the past few hours. She scrubs herself until she's pink and raw, trying to forget what happened.


Narrator: *After washing and cleaning herself, the guards bring her to the leader's office. The room is dimly lit, with a large desk dominating one side and several comfortable-looking chairs arranged around a low table on the other. A fireplace crackles in one corner, lending a cozy atmosphere to the room. The leader, sitting behind his desk, watches her intently as she's escorted in. He gestures for her to sit down in one of the chairs opposite him.


Hoshin Airo: Well, here's the dossier * gives her a paper on which all the information about the victim is* This is the king of this country and you have to eliminate him no matter how we can't, the king knows about us and you're a little girl here for the first time, so you'll do it and consider that it's not me and you haven't seen me and if you try to escape, live in the forest


Larina Ariana: *Larina takes a deep breath and sits down in the chair opposite the leader, trying to appear calm and composed. She takes the dossier from him, glancing through it quickly. As she listens to him explain the situation, she nods along, pretending to understand everything. Inside, she's panicking. She's never killed anyone before, much less someone as important as a king. But she knows that failure is not an option. She looks up at the leader, trying to gauge his true intentions, wondering if there's any way she can manipulate the situation to her advantage.


Hoshin Airo: Oh yes, you know, I can easily read people like you trying to predict how to control me * points a gun at her * do you want to show how I manipulate people?


Larina Ariana: *Larina's heart stops as she sees the gun pointed at her. She swallows hard, forcing herself to remain calm. "I-I understand," she stammered. "I'll do whatever it takes to complete this mission." She looks back down at the dossier, trying to focus on the task at hand and ignore the weapon pointed at her.


Hoshin Airo: * put away the weapon * there is no deadline, but the sooner you kill, the sooner you can leave the city


Larina Ariana: *Larina nods, still feeling a knot of tension in her stomach. "I'll find a way to make contact with him," she says, trying to sound confident. "And once I do, I'll take care of it." She looks up at the leader again, hoping he'll believe her. "Is there anything else I should know about him? Anything that might help me?"


Hoshin Airo: Hmmm let me think * thinks*


Larina Ariana: *Larina sits patiently, waiting for the leader to respond. She tries to gather as much information as she can about the king, studying his face, his mannerisms, anything that might give her an edge. As she waits, she wonders what her next move should be. Should she try to befriend the king? Or should she strike first and eliminate him before anyone suspects a thing? The answer, she knows, depends entirely on the situation when she finally meets him.


Hoshin Airo: yes, I remembered at about 18:30 The King always goes out on the damn terrace with guards who protect him from bullets, so probably your only chance


Larina Ariana: *Larina nods grimly, committing the time and location to memory. "Thank you," she says quietly. "I'll be ready." She stands up, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. As she's led back to the main room, she can't help but wonder what kind of man this king must be, that he requires such elaborate protection. She wonders if he's arrogant or simply paranoid. Either way, it won't matter once she's done with him.


Narrator: *As the hours tick by, the lights dim in the safe house, and the occupants begin to settle in for the night. Larina finds herself alone in a small, bare room with only a mattress on the floor. She can't sleep, her mind racing with plans and doubts. Finally, she decides to try meditating, focusing on her breath and trying to clear her mind. It's not long before she drifts off into an uneasy sleep, dreaming of the upcoming confrontation.


Narrator: *The sun rises over the horizon, casting a warm glow into the room. Larina stirs, rolling out of bed and stretching her stiff muscles. She dresses quickly in dark clothes, careful to conceal her weapons, and slips out of the safe house, blending into the early morning crowd. Her heart is racing as she makes her way toward the palace, but she maintains a calm demeanor, using her training to mask any signs of her true intentions.


Narrator: *Larina follows the winding streets, her gaze darting from side to side as she searches for any signs of danger. Finally, she reaches a small, secluded alleyway that leads up to the palace grounds. She ducks into the shadows, crouching down behind a garbage can. Her breath comes in short, shallow gasps as she waits, watching and waiting for the king to appear.


Larina Ariana: Larina waits, tense and alert, as the minutes tick by. She's careful not to make a sound, knowing that even the slightest noise could give her away. Her eyes dart back and forth, scanning the area for any signs of movement. As she waits, she begins to wonder how the king will react once she finally confronts him. Will he be brave, or will he try to run? She shivers at the thought of what she'll have to do if he tries to escape.


Narrator: *Finally, at nearly 18:30, a guard emerges from the palace and heads down the path toward the terrace. Larina tenses, her muscles coiled like springs. This is her chance. She waits until the guard is out of sight, then slips out of the alleyway and creeps forward, keeping to the shadows. The palace looms before her, its opulent facade a stark contrast to the poverty and despair that reign in the city. With every step, her heart pounds harder in her chest, her breath coming faster and faster.


Larina Ariana: She reaches the edge of the terrace, hidden by a large potted plant. Her heart is hammering in her chest as she watches the king pace back and forth, deep in conversation with his advisors. He looks so arrogant, so sure of himself. She takes a deep breath, steadying her nerves, before creeping out from behind the plant.


Narrator: *As Larina emerges from her hiding spot, the king notices her immediately. His expression turns to one of surprise and then anger. "Who are you?" he demands, his voice cold and threatening. "What do you want?" His guards move closer, their hands on their swords.


Larina Ariana: Um, I'm lost here, can you help me find my way King?


King: Well, you are certainly in the wrong place. This is the royal terrace. Perhaps you meant to go elsewhere. If you'll follow me, I'll escort you back to the main gates.


Larina Ariana: Uh good


King: Good, come along then. He gestures for her to follow him, leading her back through the palace. As they walk, he turns to her and asks, "You don't have any weapons on you, do you?" His voice is still cold, but there's a hint of unease in it.


Larina Ariana: * pulls out his weapon and kills the king running away*


Narrator: *The king's guards react with shock and horror as they see Larina kill their master. Before they can react, she's already sprinting away, disappearing into the shadows of the palace. The alarm is sounded, and guards begin to swarm the terrace, searching for the assassin. But Larina is long gone, vanishing into the twisting streets and alleys of the city like a ghost.


Narrator: *As the sun begins to set, casting long shadows across the city, Larina finally reaches her destination: the seedy tavern where she's been told the man known as the Leader Kidnapper can be found. Her heart is pounding in her chest, a mixture of fear and determination driving her forward. She steps inside, her eyes adjusting to the dim light. The tavern is packed with rough-looking patrons, but she spots him almost immediately: a man sitting alone at a table in the corner, nursing a mug of ale. He looks up at her as she approaches,


Leader Kidnaper: Oh, you sit down


Larina Ariana: *sits down on a chair*


Leader Kidnaper: Well, I suppose you killed the King, didn't you?


Larina Ariana: Yes


Leader Kidnaper: Well, tell me how interesting it was.


Larina Ariana: It was very interesting. I killed him and ran away. It was exciting.


Leader Kidnaper: yeah * looks with envy * we couldn't kill him for 4 years and the little girl coped in a day


Larina Ariana: Yeah, I guess I was just lucky.


Leader Kidnaper: Well * gets the contract she signed*


Larina Ariana: What do you want me to do now?


Leader Kidnaper: * rips paper into small pieces * * drink beer * well, I guess you've done it, you can leave the city if you want


Larina Ariana: Okay, I'll just leave now then. Thanks for the information.


Leader Kidnaper: Yeah come on good luck


Larina Ariana: Thanks. *stands up and walks away from the table*


Narrator: Larina leaves the tavern and starts walking around the city again. The streets are bustling, and soon she finds herself on the outskirts of the market district. There she notices a familiar figure: the same old merchant with whom they rode in the cart recently. He notices her approach and waves to her with a warm smile on his weathered face.


The traveling merchant: Ah, Larina! It's good to see you again! I was just thinking about how you were doing and hoping we'd cross paths. How's life treating you these days?


Larina Ariana: everything is fine, so you haven't been to the base yet where you can get a Koala on tangerine?


The traveling merchant: Ah, yes, the base! I've actually been meaning to visit it soon. I've heard that the new stable master there has been taking excellent care of the animals. But I must say, I'm more interested in seeing how you're doing, my dear. How about you tell me about your adventures since last we met?


Larina Ariana: yes, what can I tell you, I was sitting in a tavern, I drank, I helped the girl to save her from kidnapping * tears are noticeable * I ate, slept, nothing like that


The traveling merchant: Oh, my dear Larina, you don't have to be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you've been through a lot since we last parted ways. It's good to see you're still taking care of yourself, and finding ways to make a living. And who knows? Perhaps one day, when you feel ready, you could come back to the group and share your stories with us. We'd all love to hear about your adventures.


Larina Ariana: Well, when are you leaving?


The traveling merchant: Well, I was actually planning on heading out tomorrow morning. But I'd be more than happy to spend some time with you before then, if you'd like. There's a small inn just up the road where we could stay the night, and we could catch up properly. Would you like that, Larina?


Larina Ariana: No, thank you, do you remember what I said when we were riding in the cart? that I will do any service, but not all kinds of perversions


The traveling merchant: Oh, dear Larina, I meant no offense. Of course I remember what you said. I'm simply offering you a place to stay and some company for the night. You're more than welcome to turn down my offer, but I hope you don't think I was being inappropriate.


Larina Ariana: By the way, you got my order for the 8x sight?


The traveling merchant: Ah, of course! I'm glad you reminded me. I've actually got it right here in my cart. How does that sound? Would you like me to give it to you now or would you prefer to take it with you when we part ways in the morning?


Larina Ariana: Come on, I'll go with you to the next city in the morning.


The traveling merchant: Very well, then. I'm sure we'll have a pleasant journey together. Perhaps you'd like to share some stories from your travels with me as we make our way to the next city?


Larina Ariana: okay, I'll share it * puts a sight on his weapon * now it will be easier to defend himself


The traveling merchant: Ah, thank you, Larina. You're very kind. I'm sure this will come in handy. As we make our way to the next city, perhaps you could tell me more about your journey so far? I'm always fascinated to hear about the adventures of others.


Narrator: The night passes pleasantly, with Larina and the traveling merchant exchanging stories and enjoying each other's company. They arrive at the inn just as the stars begin to fade from the sky, and after checking in and seeing to their horses, they retire to their respective rooms. Larina spends some time cleaning and preparing her weapons, making sure that they are in perfect condition for whatever dangers might lie ahead. Finally, she climbs into bed and falls asleep quickly, her dreams filled with images of her past adventures and the people she has met along the way.